Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 181: Still going on


Nick Fury nodded with deep feeling. Yes, throughout the history of the world and the history of human development, as Ye Qingyang said, things have changed. What was the British Empire like back then? It is known as the empire on which the sun never sets. , but it only lasted a long time before it was caught up by rising stars Germany, France, Soviet Russia, and the United States, and now it has become an established capitalist power.

The Eastern Lion, the Great Han Dynasty, is prospering and is about to catch up with or even surpass the United States in the next few years or more to become the most powerful country on earth.

But who would have thought that just 100 years ago, that ancient eastern country was beaten by the Eight-Power Allied Forces and cried for its father and mother

Nick Fury originally wanted to refuse the cigarette that Ye Qingyang handed over, but in this situation, smoking can really relieve the complexity in his heart. For this reason, Cyclops, who has quit smoking for more than ten years, borrowed a flame from Ye Qingyang and fiercely After taking a strong puff, the spicy smoke rushed into the lungs, filling the memory with the long-lost feeling.

It's so cool. Men really have to drink and smoke. Without these stimulations in life, wouldn't it be as tasteless as boiled water

Ye Qingyang took a few puffs and continued:

"So in order to prevent Loki from destroying Jotunheim, Thor personally destroyed the Rainbow Bridge with Thor's hammer."


The one-eyed dragon who was smoking Meimei shook his hand and the cigarette ashes fell on his pants.

"He destroyed the Rainbow Bridge? Oh, it's such a shame—"

Thinking of the powerful function of the Rainbow Bridge, Cyclops wanted to give his head to Thor's hammer. He really couldn't bear it. No one who heard the magic of the Rainbow Bridge would be willing to destroy this artifact. In the eyes of people on earth, In my eyes, anything that can transport people to another place anytime and anywhere is a magical weapon.

This is a treasure that transcends time and space. It is a magical weapon that countless people on earth dream of.

Ye Qingyang saw the regretful look on the one-eyed dragon's face and smiled.

"Don't be sorry, the Rainbow Bridge can still be repaired, not to mention we have better space gems here, which you will see in the future."

The one-eyed dragon breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Yes, the space gem is still in the hands of his own people. I believe that in the near future, people on earth can also have their own rainbow bridge.

Ye Qingyang went on to say

"Destroyed the Rainbow Bridge, so Thor broke the appointment, otherwise the guy he just fell in love with is still on the earth, and he has never even slept with him. He wouldn't be willing to give up, so don't blame him. Now we need to focus on It’s Loki, he is our current number one enemy.”

One-eyed Dragon's Wonderful Road

"Loki? I just heard your story. Loki is nothing more than a poor war orphan. Because he was instilled with wrong ideas since he was a child, he just wants to prove that he is also capable of being a king. What harm does he do?"

When Ye Qingyang heard what the one-eyed dragon said, he suddenly realized that when watching the movie, movie fans actually also liked the character of Loki. Because of the credit of the actor Tom Hiddleston, Loki was portrayed as a grown-up Aspen. The second princess of Garde is arrogant and likes to play pranks, but her nature is not bad.

In his heart, he still regarded Odin, Frigga and Thor as his relatives, and the Asgard domain as his home and belonging. Although he once wanted to rule and destroy, when Asgard was in danger, He must fight to defend his homeland.

This is the feeling that the movie shows to the audience, but if you look at it from the perspective of an earthling, Loki sent the Destroyer to destroy the earth. If Thor hadn't stepped forward and was willing to die, if it hadn't been for the Destroyer Landing in a frontier town, how much harm could it cause

Not to mention that Loki attracted the Chitauri in Women's Federation 1. In this battle, countless people on earth were killed and injured. Even Coulson, the top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., was stabbed to death by Loki himself. On this point, can Loki be cleared

Who is Coulson

He is a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who has escaped from vulgar taste, and a person who is beneficial to the people.

Just like this, a person who was loved by all the heroes of the Women's Federation was stabbed to death by Loki from behind with a scepter. I think based on this alone, no superhero in the Women's Federation would forgive Loki.

Not to mention that after Loki left Asgard, he took refuge with Thanos, and was controlled by Thanos' Mind Stone. Just like the Winter Soldier, he was brainwashed. Yes, Loki in Women's Federation 1 was destroyed. Ba is under control.

This detail is hidden very deep, because Loki's original eyes were green, but when he appeared in Women's Federation 1, his eyes were blue, and after controlling Hawkeye and Dr. Eric through the scepter, their eyes They also turned blue, so Loki's actions were all done after being controlled by Thanos.

In other words, Loki at this time is no longer himself, but a puppet controlled by Thanos.

But despite this, Ye Qingyang will not sympathize, nor will he be soft because of it, just like Iron Man facing the Winter Soldier, even though he knows that the Winter Soldier is a killing machine controlled by others, and he killed Howard and his wife out of control, But since you have become a weapon, don't blame others for destroying weapons as well.

Just like a very difficult problem in the current society of mental patients killing people, does the life of a mental patient matter, but the lives of us normal people are not lives

Why should they not be held legally responsible for killing someone? Then what do you want those normal people to think

Wouldn’t those prisoners who died and were shot jump out and cry out for injustice

And this also brings a loophole. If you kill someone and take a mental illness test, you can be exempted from punishment. This kind of news has become commonplace. It is really ridiculous.

The law is actually enacted to protect the perpetrators. The parents, wives and children of the injured families have to bear the pain of losing their loved ones. Is this feeling meant to be shared with them

When did mental illness become a free-from-death card

Therefore, the lives of people on Earth are also life, the lives of SHIELD agents are also life, and your own life is also life!

As long as Loki dares to come to the earth to cause trouble, Ye Qingyang will not care how many people love him, he will kill him!

If others dare not kill, I, Ye Qingyang, will do it. I will take care of things that SHIELD does not dare to take care of. In a word, I will take care of things that SHIELD can take care of, and I will take care of even more things that SHIELD can't take care of. Maybe this is what I am here to do. The meaning of the Marvel universe.

In fact, Ye Qingyang has gone through this in his mind several times. Because he has watched most of Marvel's movies, Ye Qingyang has his own opinions on Marvel as a whole, and also has his own likes and dislikes for the characters in it. , Team America's performance was too great and upright, and Ye Qingyang simply didn't believe that such people existed in the world.