Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 196: Fatty


After all, Ye Qingyang's aura is too strong, and the temptation of his unlimited consumption black card is too strong. I must capture him, let him immerse himself in the pleasure of gambling, and make him lose the 10 million US dollars, then he will definitely sink deeper and deeper, and maybe he can win more than 10 million US dollars tonight.

You must know that the casino takes a commission on winnings, which is 1% of the winnings. The more you win, the more the casino earns.

Moreover, for a big customer like Ye Qingyang, a special person would have to be sent to accompany him, mainly to keep him well fed, drunk, and in good condition, and to give him a taste of the sweetness if necessary.

"Yes! yes! It's a flush, it's a flush, I got a flush!"

The fat white man James laughed loudly, as if he was crazy, and he was as good as Fan Jin in winning the imperial examination. He looked at Ye Qingyang fiercely, his eyes widened, and his mouth opened so wide that his throat could be seen.

Ye Qingyang had some doubts that this guy was some kind of Sgurulu. With such a big grin, was he going to transform into a cannibal

Ye Qingyang calmly patted Jessica's little butt and said

"I'm damn fat. It's just a Royal Flush. It's not the biggest Royal Flush. Besides, it's only 10 million US dollars. It's like a mad dog."

The fat white man was furious when he heard this. He glared angrily and said

"Boy, everyone here knows that my straight flush is already the best. Do you think it is possible to get a second royal flush? Your up card is only QJ10, and your hidden card is only 8 and 9. It’s still a little worse than my Ace of Spades. Let me tell you, I’m sure to win. All the money is mine!”

After saying that, he laughed wildly again and leaned over to take all the chips on the gambling table into his arms.

Everyone present actually fell into a misunderstanding. When they saw QJ10, they would naturally think that the hidden cards were the smaller 8 and 9. Just when everyone thought that the dust had settled and was ready to leave.

Ye Qingyang suddenly stopped him and said

"Wait a minute, fat man, my trump card hasn't been revealed yet. Why are you in a hurry? Is there a funeral in your family and you are in a hurry to go back for the funeral?"

The corners of the mouths of everyone present twitched. This four-eyed boy had such a venomous mouth that he actually cursed someone to die in his house. So everyone turned their attention to the fat white man to see how he would react. After all, he was a normal man after being insulted like this. I can’t stand it either.

Sure enough, the fat white man's face suddenly became clear. He was obviously angry and extremely angry. Why, how could you, a defeated general of yours, be so arrogant! Where did you get the confidence

"Asshole! WM!"

The fat white man was about to take action after saying this, but was stopped by the security guard next to Durant. Durant was also in a good mood, and secretly praised Ye Qingyang's calmness. After all, there is no one who can lose 10 million US dollars without changing his expression. Not much, Durant clapped his hands and smiled.

"James, this is my territory, and everyone who comes is a friend. I can't allow two friends to fight in my home."

The fat white man froze when he heard this and sat back angrily. He pointed at Ye Qingyang and said

"You're lucky, I'll give the casino owner some face, and I'll deal with you later when you get out."

In fact, he didn't know that it was Durant who saved his life. If he dared to rush over just now, Ye Qingyang was ready to send him to the west to see Tathagata Buddha.

With such a fat figure, he should be the talent Lingshan needs.

Ye Qingyang frowned slightly and said

"Let me tell you, aren't you curious about what my trump card is?"

Durant was also a little puzzled when he heard this. He turned to look at Azu next to him. The long-haired man shook his head. He didn't have clairvoyant eyes. How could he know what the trump card was? The moment he passed the tremor of the table and raised his head slightly. , he saw Fatty’s trump card, so he asked Durant to come over to borrow money, but Ye Qingyang’s two trump cards were kept under pressure and no one could see them.

The fat white man shouted

"Hmph, I don't care what you do. Anyway, I won today. If you have money, keep gambling. If you don't have money, just get out!"

Ye Qingyang laughed loudly, reached out and turned over the trump card that had not been shown.


The two hole cards appeared under the bright lights of the casino, and the two flashing hearts almost blinded the eyes of the melon-eaters.

"Fuck! It's the King of Hearts and the Ace of Hearts!"

"Oh my God, what did I see? I saw the ultimate royal flush of Texas Hold'em right here!"

"It's the legendary Royal Flush! It's said that there's only a one-in-a-million chance of it appearing!"

"Ah-ah-my eyes!"

Jessica jumped even more excitedly. She stamped a red stamp on Ye Qingyang's cheek. This feeling of instant life and instant death brought her from hell to heaven. The sharp contrast made her unbearable. She clamped her legs tightly. Yes, at this moment, she reached the pinnacle of human pursuit of physiology.

Little Spider and Lisa also shouted happily to each other, and then hugged each other. This is a win or loss of 10 million US dollars. Just watching it is very exciting, not to mention being able to participate. This achievement can be compared with the people around you. Have been blowing for a lifetime.

The fat white man was happily discussing where to go next with the woman next to him. When he saw the two trump cards, all the strength in his body seemed to have been drained. His body was slumped on the chair like noodles, and his mouth was murmuring to himself

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible! I request to see the surveillance video of the casino. I suspect he is cheating!"

At this point, the white man suddenly came back to life, as if he had been given a new lease of life. His eyes were bloodshot and he screamed at the top of his lungs.

This bet was related to his life and death. He couldn't bear the consequences of losing. Not only did he lose all his wealth, but he also owed the casino $5 million!

Thinking of the glorious deeds of this casino in the past, the fat white man shuddered. If he really owed the casino money, it would be worse than death. The key is that the fat white man does not want to die. He wants to be a multi-millionaire and enjoy life. Enjoy the beauty!

The shock on Durant's face has not faded. He looked at the fat man who was already a little abnormal, and then looked at the long-haired man. The long-haired man shook his head and said

"I see that the four-eyed boy has never touched that deck of cards from beginning to end. It is impossible for him to cheat. Moreover, this Texas Hold'em game is about psychological tactics. The fat man's skills are not as good as others. I think it is better not to waste time."

When the fat white man heard this, his eyes immediately turned to the long-haired man, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour, and he roared angrily.

"What are you talking about? Do you know anything about gambling? He must be the cheater who just turned over the cards. I don't believe that anyone can get the Royal Flush. How can such a coincidence happen? He is just cheating. I want to see the casino. Video playback."