Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 20: Dr. Strong


"Norman, please, physical enhancement is not yet mature, and the data shows that we cannot conduct human trials yet." Dr. Strong was wearing gray overalls, with only a Mediterranean hairstyle on his smart head.

"I'm asking you one last time, we can't do this."

Norman Osborne was minding his own business operating the computer and said, "Don't be so timid. Experiments are inherently risky. I've never heard of an old saying from the Han Dynasty. The boldness of a person means the fertility of the land! We were too cautious before. ”

Dr. Strong chased after him, "Then let me arrange for another medical staff and volunteers. I believe that as long as you give me two more weeks-"

Norman Osborn impatiently interrupted his ramblings, "Two weeks? Ten thousand years is too long, seize the day, have you heard? In two weeks, the military will withdraw its capital, and the gang on the board of directors will The old guy won't let me go. I have invested all my wealth in this project. You also know this. If I can't come up with a successful experimental drug in three days, I will be kicked out by the board of directors!"

Norman Osborne took a look at Obadiah, the lab rat in the glass container.

"What's more, we now have a free guinea pig. Doctor, help me get Prochlorazine."

"What are you doing with prochlorazine?" Although Dr. Strom was a little confused, he turned around to the cabinet containing medicines and took out a small bottle that looked like a glucose cap.

"It can initiate a catalytic reaction after the physical fitness enhancer is aerosolized into the human blood."

Norman Osborne handed the vial to Obadiah.

"Norman, are you sure this is okay?" Obadiah was a little unsure.

"Human beings have evolved for 40,000 years, and their infinite potential has not yet been fully realized. The human physical fitness enhancer developed by our company can greatly enhance the active cells of the human body, regenerate broken limbs, and strengthen human physical fitness. By then, human beings will Stand at the pinnacle of nature physically!”

"What's more, Mr. Obadiah, you have no other choice now, right?" Norman Osborne's thin face was filled with excitement.

"Okay, let me believe you for once." Obadiah gritted his teeth and drank the liquid in the vial in one gulp.

"Ahem, it smells like a woman's urine that has been left for several days." Obadiah said with some disgust.

"Please lie down on this instrument table." Norman Osborn pressed a button, and a metal stand equipped with two arm guards opened.

"This doesn't look like a nice place." Obadiah saw the device that looked like a pig-killing table.

Norman Osborne explained, "This is a genetic modification, and it will naturally have some side effects. If you want to regenerate your amputated limb, you must go through a lot of pain. As the saying goes, how can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? All the flowers and applause His back was soaked with blood and sweat.”

"So please endure the pain for a while and embrace a better tomorrow!"

"Okay, you have to walk the path you choose on your knees." Obadiah lay down on the cold instrument table with a nervous look on his face.

"Oh, why is it so cold?" As soon as his naked body touched the metal operating table, the cold touch immediately gave him goosebumps all over his body.

"This is a rare metal. The metal instrument table made of Edelman alloy can withstand a high temperature of 10,000 degrees without deformation." Norman Osborne looked proud.

"How does that compare to the Tomb Sect's Cold Jade Bed?" Obadiah thought of a martial arts novel he had read.

"WHAT?" Norman Osborne looked confused.

"Nothing, let's get started."


Following a violent operation by Norman Osborn and Dr. Strong, Obadiah was tightly bound by the metal collar, unable to move at all.

"Well, I think being a shemale is pretty good. Can I regret it now?" Obadiah said pitifully.

"Sorry, I can't." Norman Osborne said coldly.

The metal table containing the instruments was then moved into a giant glass container.

Dr. Strong glanced at Norman Osborn, who nodded.

A metallic electronic sound sounded.


Green smoke filled the glass container like a ghost.

Obadiah only had two eyes left to move at this moment. With the first breath of green smoke, Obadiah suddenly felt trance-like, as if he had arrived on a prairie.

And he is running freely under the sunset on the grassland. That is his lost youth!

Norman Osborne and Dr. Strong stared nervously at the display screen aside, which displayed Obadiah's various physical data.

A three-dimensional image of Obadiah's body appeared on the computer screen.

"The dimensions of the muscles are increasing, and the activity of body cells is constantly increasing! Even his broken fifth limb is being restored!" Dr. Strong also looked excited.

Watching a medicine that is about to change the world come into being in your own hands, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is unparalleled.

The charm of science!

"I think we should open a bottle of champagne to celebrate!" Norman Osborne said happily.

He seemed to see General Socom, who had been sarcastic to him a few days ago, begging for mercy, asking him to continue to give him this invention that could subvert human society.

And he has become the most popular scientist and inventor in the world.

Tony, Einstein, and Hawking are all far overshadowed by their own light!

And his own Osborn Industries will surpass Stark Industries and become the greatest family business in the United States of America!


A red light flashed, and countless test instruments began to chirp crazily!

"what happened?"

Osborne's sweet dream was suddenly interrupted, and his face suddenly became angry.

"Something's wrong!" Dr. Strong yelled in panic.

The green mist in the container gradually dissipated, revealing Obadiah's fat white body, which was very disgusting.

But at this moment, Obadiah seemed to be electrocuted, twitching crazily on the metal instrument table.

"Quick, turn off the instrument!"

shouted Norman Osborne.

"Oh, alright."

After a flurry of operations, Dr. Strong finally turned off the green gas that continued to be added and turned to recycling.


I saw a straight red line appearing on the display of the heart rate tester on the side.


Norman Osborne was frightened for a while.

This Obadiah can die anywhere, but he cannot die in his own laboratory.

When the time comes, let alone yourself, not even the entire Osborne Industries will be able to compensate!