Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 207: With Steve Rogers


Ye Qingyang was not idle when he returned home. He comforted Xiao Rongyu who was frightened both physically and psychologically. The two of them didn't fall asleep until the moon fell in the west.

At around 10 o'clock the next morning, Ye Qingyang had another vigorous morning exercise. Now that he was neither short of time nor women, he naturally wanted to make up for all the regrets in his previous life.

For Xiao Rongyu's safety, Ye Qingyang allowed her to temporarily live in his secret villa. There was no human habitation in the area for hundreds of miles. Ye Qingyang bought them all, and the security system was even more perfect.

He didn't want to repeat the plot in Iron Man 3 where his hometown was stolen. A dignified arms dealer was beaten like a dog in his own home. This was simply an insult to the name Iron Man.

Ye Qingyang would never allow this kind of thing to happen. For this reason, he also specially borrowed Hans's remote control system, which was uniformly controlled by Jarvis, truly achieving all-weather, all-round, and blind spots security.

After breakfast, Ye Qingyang borrowed a beautiful woman from Cyclops. Today he has an important task to carry out. Although it is a bit dangerous, the more this situation is, the more emotional it will be.

Ye Qingyang drove to pick up Hill first. Today, Hill was not wearing tight clothes. Maybe it was because of work. Hill was wrapped in a thick down jacket. Her figure was not visible at all, except for her small face. It looked even smaller, and Ye Qingyang doubted whether he could cover it all with just one slap.

However, beauties generally seem to have smaller heads. People like Bingbing, who is ridiculed every day for having a big head with special effects, can only be considered cute.

Hill sat down on the passenger seat, and a faint fragrance came from the scene. Ye Qingyang looked at her chiseled profile and was a little ready to move.

But he only received a blank look from Hill, who said

"You said there was something very important. I don't know what it was, but you actually asked the director to come forward, making it mysterious."

Ye Qingyang laughed and said

"It's definitely something you can't imagine, but before we set off, we still need to pick up an old antique."

Hill blinked and said

"Old antique? You can't mean-"

"Hing Guo! But if you guess it right, you can get a bonus kiss from me."

Ye Qingyang began to admire Hill's quick thinking. This woman was so clear-cut and so smart that she became more and more lovable the more she looked at her.

"Does this mean we have a clear understanding?"

Seeing Ye Qingyang's shameless look, Hill raised his hands in surrender and said

"Mr. Shit Dako, can you be normal? There will be no results for the two of us."

Ye Qingyang stepped on the accelerator, and the 1,000-horsepower Ferrari roared out. Ye Qingyang saw Hill, whose face was slightly pale, saying:

"I only care about the process. As for the results, I just let it happen."

He turned his head to see Hill's expression, but found that she had already closed her eyes and fell asleep. This big shit was so annoying that he couldn't defeat him at all, so he pretended to be dead.

Under the control of Ye Qingyang, the silver Ferrari supercar shuttled freely and quickly through the streets of New York. Following the map sent to him by Cyclops, the two came to an old boxing gym.

Ye Qingyang and Hill walked into the boxing gym. The gatekeeper was an old man who looked very similar to Stan Lee. When he saw someone coming to the door, he rushed to sell some fitness and boxing courses. Ye Qingyang gave him a tip of 100 US dollars. Sent away.

The decoration style of the boxing gym is very old, and it may not be considered a decoration style. This is a boxing gym with a long history. However, due to the low passenger flow and no money to decorate, many decorations already look very shabby.

Because it was noon, there weren't many people in the boxing gym. They might have gone out to eat.

Hill secretly glanced at Ye Qingyang and found that his face was as usual, with no special expression, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing her relieved look, Ye Qingyang couldn't help but laugh and said

"What's wrong, are you still afraid that I will fight with him?"

Hill actually nodded seriously, which made Ye Qingyang a little depressed. Why did he look like a violent maniac

The two entered the boxing gym, and there was a burst of banging sounds as dense as a violent storm.

From a distance, they saw a burly man wearing only white short-sleeves pounding a sandbag. The man's back was turned to them. When he heard someone coming, he only moved his ears and did not turn his head. His fists were wrapped with bandages. Punches and punches, every punch on the sandbag can make the sandbag hanging on the load-bearing column fly high.

The outside of the sandbag is a layer of very rough and heavy canvas, which is so tough that it is difficult to cut even with a sharp blade.

Neither Ye Qingyang nor Hill came forward to disturb the man who was attacking the sandbag. Under the white tight-fitting short sleeves were strips of explosive muscles with clear textures. What was particularly eye-catching was his buttocks, which were plump and looked very attractive. strength.

Every time a man punches, he can move the surrounding air. Even standing seven or eight meters away, Ye Qingyang can feel the whistling wind of his fist. This feeling is particularly strong in a closed boxing gym. As expected of the American team who experienced World War II, they naturally have the bloody aura and sense of oppression of soldiers.

There was nothing flashy about his straight punches or swinging punches. His moves were powerful and heavy, going straight into the palace. Seeing Team USA training, Ye Qingyang couldn't help but secretly compare himself with Team USA.

What makes him ashamed is that his fighting methods are far inferior in terms of momentum and flexibility. After all, they have not undergone systematic and periodic training. Ye Qingyang has to admit that if he were bare-handed, he would really be able to fight. I can't beat this muscular guy in front of me.

Perhaps feeling that someone was watching his training, Steve Rogers suddenly accelerated his fist speed. In just a few seconds, he fired dozens of punches, and the punches were so powerful that the steel ropes on the sandbags were caught by him. The beating and whining continued.

"Bah, bah, bah—"

The sandbag shook violently for a few times, then suddenly expanded and exploded. One of Steve Rogers' fists punched directly through the sandbag, and the sand flowed down the cracked place like running water.

Steve Rogers slowly pulled out his fist. Just now, he seemed to have returned to seventy years ago. All he could think about was the soldiers rushing in, the plane crashing into the sea, and Carter's beautiful figure.

He panted slightly, and a drop of sweat ran down his chin. Ever since he was rescued by SHIELD and thawed, previous scenes kept popping up in his mind.