Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 215: I


After all, Captain America was salvaged by S.H.I.E.L.D., but their work as S.H.I.E.L.D. is really a bit rough, so they just fished it out and didn’t care about the follow-up

That's right, S.H.I.E.L.D. has become a snake bureau now. The bloody feud between Hydra and Steve Rogers cannot be explained in one or two sentences. Even the boss of Hydra, Red Skull, was... Captain America is gone. If they can give Captain America any good treatment, then it’s really a ghost.

After figuring this out, Ye Qingyang smiled and said

"Steve, when you go out later, I will give you the most advanced mobile phone at the moment. I guarantee it will be unavailable on the market."

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling face. No matter how much Steve Rogers hates rich people, he can't turn away someone when he sees someone giving him a gift. What's more, this is the son of his best friend, who can also be regarded as his nephew. , I really did not behave like an elder by being so rude to others just now.

So Steve Rogers laughed and thanked him repeatedly.

This is something Ye Qingyang didn't expect. I treat you as a friend, but you want to be my uncle

The time in the elevator is neither long nor short, but to these three people, it seems like a century has passed. Even Steve Rogers misses the time at the bottom of the sea. Loneliness is loneliness. A little bit, but not so embarrassing.

But as the elevator arrived and the elevator doors opened, this atmosphere immediately disappeared.

The darkness in front of them always reminds the three of them that they are not here for fun. This is the secret base where SHIELD was established. Just after the elevator went down for such a long time, Hill and Captain America could also sense the importance of this base. sex.

The feeling of being underground is completely different from being on the ground. Just now, although they were facing unknown dangers on the ground, the three of them could at least break the window and escape. But where were they going to run more than 100 meters underground

It's not scary to encounter danger, but the scary thing is that there is no way out.

The three people looked at each other, but no one dared to take the first step. In the end, Ye Qingyang walked out. After all, he was wearing steel armor. If he couldn't be beaten, he could at least retreat immediately. The other two were mortal bodies. Really. Not suitable to be a striker, leading the charge.

Tap tap tap

The sound of friction between metal and floor echoed in the air. Although it was located underneath the base, the air was not dull. It obviously had a good ventilation system. When Steve Rogers and Hill saw Ye Qingyang walking out, they followed suit. Go up.

When Ye Qingyang walked more than 20 steps, the lights suddenly turned on in the room, and rows of fluorescent tubes lit up on the ceiling. The sudden appearance of the lights made the three of them squint their eyes involuntarily. When they adapted to the light, it appeared in their eyes. There is a simple and old console, surrounded by tall buildings of antique memories, all of which use large disks.

The most critical thing is that there is a multi-interface USB adapter on the console.

Seeing this device, Steve Rogers and Hill both looked at Ye Qingyang, their eyes were clear, it's your turn to perform.

Ye Qingyang spread his hands and said

"Why are you looking at me like this? I don't know what to do."

The two of them still stared at him with normal eyes.

"Okay, okay, I originally wanted to create some suspense, but it's really boring."

The armor of Ye Qingyang's left phone suddenly changed, and a USB data cable protruded from it. Ye Qingyang connected it to the USB adapter on the console. In an instant, all the machine lights in the room lit up, and the standing memories also Start turning slowly.

"Buzz buzz—"

There was a burst of electronic roar, and the old computer that had been dusty for more than fifty years started to operate again.

This shocked Steve Rogers and Hill. After all, they were old machines for so many years. Who would have thought that they could still run as usual? This simply went against Hill's cognition.

At this time, a camera slowly rotated, and a line of letters appeared on a display screen of the console.

"Start the system?"

Ye Qingyang directly entered three letters


Then he hesitated for a moment, then tapped his index finger lightly on the Enter key, and a snowflake appeared on the computer screen. Maybe it was due to the aging of the picture tube, but the image displayed on the screen was all green, and only green.

A hoarse and unpleasant voice came from the speaker of the console. When you hear this voice, you can tell that it must be made by a dwarf or a dwarf. It has the sharpness of a child and the cunningness of an adult. Anyway, it is a combination of two age groups. The annoying part.

Just listen to this voice saying slowly

"Steve Rogers, born 1918."

The camera slowly turned and focused on Hill, then turned to Ye Qingyang.

"who are you?"

Ye Qingyang shrugged. He didn't know how to explain it. He was having a conversation with an artificial intelligence from the 1970s. Inaccurately, it should be called computer consciousness

Saying that he was born into this world after his death

Hill frowned slightly and said

"What kind of video is this?"

The console's hoarse voice said

"I am not some video, miss. I may not be the same person who was arrested and sent to prison by the captain in 1945, but I am still me."

Then, a black and white photo appeared on another monitor of the console. It showed a bald old man wearing a pair of thick round glasses. From that appearance, he looked like a villain, and a very smart villain.

Hearing the voice saying that he had been jailed by Captain in 1945, Hill turned to look at Steve Rogers and asked

"Do you know this thing?"

Before Steve Rogers could answer, Ye Qingyang laughed out loud. The two of them and the console's camera looked at him, wondering where his laughter was.

Ye Qingyang saw the confused looks of the two people, tried hard to control his facial expressions, and said

"I didn't expect that our Dr. Zola is also a fashion singer."

"Singer? With his appearance and voice, can he still sing?"

Hill's face was full of suspicion. She thought Ye Qingyang was talking nonsense, and she had evidence.

Ye Qing said righteously

"I'm not talking nonsense. Didn't you listen to what he just said? I'm still me, just fireworks with different colors."

Later, Ye Qingyang showed off his singing voice, and Jarvis also played Leslie Cheung's classic old song.


I will always love me like this

Happiness is more than one way to be happy

Whoever is most honored is the glory of the Creator

No need to dodge and live the life I like

Stand in the bright corner without any need for ink

I am I am fireworks with different colors

The sky is vast and the sea is vast, we need to be the strongest bubble

I like that I let the rose bloom one way

As naked as blooming in the lonely desert."