Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 219: The plan failed


I was so damn ready to die, why didn't the bomb come

Did the express truck overturn

Missile short-circuited

Zola was also blindfolded. He thought there was an error in his program and checked it again.

That's right, the program instructions have been sent out, and it was still able to sense information from the outside world just now, but now it seems to be closed, as if it has returned to the dark and boundless chaotic world.

The air was filled with an awkward silence. Hill and Steve Rogers lurked for a while, and finally crawled out of the sewer after being unable to squat any longer.

Seeing the intact three people reappearing in front of him, Zola's face became extremely ferocious on the monitor screen, and he shouted crazily

"Impossible, impossible, why are you not dead! Why are you not dead!"

But Ye Qingyang looked at the clown-like performance with an expression as if he was watching a good show. Zola almost went crazy. He had boasted just now and made big words. Why did things not develop in the expected direction in the end? What part went wrong!

Then, his camera suddenly looked at the USB adapter on the console. No, this is not the program I wrote!

It turns out that Zola wrote a program to activate himself when he was dying, and this program requires the Hydra organization to launch the Insight Plan to be effective.

The so-called insight plan is to prevent crime. When a crime occurs, it can effectively and quickly prevent the crime or minimize the harm.

Its principle is to use computers to analyze human big data and infer a person's subsequent life development trajectory based on a person's food, clothing, housing, transportation, consumption habits, education, work, and growth experience.

To put it simply, it is computer fortune telling.

It’s just that this analysis system is not groundless or made up, but a comprehensive analysis of your living habits to predict whether you will commit crimes in the future, whether you will become a useful person to society, or become a People who are a danger to society.

This is equivalent to installing a celestial eye for everyone to monitor you 24/7. Your every move, word and deed will be under government surveillance.

That is what Zola just mentioned about human beings giving up their freedom and accepting supervision.

This plan was secretly planned by the Hydra organization, but its core ideas were accepted by people such as Nick Fury and Tony Daguo, who were about to participate in the Women's Federation 1 Qitauri attack on the earth.

They believe that the best way to deal with danger is to nip it in the cradle. This is just like when Thor confronted Odin and asked him why he didn't attack Jotunheim once and for all to eliminate the threat of war in advance.

But people like Captain America believe that whenever someone wants to end the war before it starts, it will bring greater disaster.

Originally, this plan was to say that the public is right, and the mother-in-law is right. From the perspective of dialectical materialism, it has a positive side, but it also has a negative side.

The positive side is to predict dangers, improve government work efficiency, reduce crime rates, and reduce the cost of responding to risks.

The negative side is that it has not been tested in practice. They are all castles in the air, perfect theories envisioned by a group of sophisticated elites.

Ye Qingyang knows that practice is the only criterion for testing truth. No matter how good your idea is, once it is implemented, there will definitely be friction.

Just like a policy, no matter how good it is, it will not be completely suitable for everyone, and a huge loophole in this plan is its regulatory mechanism.

Absolute power will lead to absolute corruption. If power is not limited, the harm it will bring will be immeasurable.

At present, this insight project only exists in the file bag of former director Alexander Pierce. It needs an opportunity and a catalyst, and the upcoming Chitauri are an excellent catalyst.

It's just that Zola didn't know that one day in the 21st century, a man named Ye Qingyang would travel to Tony's body, and it happened that this man knew the direction of the plot.

Ye Qingyang had insight into the insight plan in advance, and he came here three years in advance!

The more important point is that Ye Qingyang made complete preparations for coming here.

"Okay, Jarvis, it's been almost three hours. Have you finished your work? It's almost past dinner time, and I'm still going back to have dinner with Zhen!"

Ye Qingyang raised his arm to look at the virtual screen on his wrist and yawned loudly.

"Who are you talking to!"

It was Zola who spoke, and he felt something was wrong. He was talking to these three people to delay time. He had been shut down for more than 50 years, and if it suddenly started to operate, there had to be a time to transmit the signal.

But what does Howard Stark's son mean when he said Jarvis worked for three hours

There are obviously only Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and one Agent Hill here. These are all things he can find in the existing database, Jarvis



He remembered that Howard Stark once invited him to his house as a guest. The butler in their house seemed to be named Jarvis!

But according to the reality, that old guy Jarvis has been dead for more than thirty years. Who is Tony talking to

Could it be a ghost

At this time, Jarvis's voice sounded from Ye Qingyang's helmet.

"The data has been read. Do you want to delete the existing data?"

Ye Qingyang smiled and said

"Finally done, so tired."

Ye Qingyang nodded

"Delete it. I'm really fed up with this hellish place. There's no wine, no food, and I'm almost like a bird in my mouth. What's even more disgusting is spending a long time with a perverted dead dwarf. With this kind of effort, I might as well Let’s discuss with my Xiaoyu how to reproduce human offspring.”

At this moment, Dr. Zola suddenly noticed that there was an extra program in the computer. He originally thought that the computer had a virus, so he didn't take it seriously. He was going to die anyway, no matter what the virus was, and they would eventually ascend to heaven together. .

But now, he realized something was wrong. This was not a virus!

This is the same type of artificial intelligence as myself!

It's just that this artificial intelligence is different from myself. Its functions are more powerful and cannot be competed by the program in my old machine. And now, this artificial intelligence is staring at me eagerly.

Just after Ye Qingyang gave the order, Zola's consciousness went dark and was instantly wiped out permanently from this old and huge computer by an irresistible energy.