Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 225: Panda burns incense


Ye Qingyang carefully placed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube on the test bench. He pointed with his hand and said to Zola

"As you can see, the Rubik's Cube is in my hands now, but no matter what method I use, I can't get it to open. I think professional matters should be left to professionals, so that resources can be maximized. "

Ye Qingyang did not play any charades with Dr. Zola. There is no need for politeness or secrecy in communication between smart people. The social routine is not needed in the top-level communication groups, otherwise you will fall behind. take.

Dr. Zola pondered for a moment and said

"Why should I help you master the power of the Cosmic Cube? What good does that do to me? What's more, I'm still a member of the Hydra organization, can you rest assured? You must know that scientific experiments are not a treat, even if the calculation is slightly wrong, It will kill people, not to mention that this is a Rubik's Cube, and you might even have to get it in. "

Hearing Zola's words, Ye Qingyang nodded. It's not like Ye Qingyang hasn't considered these aspects. In fact, all the plans have been roughly prototyped after Jarvis and him worked together. If you do experiments, there will definitely be dangers. No. Bell himself was almost killed because of the development of reduced glycerin dynamite, so what did he have to be afraid of

Don't forget, the Hulk's bloodline always protects him. Even if it comes to a life-or-death situation, he can probably resist. In this way, compared with the danger brought by studying the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the temptation brought by mastering the Rubik's Cube, Ye Qingyang is obviously more inclined towards the latter.

If you really master the use of space gems, then where in the universe can you not go

And this is not as simple as simple space travel. Whether it is attack or defense, the law of space is always the top existence. This can be reflected in movies and literary works.

After all, the limits that humans can imagine are space and time. Apart from that, any power must be defeated.

This is also the reason why Ye Qingyang risked his life and endured his nausea to find Captain America to find Zola. For this huge temptation, Ye Qingyang could also wrong himself, so what’s the point of being a little angry

A man can bend and stretch, be short and long, thick and thin. . . . .

Ahem, that's wrong.

This is a matter of going upstairs later, not to mention that a gentleman’s revenge is never too late.

The humiliation that Steve Rogers gave to him today must be repaid twice as much in the future, otherwise his heart will not be smooth and his thoughts will not be clear. Ye Qingyang, who has read too many fantasy novels, knows the truth well.

Ye Qingyang said

"Dr. Zola, let's not talk secretly. Since I can invite you here, I am not afraid of you making trouble for me. Although you were determined to die just now and wanted to die with us, your plan obviously failed. , I don’t know if you are willing to die again, I have many ways for you to experience the pleasure of death.”

As he spoke, Ye Qingyang clicked a few times on the virtual screen with his fingers. Suddenly, a panda appeared next to Dr. Zola. This black and white panda was holding three sticks of incense in its hand, and then the panda faced Dr. Zola. The Doctor began to bow.

A bow!

Two bows!

Dr. Zola was sweating. Although he had no physical body, human consciousness was more sensitive to danger. He felt that if he didn't say something and waited for this strange panda to bow again, he would lose his mind!

Dr. Zola shouted

"Hero, spare your life!"

Ye Qingyang clicked pause, and the panda gradually disappeared.

As the most famous Internet virus in Ye Qingyang's previous life, the power of Panda Burning Incense can be said to have made countless netizens change their minds and become frightened after hearing about it. This virus is very disgusting and very destructive. Zola is now a piece of code living in the hard drive. What are the hard disk codes most afraid of

There is no doubt that Internet viruses are just like a person's biggest fear of getting sick. As the saying goes, illness comes like a mountain and falls like a mountain, and illness goes away like a thread.

Don't be sick if you have any problems. Having a good body is worse than having a great fortune.

Once invaded by a network virus, the great scientist and the second leader of Hydra will be wiped out in an instant. Even the great god Luo and the top hacker Hongke can't save him.

Death is not scary. What is scary is repeated death. Even a hero with a steel consciousness, if he can be resurrected from death and resurrected from life, this steel will will definitely be pierced by water.

Zola had already died twice, and he could not bear the third time.

Smart people are afraid of death, and he is no exception.

At this time, Zola was dejected. His life was in someone else's hands. Of course he didn't dare to explode. Moreover, the charm of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube attracted him more than Hydra. As a scientist, his lifelong pursuit may be that The laboratory may be a formula or a proof.

Speaking of which, Zola's research on the Cosmic Cube is only on the surface. Although it can absorb the energy overflowing from the Cosmic Cube, the true face of the Cosmic Cube is the Infinity Stones. Not everyone can use the term infinity, and only in the Marvel Universe can it be used. Six Infinity Stones are capable of this honor.

As the ultimate treasure of the universe, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is enough to drive any top scientist crazy. From it, you can understand the vastness of the universe, the insignificance of human beings, the passage of time, and the expansion of knowledge. Sometimes it seems noble but incomparable. Important feelings are more pure and direct.

Human life is limited. It is not unreasonable for some scientists to never marry and indulge in scientific research. From the perspective of ordinary people, what is the meaning of facing a bunch of numbers and a bunch of cold experimental instruments all day long? The collision between flesh and body

Comparable to the hot kang of my wife and children

Comparable to the happiness of consumption, the joy of playing games, and the spiritual enjoyment of watching short videos

Although people basically live for about 100 years, people's pursuits are really different, with different levels. Just like an illiterate person will never understand that a person can be so passionate when reading Tagore, Pushkin, and Li Bai's poems. , impassioned, or you may shed tears when reading Dream of Red Mansions or War and Peace, feeling deeply about life. This is the charm of knowledge and the resonance of language.

Similarly, a physicist is immersed in the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics and cannot extricate himself, a mathematician is tireless in the pursuit of 1+1=1, and a chemist is constantly conducting chemical experiments and forgetting to eat and sleep in search of a new element. , this kind of joy of constantly traveling in unknown areas is something that other people cannot understand.