Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 226: feasibility


Ye Qingyang often hangs around the laboratory now. Although he does not have Tony's huge knowledge reserve or his smart brain, it is always right to learn more and understand more. They say knowledge is a curse, but who Don't want to be cursed by him

If there is such a curse, then please curse it more violently!

Seeing Zola lower his head, Ye Qingyang knew that he might have given in temporarily. The purpose of recruiting him was to study the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but he still understood that if you want a horse to run, you have to feed it.

He fiddled with the Rubik's Cube twice and said

"Dr. Zola, I am the fairest person. If you work for me, I will pay you a salary. And maybe I can reshape your body so that you can experience the feeling of being a human being again."

Dr. Zola's brain waves instantly jumped 180 degrees and turned into a program. His biggest wish is to one day be able to re-download his consciousness into a person's body. It is best to arrange one for himself. Handsome guy, that way you can experience a life of good looks.

As a young boy, no matter how high his scientific achievements are or how smart his brain is, the bullying he suffered since childhood and those contemptuous looks have had a great impact on his life, otherwise he would not be cynical. , and turned to a world-destroying organization like Hydra.

That person doesn't want to live in the sun, that person doesn't want to be famous for eternity, instead of being infamous for eternity.

Everyone likes other people's praise and other people's likes. No one doesn't like to hear good words and praises. But just because he is short, ugly, and disgusting, no girl has ever said anything to him. No girl can accept his confession.

Therefore, a doctor with a high IQ who is not liked by others becomes a pervert. Since no one likes me, then you all should die. Although John Schmidt is very bad and kills without blinking an eye. .

But he was still kind to me. He felt that he was useful, took him in, and gave himself a lot of room to develop. Not only did he equip himself with the highest-standard laboratory, he also assigned himself a lot of bodyguards for him to control. , even if it is a woman, she can have as much as she wants.

After all, Germany was the most powerful Axis power during World War II and occupied countless territories. Poland, France, and Czechoslovakia all fell under the iron heel of Germany, so they also took advantage of it and enjoyed several major waves. Fair-skinned European beauties, those days were really unforgettable and unforgettable.

However, if a beautiful woman can be embraced by herself, who would be willing to resort to coercion

That's why Dr. Zola was so rude after hearing Ye Qingyang's words. When he uploaded his consciousness to the computer, it was already a shocking work, unprecedented. It had never been done before, and he estimated that it wouldn't happen in hundreds of years. Machines have a lifespan. In a few years at most, those old computers will be scrapped due to air, oxidation, humidity and other problems. As a piece of consciousness, if I am immersed in the tide of the Internet, I will easily be Overwhelmed by the flow of information.

You are consciousness, not artificial intelligence. There is a big difference between the two.

Zola's voice trembled, and with the blessing of the advanced 3D stereo surround sound prepared in the laboratory, it was like a real person coming back to life.

"Mr. Tony, can you really bring my consciousness back into my body?"

In order to show respect, Zola even used the word "Mr." In terms of seniority, he was taller than Tony's dead father Howard Stark, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves. Besides, as long as he could give himself a computer After getting rid of it, don’t call me sir, you can call me dad or grandpa. They are your reborn parents!

Ye Qingyang coughed a few times and said

"Old Zuo, let me tell you the truth. The difficulty of storing a person's consciousness into a computer and downloading it from a computer to a human body are not at the same level. I think you know this better than me. It involves There are many problems in engineering, neurology, biology, etc. that cannot be solved by you and me in just a few words.”

Zola nodded when he heard this, and the light in Random's eyes seemed to dim a lot. Ye Qingyang was right. It is easy to transplant a person's brain to another body, but transferring consciousness involves science, philosophy, and metaphysics. level.

Human consciousness is invisible and elusive. Until now, no one can explain what human thoughts and consciousness are.

Specifically, the neuron properties and neural structural relationships of the human brain determine human consciousness. The neuron properties of the human brain, the neuron connection properties, and the power of neuron connections are the basis for the emergence of consciousness in the human brain.

In addition, current science has not been able to solve the problem of where consciousness comes from. Although many people now say that the human body is a biological computer, there are still many scientists who do not agree with this view because it involves quantum Computer concept.

To be honest, Ye Qingyang couldn't imagine how Zola uploaded his consciousness to the computer. Not to mention that there is no such theory in reality. Even the movies and TV series only briefly introduce the plot, saying that modern scientists invented it. A tool that can upload people's consciousness, but the working principle of the tool will always be a mystery.

But this is the Marvel world, everything is possible, and many things are unique, just like Captain America, Ultron, and the Infinity Stones. It seems that after one appears, it can no longer be copied.

This shows that Marvel has a very strong sense of copyright.

Not to mention, a few years later in the Epoch of Ultron, Dr. Zhao (Kim Soo-hyun), the beautiful woman from Bangzi Kingdom, developed 3D printing technology for the human body, which provided the feasibility of downloading consciousness and also provided the possibility for human immortality. Feasibility, but unfortunately this technology has never appeared since Dr. Zhao’s death.

But it's still early, and I guess Dr. Zhao doesn't know which high school she attends, so I can't interfere with her. Otherwise, Ye Qingyang has seen the power of the butterfly effect, and this technology may be wiped out.

But even if the earth does not have this technology, the universe is vast and boundless, and there are so many planets that appear in Guardians of the Galaxy. Ye Qingyang also discovered a lot of interesting things, such as the planet where the whole body is covered with gold powder and everyone plays VR games. It seems that technology is very advanced, and maybe it can solve this current problem.

Ye Qingyang's eyes lit up, and he felt that his thinking had broadened just now. Yes, the earth is poor in technology and a scientific research desert, but the universe is really too big, and there are all kinds of weird races, not to mention those Dazzling technology, technology that is impossible to achieve on earth, may become very simple after jumping out of the earth.