Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 227: Mang Kunlun


He said to Dr. Zola with great interest

"Lao Zuo, I have already thought of a solution!"

Zola had no hope at all. After all, the more he thought about this kind of thing, the less hope he had. It would be better to give up on this idea and be happy as a computer program with no desires or desires.

But Ye Qingyang's surprise rekindled his hope, and he hurriedly asked

"What method? Tell me quickly!"

Ye Qingyang gave it a try and said

"Do you think there is other life in this universe besides the earth?"

Dr. Zola's eyes also lit up, and he immediately understood what Ye Qingyang meant. Yes, it's not like he has never come into contact with aliens. Those Sgrulls and Kree people have visited the earth. Carol's That incident is still vivid in my mind. Although I died young, my knowledge is no less than that of people today.

Ye Qingyang saw Zola thinking deeply and knew that he also understood what he was thinking, so he continued

"It's smaller, the pattern is smaller! The Hydra organization's eyes are only on the earth. No wonder it will perish. This is simply a certainty. Whether an organization can succeed depends on its pattern. If If you just stick to the present, stick to the gains and losses of one place and one city, then it will definitely not develop. After all, the pond is so big, and there are many toads and frogs. Even if you turn yourself into the biggest toad in the pond, you will only be a toad. It’s just a toad, but if you jump out of the candy, enter the river, enter the sea, there will be puffer fish, Chinese sturgeon, sharks, and whales!”

"At that time, were you still a toad? Yes, you were still a toad, but you would be a knowledgeable toad. Your thoughts and dreams would keep changing with your knowledge, but if If this toad works harder and develops a space shuttle and flies into space, will it still be a toad? No, then it may no longer be a toad. "

as the great man said

He was born out of the sky, wild in Kunlun, and saw all the spring scenery in the world.

Three million jade dragons flew up, causing the whole sky to become cold.

In summer, when the water melts and rivers overflow, people may become fish and turtles.

Who has ever commented on the meritorious deeds of a thousand years

Now I call Kunlun, not so high, not so snowy.

An De relied on the sky to draw his sword and cut you into three pieces

One part is left to Europe, one part is given to beauty, and one part is returned to the Eastern Kingdom.

In a peaceful world, the whole world is the same.

What Ye Qingyang said was so confusing that one toad, two toads, flew into space. If you didn't have deep feelings, you wouldn't understand Ye Qingyang's toad theory.

But Zola understood. He knew that what Ye Qingyang wanted to say was not a toad, but a human being!

When people are on the earth, the earth is like a small pond. Countless people fight for control of the pond. But even if the earth is destroyed, it will only destroy this small pond. As far as the universe is concerned, , not even a drop in the ocean.

Human beings are so insignificant to the universe that they cannot be described in words. No words can describe the vastness of the universe. It is just like countless people seeing pictures of the universe for the first time, the comparison between the sun and the earth, and the sun and the Milky Way. Comparison between the Milky Way and higher-level galaxies, in the end I can only say the same thing.

Zola sighed

"Yes, my thoughts are as small as gravel, and John Schmidt is just a frog in the well. We earthlings have been sitting in a well looking at the sky for too long. Aliens have visited the earth, but we have never I thought about fighting for my life, but I just splashed in this small pond twice, but I forgot to look up at the vast starry sky. There are two things. The more I think about it, the more I feel awe. One is the top of my head. The starry sky is the inner precepts. This is a saying of Goethe. We scientists are busy studying reality all day long, but we have forgotten it.”

Hearing this, Ye Qingyang clapped his hands and smiled.

"If you ask questions in the morning, you will die at night. The power of literature is no less than that of science, not to mention that the end of science is theology. Old Zuo, you have realized it now. This is the best. We can let go of our grudges. Let’s study together and make progress together. You must know that our goal is the stars and the sea!”

The more Ye Qingyang talked, the more excited he became. He couldn't help but open his hands. This was the happiest day since he time traveled. Sure enough, talking to high-quality people often yields different thoughts. The conversation with Zola just now, the two of them were very excited. People did not talk about any scientific research or use any scientific terminology.

However, the two of them established a definite goal and a correct guiding ideology for future work. This was almost as good as that important turning point meeting. It also corrected Zola's wrong thinking and corrected Ye Qingyang's long-term Since then, we have been like flies and dogs.

For such a long time, Ye Qingyang has been dealing with women, S.H.I.E.L.D., companies, and even underworld organizations. He has almost forgotten that he is a time traveler, a person who has an overview of the overall situation and knows the general plot direction of the Marvel Universe. He is so obsessed with it. Life had corroded his thoughts, and his original intention also made him feel confused. Although spending money felt great, going to bed felt great, and the look of yelling at his subordinates was very majestic, but this was not The plot is consistent with the Marvel world.

The urgent crisis was approaching, and Ye Qingyang felt that he had been living a bit comfortably during this period, not just comfortable, but too comfortable.

This is a world where the jungle prevails. If you are strong, you are justified. If I am weak, I deserve to die.

If Thanos is powerful, he can snap his fingers. If Spider-Man is not good, he can only turn into ashes.

What nonsense is the 50% probability? If that’s true, how come none of Thanos’ men are dead

How come Thanos himself is not dead

And why are those high-ranking gods, observers and other big figures okay

This kind of family planning is obviously aimed at low-class people who have no strength!

I'm not as strong as you. I don't even have the right to choose life or death. Am I worse than Hamlet

If you can, give me your gloves and let me snap your fingers!

"In this case, Lao Zuo, you should make up for the 50 years of missing knowledge today. After all, the world has changed a lot in the 50 years since you were gone. Knowledge is like the sea. You will never I don’t know where I am sailing, you know this better than I do.”

Ye Qingyang gave Zola permission to access the database, then clicked a few times on the virtual screen and left the laboratory.

He didn't let go completely. In the last few moments, he set up a restriction, which was blocked by Jarvis. As long as Zola dared to show any signs of it, he would immediately eliminate it.