Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 237: Skye


He really wanted to call your boss out, but then he thought about it, this method was too low, and besides, the beauty didn't do anything wrong, so there seemed to be no need to ruin his job.

The girl's eyes were stubborn, and she stared at Ye Qingyang without flinching. Although Ye Qingyang, who was wearing superman glasses, also had the aura of a superior, Skye was not afraid at all. At worst, I would quit, and I would not leave him here. There is a place for me to stay.

Nick Fury stopped Ye Qingyang. His remaining eye looked at the little mixed-race beauty in front of him with interest. The last time he saw such a girl with such a personality was Hill.

With some calculation in his mind, he handed Skye a business card with only a name and a phone number on it, but the material was very special, like gold but not gold, like iron but not iron, and it was cold to the touch.

He said to the girl

"I think you are a bit underqualified for this job. If you want to change your job, you can call me."

Skye threw the business card into the trash can without even looking at it.

Ye Qingyang almost laughed out loud when he saw the one-eyed dragon's face was dark. He patted Nick Fury on the shoulder and the two of them sat back down.

The waiter quickly changed a cup of coffee for the two of them. He didn't want to lose this stable job. The little mixed-race beauty at the bar would not be lost to anyone. He thought she was beautiful and even pursued her, but who knew that she would ignore her at all? .

Moreover, people probably don’t like this job. After all, good-looking women often work very little because there are so many ways for them to make money without working hard.

This world is all about appearance, and good-looking people have advantages. This sentence is the truth and does not accept refutation.

The one-eyed dragon who returned to his seat was still in a depressed mood. The conversation with Ye Qingyang was not very pleasant. Who knew that he could finally be approachable and even lost his business card. It was really unlucky.

However, he will not give up on this girl, not because he is attracted by her beauty, but because he feels that this girl is not simple, and she seems to have an extraordinary ability.

It has to be said that this is the superpower of Cyclops. Whether it is Black Widow, Hawkeye, or Hill, these top agents were all recruited by him. Even villains like Rumlow took a fancy to his uniqueness. Temperament and skills.

Nick Fury was born with an eye for discovering the talents of others. Especially after he lost one eye, this sixth sense became even sharper.

That's why he was able to spend so long with Skye,

"By the way, Tony, since you know that Hydra has been infiltrated into SHIELD, can you tell me who they are so that I can prepare in advance?"

Nick Fury picked up the medium cup he was interested in, which was actually a large mug and took a sip of coffee.

Ye Qingyang shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to say it, nor that he didn't know, but he revealed the plot in advance because he was afraid of causing the butterfly effect.

It wasn't even Captain America 3 yet, and Steve Rogers had a fight with him. If he revealed the names of several Hydra members, he was afraid that Nick Fury wouldn't survive tomorrow morning.

Ye Qingyang thought for a while and said

"Nick, it's not that I don't want to say it. I really can't say it. Don't interrupt in a hurry. I know you want to say that even if you know it, you will never act rashly. But people make mistakes and horses make mistakes. Hydra Those people are very smart. If there is any trouble on your side, I believe the entire Hydra organization will be alerted. "

"There is an old saying in the Han Dynasty, which is that if you hit a snake, you will be bitten instead of dying. Hydra is not some small armed force or organization in the middle of the world. The departments they infiltrate are not just your S.H.I.E.L.D. As far as I know, the United States Congress, the World Security Alliance, and intelligence organizations in various countries around the world have their personnel. You don’t have to doubt this, and don’t ask me how I know.”

Ye Qingyang felt that his mouth was dry, and he quickly took a sip of coffee, which made him even thirstier.

After changing himself a glass of lemonade, Ye Qingyang felt a lot better. When he saw Nick Fury listening attentively, he suddenly felt a little funny.

It seems that Cyclops has been hit hard this time. This shows the position of SHIELD in his heart. After all, it is an organization that he has single-handedly controlled. Now he is working for someone else. No one can stand it.

Ye Qingyang went on to say

"The current Hydra is developing more rapidly and has a more complete system than during World War II. They are also advancing with the times, using modern communication technology to accelerate their growth, and their slogan is loud and clear, they want to overthrow the old world. , to build a new world where everyone is equal.”

The one-eyed dragon curled his lips disdainfully and said

“Who would believe such false and empty slogans?”

It is true that countless people and organizations have done things like shouting slogans, but few people have succeeded, because everyone can shout slogans, but not everyone can do things and not everyone is willing to do them.

Ye Qingyang shook his head. One-eyed dragon's current mentality has not been corrected yet, because he has not seen the power of the Hydra organization, the kind of Hydra organization that responds to a hundred responses and heroically sacrifices for the great ideal of world peace and equality for all. member.

During World War II, they had already made an appearance once, but who knew that they were exposed too early and were attacked by everyone. The reason was that they chose the wrong camp and the wrong country.

If John Schmidt had chosen the Alliance, Ye Qingyang believed that he would be able to achieve great things, and maybe Hydra would already rule the world by now.

But there are no ifs in history, so the remaining Hydra leaders learned from the experience and learned from the experience. Under the planning of Dr. Zola, who is talented and strategic, they are currently recuperating and developing in a silent way. penetration.

Finally, as of today, they have achieved more than half of their success, and the dawn of victory is right in front of them. Long live Hydra!

Ye Qingyang said

"Nick, you underestimate the Hydra organization. Their organizational rigor, discipline, and execution far exceed that of any political party today. Do you know why? Because they have beliefs and a common goal. In today’s world, tell me, has everyone achieved equality? Has world peace been achieved?”

Speaking of this, Nick Fury fell into deep thought. He knew that what Ye Qingyang said were very real issues. Today's society is indeed an impetuous society. People have been overwhelmed by solidified classes, so Jiutou Snake said he could develop offline audiences, and Nick Fury would not doubt this.