Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 238: fair


There is no equality in this world from beginning to end. The so-called fairness is just false fairness, fairness for ordinary people.

Ye Qingyang added two more sugar cubes to the coffee in the cup. Otherwise, he felt that this cup of coffee, like life, would be too bitter.

"Don't you want to try coffee with sugar? If you keep drinking such bitter things, I'm afraid you'll lose your sense of taste."

Hearing Ye Qingyang's question, the one-eyed dragon shook his head. He still likes original things, just like women. Carol Danvers left a place in his heart, filling his originally not rich emotions. The world fills up and there is no room for anyone else.

Otherwise, based on his status, whether it was SHIELD or other government departments, there were many women who wanted to marry him, but he declined them all because he did not want to delay them.

"Since you don't want to say it, I won't force you. Everyone has his own difficulties, which I can understand."

The one-eyed dragon looked like he had seen through the world. His eyes drifted to the street outside the window. There were few pedestrians on the road and no one was honking, but his heart was not at all peaceful. Plans were slowly formed in his heart. But it was immediately overturned.

In his position, he does not need to consider the unevenness of his subordinates, and does not need to consider the survival risks of his subordinates, but he will never be soft on potential enemies.

Dare to do something under his nose, this is like a mouse licking a cat's coin, just looking for excitement.

At this time, the one-eyed dragon exuded a murderous aura. Even a layman like Ye Qingyang could detect it. He was worthy of being the leader of the most powerful security department on earth. His serious aura was indeed very strong.

Looking at his watch, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. Ye Qingyang said goodbye.

"Since there is nothing else going on here, I will take the first step. I have an important guest arriving today and I need to entertain him well."

Nick Fury was still immersed in his plan, nodded to Ye Qingyang, and motioned for him to go first.

Ye Qingyang didn't know what else he was going to do. The coffee shop was about to close, but this was not something he needed to care about. Everyone had their own secrets.

Even if they are the best friends or the closest couple, they will definitely have secrets that they cannot tell.

Seeing Ye Qingyang leaving, Cyclops called his subordinate Hill and asked her to quickly check the information of a donut shop in the suburbs of New York.

Soon, all the information about the store was transmitted to Cyclops's mobile phone. The owner's name was Clark Gregg. There were three employees in the store, one was the cashier Skye, and two male waiters, and Cyclops paid special attention to the one Skye. The information is more detailed.

Skye is a Chinese-American mixed-race, her father is Han Chinese and her mother is American. She was born on April 18, 1992 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Her parents' background is unknown and she was adopted by her adoptive parents Gregory and Janet Sutter.

When she was seventeen years old, she was caught stealing because she dropped out of school and entered the community for correction. However, during the community correction process, she took the opportunity to escape and her whereabouts are unknown.

You Ke Rurui breathed a long sigh of relief after reading her message. She is another magical girl with an unfortunate family, a bizarre life experience, and some superpowers.

It would be a pity for such a talent to not be an agent.

However, the information shows that her unclear abilities are a hidden danger. The world is changing, and all kinds of weird things are emerging one after another. As the saying goes, the poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology, and the gods rely on brothers.

Our own S.H.I.E.L.D. is obviously lacking in talent and must add fresh blood in order to survive the changes of the times and fight against the ever-eroding S.H.I.E.L.D.

It seems that he must reorganize his team, otherwise he will have no one to use.

"Hill, lead a group to the donut shop right away. There is a girl here that I need to take back."

Nick Fury ordered in a low voice.

Hearing this, Hill remembered the information that the director had just asked for inquiry.

"Is that the girl Colissat?"

Nick Fury gave an affirmative answer.

SHIELD worked very efficiently. Within 20 minutes, three black Cadillac SUVs parked in front of the donut shop.

Seeing this scene, Nick Fury didn't know whether he should be happy or angry. Such a good unit was turned upside down by Hydra, but he was still kept in the dark. He didn't even know. Is it because his teachings are good, or because SHIELD's execution ability is in place.

The two waiters in the donut shop saw several men in black coming in and hurried forward. They didn't know what was going on.

"Hello, sir, we are closed here. Please come back tomorrow."

Hill took out his ID and walked in under a group of guards, looking like a female general.

"SHIELD is on business, irrelevant personnel should disperse!"

The two waiters immediately dispersed. These people looked like they were from the government. They all said that the people of the United States advocate freedom and dare to fight against power, but it depends on which side has more people.

No matter where in the world, the people do not fight against the officials. Even if they want to fight, they have to fight in places with a large number of people.

As for the two or three people in my small shop, it's better not to be too aggressive. They all understand that it's better not to suffer immediate losses.

When Skye saw a group of men in black coming in menacingly, he knew that his story was exposed and he was about to run away on the spot.

Hill pulled out a pistol from his waist, pointed it directly at her little head and said

"If I were you, I would obediently raise my hands and put them behind my head, then face the wall and stick my butt out."

When Skye heard this, although he felt humiliated in his heart, he had to lower his head under the roof. He was considered a fugitive. If he resisted arrest, the other party had every right to shoot and kill him directly.

It was obvious that she was still very young and she didn't want to die, so Skye followed Hill's words and slowly bent over, raised her butt and lay on the wall.

This posture perfectly showed off Skye's perfect body curves, especially her plump and fat ass, which made the donut shop's work clothes fly up.

If Ye Qingyang sees this beautiful scenery, he will definitely regret that he left early, and maybe he will have to scold the one-eyed dragon for not practicing martial ethics, carrying out sneak attacks, and eating alone.

Hill quickly put handcuffs on Skye. As a top agent, she was familiar with these actions.

Tap tap tap

The one-eyed dragon came over and saw Skye being picked up by the heavily armed agents. His depression eased a little. He picked up his business card from the trash can, carefully wiped it clean with a tissue, and said

"I hate those rude kids the most, especially those who throw away my business card."