Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 259: Loki escapes


As for tracking Loki's whereabouts, Ye Qingyang had no hope at all. Don't forget that Loki was the god of trickery and was good at seventy-two transformations. This skill was comparable to his cousin's Mystique.

After receiving the location sent by the Cyclops, Ye Qingyang instantly turned into a stream of light and flew away!

At the same time, in a cafe in Brooklyn, Watson and George sat across from each other.

George's face was calm, but anyone who knew him well knew that there were turbulent waves beneath the calm surface.

Watson looked at his old boss. Over the years, he and he had always had a relationship of both teacher and friend, and he also believed in his teacher unconditionally.

George specially asked Watson to come today. George said unhurriedly.

"A new task has been issued from above."


As soon as he started speaking, the coffee cup in Watson's hand hit the table hard. The ceramic coffee cup clashed fiercely with the wooden round table. The sudden sound was particularly harsh in the quiet cafe. .

This startled many people who were enjoying the quiet leisure time, and they all looked at him angrily, but neither of them paid attention to the strange looks from others.

Watson was troubled by a series of events in recent days. First, his undercover identity was discovered by Tony. He was already determined to die. However, Tony was so cunning that he threatened his wife, children, and police status to protect him. Tiger takes over.

Watson didn't even know why Tony valued him so much. He was just an insignificant undercover agent, and he wasn't a bastard. He wasn't good at assisting the prince in his rise to power.

Besides, the situation within the Zhatian Gang is so complicated. If you make a wrong step, you will be doomed. Once Xiaoqiang comes to power, the only thing waiting for Tiger and himself is wandering around the world.

I received a call from George today. He wanted to talk about his frustrations. He wanted his master to answer his questions and point out a clear path for him, instead of continuing to issue bullshit tasks.

Watson felt that his chest was blocked and he couldn't swallow, and he couldn't spit it out. He endured the discomfort and said

"What is it this time? What are you going to do? I obviously said last time that as long as Tony dies, I can resume my police identity. I obviously said it was the last time, so why don't you keep your word!"

George did not show too much expression because of Watson's anger. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, took a deep drag, and said

"The plan has changed, and the organization has no choice -"

Watson felt that his chest was about to explode, and his tone of voice rose.

"What a bullshit situation! Tony is dead! Is it wrong for me to want to go back to my original career? You can't just pick my hair out of me. Is it my fault that Tony is not brought to justice?" ? Now that Tony is dead, who is responsible for this? Who came up with it?"

George's eyes were blurred and he didn't know what he was thinking. Faced with Watson's question, he said lightly

"It's useless to ask. There are only three people in this world who know your identity."

Watson sneered in his heart, three people

Yes, excluding the dead Tony and the living tiger, there are indeed only three people.

"Is it you, Detective, or Director Musk?"

Hearing this, George said with some displeasure

"You rude guy, Director Musk is my friend, is he your friend? You are not speaking in a measured manner. I think you have really turned into a gangster after being in the underworld for more than ten years."


When Watson heard this, he was angry and funny. In his eyes, I turned into a gangster with no rules!

Is this what superior leaders would say about a policeman who has been undercover for more than ten years

At this moment, Watson only felt a little sad. There is nothing more sad than heartbreak. Tony, the gangster leader, could still understand and move his emotions. Although his methods were despicable and cruel, Watson asked himself, if he were in that position, would he Will he do better than Tony

He has no answer.

Watson leaned back weakly on the chair and said

"I don't want to continue doing this. Please abide by your agreement."

George puffed on the smoke, and the green cigarette smoke filled the air, making the face under the dim light a little hazy.

"Can't do it anymore?"

"Yes, it can't be done."

George nodded and continued to smoke

"Okay, then don't do it. There's no need to do it. Just hand in your resignation letter. Aren't you quite successful in the Zhatian Gang? After handing in your resignation letter, just live your underworld life. Yes, I guess that's the case Even better, the rice bowl of the police is not good, and not everyone can afford it. Well, how much do you earn per month? "


George's words were like an extremely sharp knife, piercing deeply into Watson's heart. At this moment, his heart almost stopped beating. Without the blood supply from the heart, all the capillaries in his body began to become thin. It was cold. At this moment, his blood began to cool down.

It's like the temperature in early spring has dropped below zero.

Although it was still warm inside the cafe, Watson's body seemed to have been stripped naked and thrown into the ice and snow, trembling constantly.

"Do you think what you are speaking now is still human?"

Watson looked at the familiar face in front of him and felt that it was so strange and cold. Strange as if he suddenly saw a beggar on the roadside, and as cold as if he had been riding a bicycle for an hour in the cold wind and heavy snow without wearing gloves.

George glanced at Watson and continued

"But what will they do if they find out you're a police officer?"

With this sentence, Watson could no longer control his anger. A wave of heat poured in from the soles of his feet and rushed straight to his brain at a speed of 180 kilometers per second. He grabbed George by the collar and beat him hard. The coffee was knocked over by George's body and fell to the floor across a small round table.


There was a crisp sound, and the ceramic cup shattered. The coffee inside was like a pool of blood, thick, hot, and spilled all over the floor.

Watson looked at George and said through gritted teeth.

"What do you want to do to me? What?"

At this moment, he felt blessed and seemed to understand many things.

No wonder he had been hiding for so many years without incident. It was only when Tony was injured and dying that he discovered that he was an undercover agent. The undercover files of the New York Police Department were all top secret!

How could Tony, a mafia boss, break through

Who would believe that there was no mole to help

Thinking about it this way, everything can be explained.