Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 269: King Chitauri


So he echoed and said

"Yes, I think so too. This will be a glorious but not long war, as long as your army is really as powerful as you say."

As soon as these words came out, King Chitauri suddenly became a little unhappy, with sparks in his tone.

"Are you questioning us? Questioning the person who handed the scepter to you? He gave you ancient knowledge and new ideals and beliefs. You must know that you were defeated at that time and were imaged from Asgard. Driven out like a dog."

Loki was furious when he heard this and said

"Shut up, I am the king of Asgard! I am the absolute monarch of Asgard. I was betrayed, so the villain succeeded!"

If Heimdall and Sif had not betrayed him and refused to listen to his orders as a monarch, Thor would not have been able to return to Asgard, and it would have been impossible to compete with him for the throne, and all the subsequent nonsense would have been impossible. It’s simply impossible to happen!

When I return to Asgard one day, I will definitely kill these traitors first! Let them know the consequences of betraying themselves!

King Chitauri smiled.

"Your ambition is insignificant and full of childishness. Our eyes are not just on the earth, but on the Rubik's Cube of the universe. We are going to a wider world, and we will follow the destruction-"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Loki and said

"You haven't gotten the Cosmic Cube yet."

When the Chitauri King saw Loki interrupting his speech again, he suddenly became angry and rushed directly to Loki with a roar. His fingers were spread like chicken claws. Loki was not afraid. We are communicating remotely. You and I What kind of action should I play, he said calmly

"I'm not threatening you, but before you arrive on Earth and before I command your army, your promises will be empty words."

King Chitauri retracted his arm in a nonchalant manner. He also forgot about this incident in his excitement and said

"Go and fight your battle, Asgardians. If you fail, if we don't get the Cosmic Cube, then you can't count on your kingdom, and there will be no place for you to hide in the entire universe, no matter where you hide. Wherever we go, we can find you, and he will let you know what pain feels like. We will enjoy your wailing and let you know what true pain is!"

Hearing this, Loki felt that the Chitauri King was a bit noisy, and directly cut off the spiritual communication.

He called Wade to his side and said

"I need manpower, and they are absolute elites. We are going to get the Cosmic Cube back!"

Facing the threat of the Chitauri King, Loki also felt pressure. This pressure came from the tall and majestic purple figure.

There is also his absolutely invincible strength. He can't even get past three moves under his hands. Of course, what scares Loki even more is that he doesn't change his face.

Directly massacre half of the life on a planet, without reason, without distinction, indiscriminate massacre, this kind of emotionless and powerful leader with extraordinary strength.

In front of it, even his father Odin is inferior.

Anyway, Loki himself definitely does not have the courage to go to a planet and start killing without saying a word, leaving corpses everywhere and rivers of blood.

The key is not to want anything, and there is no purpose, just killing. Sometimes Loki feels that this person is mentally ill, but in the face of his powerful strength, Loki can only choose to surrender.

Wade nodded and said

"If you want manpower, I have a lot of good recommendations here, but it will take time to contact them."

Loki smiled

"How do they compare to you?"

Wade said

"Ten times better than me."

Loki was overjoyed when he heard this and said

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and do it!"

Wade took the order and left in a hurry. Vanessa saw Wade was leaving and ran over quickly and said

"It's so late, where are you going?"

She spoke softly and glanced towards Loki.

But Wade ignored her, opened the door and walked out, leaving Vanessa with the back of her head.

Seeing Wade leaving, Vanessa turned around in despair. Loki's eyes were slightly closed, as if he was falling asleep.

Vanessa's eyes lit up. She was not an obedient girl. She was ready to take this opportunity to run away. But as soon as his hand touched the door handle, a handsome man in green robe appeared behind her and said

"Where are you going?"

Vanessa was suddenly shocked. She slowly turned her head and found that Loki was standing behind her, but there was another Loki on the chair over there.

Vanessa was so frightened that she was speechless.

Loki stared at her coldly and said

"You'd better not act rashly. It should be your honor to be a slave of God. Don't think about running away, because no matter where you go, I can catch you!"

"Our gods are all omniscient and omnipotent. Kneeling before God and being an obedient lamb is better than anything else."

Vanessa looked at Rocky talking to himself there, as if he was giving an acceptance speech, and she cursed in her heart that she was shameless, what a bullshit god, walking around here in a cosplay, and those who didn't know better thought she was from the circus. The clown is out.

Although this clown has a bad mind, he is really handsome, just like the melancholy prince in the British TV series, or the elf archer in the Lord of the Rings. In short, he has a good skin that attracts women's attention.

Vanessa nodded obediently and said

"O great God, what do you want your servants to do for you?"

Loki was still looking at himself in pity, immersed in narcissism, and suddenly someone interrupted his sweet dream, and he said unhappily.

"Shut up and go to sleep!"

After saying these words, Loki, who was standing in front of Vanessa, suddenly disappeared and turned into little stars and disappeared.

Vanessa was shocked by this hand and did not dare to run away again. She was always tense and looked a little tired after experiencing many stimulations tonight. She glanced at Rocky, who was still sitting on the chair. Feeling sleepy, he hit the bed without even taking off his clothes and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Ye Qingyang woke up from Betty's soft bed and looked at Betty who was still lying next to her. Her long black hair was freely scattered on the white pillow, like a dark cloud covering the snow, and there were still traces of love on her face. The rain and wind last night left traces of tears.

Those were the tears that would only come after arriving in the Paradise. They were completely out of Betty's control. Ye Qingyang smiled slightly, feeling proud of his strong fighting power.

In the previous life, I was just a poor man who got rich through hard work with his own hands. But now, I have become the person I hated the most at that time, a man who slept with the goddess until he felt like vomiting.