Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 272: ready to go


But in countries like the United States, the British Empire, and France, if you dare to close the city, it is estimated that the foreign people will pick up the guy and fight against the government.

In Ye Qingyang's previous life, he also liked to watch foreign people throwing flaming bottles at the police or the army, and then the police and the army throwing tear gas at the people, hurting each other, and eventually a disheveled native would be carried away.

One-Eyed Dragon said

"Just wait, I'll give you an answer in five minutes."

Ye Qingyang hung up the phone, looked at Eric who was looking at him eagerly and smiled.

"No problem. This friend of mine has already contacted the Han Dynasty. There should be news soon."

Eric was also happy when he heard this. He had just joined the company and needed a successful invention research to consolidate his position.

After all, he is a low-key person, and his scientific research level is not as good as that of Zola or Ethan. More importantly, his personal relationship with Ye Qingyang is not as good as that of Ethan and others who have joined Ye Qingyang's team.

Therefore, in order to show his value, Eric put a lot of effort into the research of the Space Rubik's Cube. However, Ye Qingyang temporarily transferred himself to study the detector with Ethan on the grounds that the Chitauri were about to invade.

He is not a professional player in the study of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but in terms of astrophysics, he is a well-deserved master. But in this aspect, Eric considers himself second, and no one dares to admit he is first.

So this time the space probe is led by Eric, and Ethan is the assistant. Ethan is only responsible for writing the code of the probe. Of course, Little Spider also comes to help the two of them.

Ethan said with emotion

"Actually, there is a more powerful master in writing spectral detector codes."

When Ye Qingyang heard this, he quickly asked

"Who is it? More powerful than you, Ethan?"

In Ye Qingyang's eyes, those who can leave their names in the Marvel world are all geniuses who made decisions in this world. Whether it is Zola, Ethan, or Eric, if everyone was placed in their previous life, they would be the right ones. A true Nobel Prize winner.

So when I heard Ethan say that there was someone more powerful than him, Ye Qingyang was also thirsty for talents. He would never have too many talents. After all, the three stooges were better than Zhuge Liang.

What's more, the three Zhuge Liangs are estimated to be able to recover the Northern Wei Dynasty and restore the Han Dynasty.

Ethan said

"Compared with a certain comparison, it's like a raccoon with a unicorn, or a jackdaw with a luan and phoenix ears! This man is knowledgeable, has a strong memory, and is extremely smart. He can really be called a contemporary Leonardo da Vinci."

Eric also became interested after hearing this. The world's top scientists have actually heard of each other's names. A person's name may not be important, but as long as his inventions and creations are made public to the world, that person's fame will It will soar like a rocket.

Ethan saw the two of them looking very anxious and smiled.

"You may all know this person, Bruce Banner, who holds seven doctorate titles."

It's him

Dr. Eric suddenly realized that he had certainly heard of Bruce Banner's name. His achievements in the field of electron collision were truly unparalleled, and many famous scientists were his super fans.

However, Bruce Banner is best known to the public because he transformed into the Hulk. This is like being an academician of the Academy of Sciences. No one may know it, but if you are a top traffic star, even if you fart, the public will remember it.

Ye Qingyang had a complicated look on his face. After all, he had just slept with Bruce Banner's girlfriend last night. His girlfriend's skills had become more mature and steady under his training, but she still bowed to Ye Qingyang's strong physical strength.

Ye Qingyang smiled awkwardly. He didn't know if he and Betty Ross would get back together if he recruited Bruce Banner. After all, relationships are the hardest things to control and grasp.

But if Bruce Banner is really that good, he could consider sending him to a secret laboratory in Antarctica, where there would be no Betty Ross.

Ye Qingyang didn't want the woman he had an affair with to have another man's DNA in her body.

You can say that Ye Qingyang has a mysophobia, or you can say that Ye Qingyang is overbearing. In short, under Ye Qingyang's concept of life, even if she dies, she will never allow that kind of cuckolding to happen.

So he said

"Let's put the matter of Bruce Banner aside for now. He doesn't know where he is hiding now. During the last battle in New York, he and the abomination almost demolished Manhattan. I don't want to put a time bomb on my Within the group, this is also for your safety."

This was recognized by Ethan and the three of them. Ethan and Spider-Man had both seen the last battle between the Hulk and Abomination in Manhattan.

It's just that the little spider hadn't gained the ability at that time. The huge impact of destroying the world made the little spider feel helpless even if he had gained the spider ability.

The absolute gap in strength and speed prevented him from even thinking about competing with him. However, if the Hulk appeared again and endangered the city, Little Spider knew that even if he was defeated, he would go up and stop him.

This is his true heart, and he is willing to sacrifice everything to protect the lives and safety of others, because New York is his home, and these native New Yorkers are his family.

Soon, One-Eyed Dragon called. On the phone, One-Eyed Dragon asked Ye Qingyang to set off for the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in the Han Dynasty. The connection had been completed there.

Ye Qingyang was surprised for a while, because he lived in the Han Dynasty in his previous life, and he knew that the administrative efficiency of the Han Dynasty was not particularly high. This was related to the national conditions.

After all, the rule of man is greater than the rule of law. No matter what project it is, it needs to be approved at all levels, just to avoid taking responsibility.

Everyone signs and everything is reported to the leader for decision, which can greatly reduce the risk of taking responsibility.

Ye Qingyang looked at his watch. From the time he called Cyclops to the time he responded, less than five minutes had passed.

And this is a cross-border cooperation, and it was passed so easily

Ye Qingyang was somewhat impressed by SHIELD. If this kind of communication efficiency could be controlled in his own hands in the future, he might not be able to accomplish great things.

But it is estimated that Director Fury would not agree even if he was beaten to death. Should he also shout "hail hydra"

Thinking about it, Ye Qingyang is really a little moved, so he needs to discuss it carefully with Zola. Since it is the Hydra in SHIELD that he raised, then he must have a way to make these snakeheads listen to him.

Even if he does become the leader of Hydra in the end, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Just like Master Tang said, there is no shame in making money.

SHIELD's work efficiency is very high, and Ye Qingyang's work efficiency is also not slow. After all, it is a capitalist company. Within ten minutes, Caesarine had arranged the Quinjet.