Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 278: Search your home


Watching the plane leave, Kathleen also looked worried. Ever since she came to Stark Company, she had never seen her boss so nervous.

In her impression, Tony was a person who showed no change in face even when the mountain collapsed, and it must be something extraordinary to make such a mature and steady person look shocked.

Could it be that aliens invaded in advance

"Jarvis, call me the villa surveillance video!"

"Okay, sir."

On the plane, a blue light curtain was projected from Ye Qingyang's wrist, and the scene of the villa was clearly visible. When he saw several figures in the villa, one of them was wearing strange clothes and holding a spear. Ye Qingyang immediately gritted his teeth and said

"Loki! MD, how dare you find this place? I will make it impossible for you to come back!"

Ye Qingyang pushed the push rod of the Quinjet to the bottom. The Quinjet's fuselage trembled suddenly, and then a sound barrier appeared visible to the naked eye at the tail of the aircraft.

Then, like a bolt of lightning, the Quinjet disappeared in place, three times as fast as when it came.

The sky was slightly dark, the sun had already set on the west coast of New York, and a bright moon hung in the eastern night sky of New York.

A faint fluorescent light fell on the black sea, and Ye Qingyang's villa was brightly lit.

There were five people in total. In addition to Loki in green robes, there was also a strong white man with short blond hair. He had a tattoo of a naked woman on his left arm.

There was also a short man with a beard, whose stature was much shorter than Loki's. He didn't look anything special. However, judging from his appearance, Ye Qingyang felt that this man must have something wrong with his mind.

Just like some characters in TV dramas, as soon as they appear, you know their character and whether they are good or bad.

An old acquaintance, Wade Wilson, was dressed differently this time. He was carrying two long steel knives on his back. The two long steel knives were in his hands, shining with silver.

The most normal one is a black uncle wearing a cowboy hat and holding an AR16 automatic rifle.

Five people are tall, short, fat, thin, black and white. Can this combination break through the defense of their villa

Is it June

Supreme cooperation

It was the Backstreet Boys, a specialty of America, or 183club. Of course, this option was ruled out by Ye Qingyang early on.

Except for white strong men and black cowboys, nothing else fits the bill.

Loki felt it with his mind scepter and said

"The Rubik's Cube is under this villa. Find the entrance quickly. That guy Tony has set up so many defenses. We have already lost a sharpshooter. We can't afford any more losses."

These four people were all recruited by Wade Wilson. At that time, they all belonged to the same supernatural team and were ordered by Colonel Stryker. Later, they fell apart due to internal fighting.

Wade used his previous relationship to find them and promised to give them a generous reward. As the saying goes, a penny can stump a hero. These guys with super powers can show off their talents in the army or war.

But in a peaceful city, it is a problem to go anywhere without education or work experience. If you engage in some illegal and criminal activities, a large number of superheroes will pop up and send you to prison.

Not to mention that there are also cannibalistic like X-MANs, so the lives of the black cowboys are not satisfactory.

Except for Wade, he has already joined a police station in a small local neighborhood and became a patrol officer through self-study. Moreover, the last time Ye Qingyang met him when he was eating, he happened to be promoted to train as a police officer. Although the salary is not very high, at least it is Formal compiler.

With a fixed staff, he usually took on some small cases that could make extra money, and then he found his current girlfriend Vanessa. The two of them lived a very sweet life. That night, Wade rented a speedboat to take Vanessa with him. Sha went to sea just for a romantic proposal.

Who would have thought that bad luck would bring him and he met Loki. Now one of them is controlled by Loki with his mind scepter, and the other is threatened to become a nanny and prepares foot-washing water for Loki.

However, when several of Wade's teammates came over, they were controlled by Rocky before they even got a dime, and now they are all Rocky's puppets.

Loki used the mysterious connection between the Mind Scepter and the Cosmic Cube to find Ye Qingyang's secret villa.

There were originally six people who came together, and one of them, a sharpshooter codenamed 0, was not paying attention and was beaten into pieces by the intensive firepower outside the villa.

It's a pity that the sharpshooter has been famous all his life, but he can't keep it at the end of his life. When he dies, there's no one to collect his body.

Just when Ye Qingyang was carefully observing several people through the surveillance camera, the thin man who had been silent all the time suddenly looked at the surveillance camera. Ye Qingyang was shocked by him, because the thin man's gaze seemed to be able to pass through the camera. It was like seeing Ye Qingyang directly.

Just when Ye Qingyang couldn't figure out why he could find his hidden camera, the thin man suddenly grinned and put his right hand near his temple, and then the entire surveillance screen went dark.

Ye Qingyang suddenly remembered that this man had the ability to control electrical appliances. His name seemed to be Bradley. He only appeared in two scenes in the movie and was killed by Wolverine's brother Sabertooth Tiger. Ye Qingyang was not very old at the time and was still alive. I imagined that if I had his ability, I wouldn't be afraid of power outages, I could charge my phone by myself, and I wouldn't have to worry about the battery level of my phone.

But what’s scary about him is that modern human society is an electrical age, and electricity is indispensable everywhere. But it’s really funny that such a talented person died at the hands of a beast. Is this the director’s satire on modern technology?

It implies that no matter how advanced your technological development is, it will eventually be ended by primitive barbarism.

Too bad, his villa relies on electrical appliances. Even the elevator with a password is still an electrical appliance. It can be said that Ye Qingyang's current secret villa is completely undefended in front of Bradley.

Looking at my current location, I have actually arrived at the Hawaiian Islands. I am already halfway through my trip and I must speed up my pace!

"Good luck today. I have an old wolf to treat you to chicken. I won't answer your phone calls. What's the point of hitting him? What's the point of hitting him!"

Who will call me at this time

Ye Qingyang was anxious in the Quinjet when his bracelet suddenly rang. It was a one-eyed dragon.

"Moxi Moxi?"

The one-eyed dragon was stunned when he heard Ye Qingyang's words. Why did Ye Qingyang act so weird every time he answered the phone? He thought he was calling a Fuso man.

"I have discussed it with several other WPC countries. How about it? Did your trip go smoothly today?"