Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 281: Lessons learned from crossbones


Back then, he dared to break into the dragon's den and the tiger's den of the Hydra organization, but now the opponent was just five people.

Brock Rumlow looked at his team with satisfaction and said

"Agent Hill, it's not that we are willing to make trouble, or that we are undisciplined and unorganized. When have we failed to complete the tasks assigned by our superiors with quality and quantity?"

"It's just that this time you can bring someone with you and let us cooperate and obey his command. In our case, brothers like me can't be convinced just by naming them. If you want to lead us, you have to show some sincerity. Come on."

Hearing this, Hill sneered and thought

"So I'm waiting here. Okay, I know you pricks usually don't obey me. The one I brought today is Captain America, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree. Hill has seen his strength before. Tony, who is wearing steel armor, can hit a big bully, isn't it a piece of cake to teach you guys a lesson?"

Hill said

"Captain, I leave this to you. These are your subordinates who will perform the mission tonight, but now it seems that you still need to show your hand to them."

Steve Rogers seemed to be familiar with this situation. He had experienced this situation when he was training at Camp Lehigh, but it was Agent Carter who took action and taught a soldier a lesson.

Unexpectedly, time passed and it was my turn. I just wanted to practice my skills. Come on, my shield is already thirsty!

Steve Rogers took a step forward and stood side by side with Hill. His eyes were calm. In his eyes, any opponent could win 50-50, let alone these ordinary people.

"Holy shit, which cosplay comic convention center is this from?"

"This guy with tender skin and tender flesh can't be a gay, right?"

"He looks quite talented. I think he might go to Broadway and become a top male publicist. Why, make a movie? Can we find such a handsome actor and let us play James Bond with him?"

Brock Rumlow didn't speak, but the sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth said everything. Sometimes the expression was more hurtful than the words.

However, Captain America's current image is indeed a bit funny. In his red, blue and white suit, he looks like a performance artist who just came off the set. It's no wonder these battle-hardened veterans joke.

In fact, soldiers are very straight-hearted. You are great and I respect you. Do you want to work like a civilian with me

Sorry, please go away.

But even in uniform, Steve Rogers' strong muscles can tell that this man is definitely not a showman. His image is so good that the soldiers in the rapid reaction force are a little jealous.

Why am I also a muscular man, but I look so ugly? You are also muscular, so why do you look so good-looking

God is so unfair!

Hill glanced at Steve Rogers and then said to Brock Rumlow

"We are all people of the same system. What SHIELD values is work efficiency. In our department, what matters is whoever is more capable and has a stronger fist will be promoted and whoever has the right to speak."

At the same time, the Quinjet Ye Qingyang was riding in was suddenly hit by a burst of energy from hundreds of millions of light-years away and turned into ashes.

Ye Qingyang's consciousness returned to the wretched man lying on the bed drinking pineapple beer. When he opened his eyes, he realized that it was all a dream. The sky was bright outside the window. Ye Qingyang got dressed and prepared for a new day of social life.

This book is finished.

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