Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 48: The bird is coming


"If you agree to be my lover, I will increase your monthly salary to 5,000 US dollars!" Hans originally wanted to say 10,000, but he swallowed the words.

Maria was shocked when she heard the number 5,000, because her salary at this time was only US$3,000 a month, which was just enough to cover her and her daughter's expenses.

Monthly yoga classes and her daughter’s child care expenses account for the majority. She is an exquisite woman who does not allow her quality of life to decline.

"8000!" Maria gritted her teeth and said a number.

"Deal! Deal!" Hans laughed.

Maria dropped her arms that were holding her chest and turned her head to the side, not daring to look at Hans's red eyes.

"Why are you still standing there? Come here quickly!" Hans patted his thigh.

Maria moved her legs with difficulty, like a marionette that couldn't obey her orders, taking every step extremely slowly.

"Come here!" Hans couldn't bear it anymore, so he grabbed Maria's soft arm and brought her into his arms.

"Ying Ning—" Maria sat down on Hans' lap.

The little caterpillar in Hans's heart kept squirming, breathing in the delicious fragrance from Maria, looking at the white collarbone and dazzling white skin exposed in the air, just the QQ-filled The elastic feeling made him breathless.

Hans laughed evilly, pinched Maria's soft waist, spread her slender legs, and let her sit face to face on him, smiling playfully.

"Ma'am, do you like this?"

When their eyes met, Maria was wearing only a professional skirt that covered her hips. Because her legs were spread apart, Hans could see some indescribable scenery.

Huh, can I just show others the seascape that smells like seafood

I can only enjoy it by myself!

Hans lowered his head and drank the milk. Maria couldn't help but said

"Slow down, no one is going to fight you—"

Thirty thousand words are omitted here—

"Jack, prepare the car and go to the secret base!" When the lights came on, Hans staggered out of the company's door.

Women at thirty are like wolves, at forty they are like tigers, at fifty they can suck dirt while sitting on the ground, at sixty they can suck rats across walls, at seventy they can eat people without spitting out their bones, at eighty Yu did not dare to block the sea, even if a whale swallowed the Zhenhai pestle, at one hundred he went up to heaven to capture the Buddha. !

The ancients never deceived me!

Maria, whose desire gate had just been opened, almost sucked Hans dry. If Hans hadn't had two constant energy replenishments, he would have been exhausted by now.

"Hi, Ivan, there's a delivery for you!"

Hans took Jack into the secret factory, where Ivan was standing on a hanging ladder debugging the computer.

"I brought something for you." Looking at Ivan coming down from the hanging ladder, Hans clapped his hands.

"Oh..." Jack carried a box covered with cloth and placed it on a workbench.

"Dang-dang-dang-" Hans opened the covering cloth and smiled at Ivan.

Inside the cage was a very rare white parrot. Hans had spent half a million dollars to smuggle it in in order to win people's hearts.

"We found your bird, brother!" Hans said proudly.

Ivan bit his toothpick, lowered his head to observe carefully, and then shook his head in disappointment.

"This is not my bird!"

Hans and Jack's smiles froze. They really knew how to chat, and they chatted to death as soon as they started talking.

"What do you mean, this is the little bird!" Hans looked at the embarrassed Jack and still tried to force out a smile.

"This is the little bird. I found it through many connections. This is a great little bird, and it is very beautiful! I found it all the way from Maozi Country."

Ivan knocked on the table and said expressionlessly

"Dude, that's not my bird!"

Hans felt that if he hadn't been self-restrained enough, he would have punched Ivan's stinky face like his dead father. He took a deep breath and said

"Well, even if it's not your bird, this bird is beautiful! Don't be so stubborn, you have to learn to let go!"

"Quack, quack—" The white parrot kept jumping back and forth in the cage. Ivan bit his toothpick and looked at the little bird with interest.

In fact, he didn't want any bird in the first place, he just wanted to play with this fool. Unexpectedly, he actually found a bird for himself.

Hans raised his head speechlessly, but he was surprised.

"Wait a minute, Jack, what is that?"

Jack followed Hans' gaze

"What is that? Isn't that a helmet?"

Hans didn't care about talking nonsense with Ivan, and jumped up the hanging ladder with a quick step, taking three steps at a time and two steps at a time, and soon reached the top of the hanging ladder.

What appeared in front of him was a big brother-like thing that replaced the original helmet, like a brick, inserted straight into the top of the mecha.

Hans used both hands to pull out the bricks inserted into the top of the mecha.

"Uh, Ivan? What is this?"

Hans slowly walked down the hanging ladder and handed the brick-like instrument to Jack. Jack, who was standing aside to help Hans down, quickly took the instrument with both hands.

"Is that a helmet?" Hans asked.

"It doesn't look like it." Jack looked over and over at the big brother-like instrument.

"How can you put your head in there?" Hans said to Ivan who was carefully observing the parrot.

"Jack? Can your head fit in?"

"No, definitely not!" Jack looked at the thing in his hand that was as thick as his arm and shook his head.

"Put your head in! Put your head in!" Hans felt that the evil fire had nowhere to vent.

"Ivan! Jack's head won't fit in! This isn't a helmet! This is a small head!"

Hans rubbed his temples hard and felt a stinging pain in his head, as if it was about to explode!

"I have to put a person in it! This set of steel armor must be wearable! Do you fucking understand?" Hans said the last sentence almost in a roar.

Toothpick brother Ivan was still lying on the workbench silently communicating with the parrot.

"I'm talking to you, answer me! Ivan, how should I put a big living person in it?" Hans put his hands in his pockets, arrogantly!

Brother Toothpick said nonchalantly, "I think driverless driving is better."

"What? Unmanned driving? Why is unmanned driving better?" Hans's brain was not enough. He was imitating Iron Man, not Musk.

"Because people make mistakes, but machines don't." Brother Toothpick took out the toothpick that had been biting in his mouth with two fingers, put it to his nose and smelled it.


"Ouch! Believe me, unmanned driving is better." Even Ivan, who is used to being sloppy, couldn't help but retching. The smell was so overwhelming!

Hans took a few steps back and forth

"Ivan, you know I like you, and I even got a bird for you!"