Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 67: She no longer coughs


what's the situation

Why did this playboy, newsmaker memorize Martin Luther King's speech today

What about world peace

Are you kidding? You are the largest arms supplier. Are you talking about world peace with us

What else is said about domestic entrepreneurs going hand in hand

Please, you have destroyed these two giants, Osborn Industries and Hans Industries, one after another, how can you let others live!

If Hans and Norman Osborne were present, they would definitely bite this shameless, boastful narcissist to death!

"Uh, Mr. Big Shit, I heard that your chief assistant, Miss Pepper, was also present that night and stopped the illegal behavior of Hans, the chairman of Hans Industries. Is this the case?" He had an affair with me. The blond reporter stretched out the microphone.

Hey, the information is quite well-informed, but the American police department is also leaking information from all directions.

Ye Qingyang took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on.

"My assistant is dedicated to the people and works hard. She just wants to be an unsung hero. Please don't disturb her private life."

The blonde beauty chased after her. Did she remember what that bitch Pepo had done to humiliate her that morning

"Then what is your relationship with Miss Virginia Pepper? According to witnesses at the scene, you took her away in a steel suit."

"Well, this seems to be a private matter and it's not convenient to disclose it."

Ye Qingyang cleared his throat

"Isn't there anything else you want to ask about, such as the Hans Industries robot injury incident?"

"Hello, I am a reporter from Global Daily. I would like to ask if Miss Pepper will attend this year's Super Bowl party?"

Ye Qingyang was confused, what kind of bowl

"Not participating!"

If you don't know anything, always answer in the negative.

"I'm a reporter from BBB. Does Miss Pepper have any plans to enter Hollywood?"


She is the executive director of a company and becomes an actress

Is there nothing wrong with your head

Ye Qingyang smiled

"She's not going anywhere. She's still going to be stuck in this company that she deeply and deeply loves."

"I'm a reporter for Playboy Daily. Will she continue to be an executive of Stark?"

This is pure nonsense!

"She will still perform her duties as always!"

"Will she marry you?" asked an older brother carrying a camera.

Sure enough, gossip is human nature!

"No comment!" Ye Qingyang couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

"I heard that she was hospitalized some time ago. Can you tell me which hospital it was?" asked an intern reporter.

Ye Qingyang's smile has frozen. How long has it been since

Is this your first day as a reporter

"She no longer coughs!"

Ye Qingyang waved his hand and ended today's questions.

At the end of the press conference, Ye Qingyang sat in the back seat of the Audi Pikes Peak, with Happy driving the car.

"This press conference is really not something people do. It is more tiring than fighting!" Ye Qingyang pulled the tie around his neck, feeling like he was about to suffocate.

"Hey, boss, this is the price of your celebrity. You have to be noble in front of others, but you have to suffer in the back!" Happy looked ahead intently.

"Hey, Happy, you're a good talker. He always talks the same thing." Ye Qingyang took out his cell phone to see what news there was today.

"It's not like people who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are dark. How can I learn a word or two from such a cultured and well-established boss like you every day?"

"Happy, I feel like you've become more and more talkative recently. Do you have anything to ask of me?" Ye Qingyang had experience at the bottom, so he immediately heard the voiceover.

"Uh, boss, it's actually nothing. It's just that the new beauty from our company's legal department. Why hasn't she come to work these days?"

Happy pretended to be relaxed, but his fingers tapped on the steering wheel unconsciously.

"The beauty from the legal department?" Ye Qingyang was stunned. He was the chairman of a large company and was in charge of the overall situation. How could he care about personnel adjustments in specific departments.

Besides, the company is so big that the legal department alone has a team of nearly 30 people. Apart from the department head, who is an old lady with gold-rimmed glasses and a strict dress, I have some impressions, but I have never seen anyone else.

"It's the one who attended the Hans Industrial Fair with Miss Pepper that night-" Happy reminded him quickly when he saw that the boss was silent.

Damn it! Ye Qingyang suddenly came to his senses. Could this fat boy be talking about the Black Widow

"Is the beauty you are talking about named Natasha Romanov?"

"It seems to be that name. I'm also wondering why our company hired a beauty from Maozi country. Isn't this a cross-border cooperation." Happy made a joke that was not funny.

Ye Qingyang smiled

"What, do you like her?"

"Ahem, I can't say that I'm attracted to each other, I can only say that they are attracted to each other." Happy was a little embarrassed. How could a man lose face in front of another man

Not even if it's your own boss.


Ye Qingyang secretly despised Happy. Black Widow, a thousand-year-old fox, was still attracted to each other

I bother!

You don’t even take a pee to look at yourself. Even the handsome and charming super-rich second generation like me has fallen into disrepair. You are just a little driver next to me, but you also want to eat swan meat

Brother, it's not that I won't help you, it's just that your requirements are too high and I can't help you.

"Well, it seems that he resigned voluntarily because he didn't adapt to the company's regulations."

Also, Natasha was originally Nick Fury's one-eyed dragon who was installed to monitor her. Now that she is monitoring the contact, she naturally has to arrange other tasks.

"Ah? That's it. I wonder if she left any practice methods." Upon hearing this, Happy's interest suddenly dropped.

Ye Qingyang secretly said, "Happy, her rank is too high. If you want to force yourself on her, you are just seeking death. It's better to find an honest person to live a down-to-earth life."

With nothing to talk about, the trip was quick and we arrived in New York in the afternoon.

After getting out of the car, Ye Qingyang directly arranged for Happy to pick up his full-time nanny.

It's not dark yet, Happy has already reported and someone has been picked up and is waiting for him in the lobby of the villa.

Ye Qingyang jumped up from the bed. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Days passed like years, which was what he felt in his previous life when he bought a laptop online and waited for it to be delivered.

A young woman stood quietly on the side of the living room of the villa. Just seeing her back made Ye Qingyang breathless, blood circulation accelerate, and he started to rebel.

She looked even more beautiful than in the photo. Her black hair was pulled up, revealing a fair and long neck.

A tight-fitting black sweater on her body outlines a realistic painting with uneven three-dimensional texture.