Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 76: Hill


Ye Qingyang spent a long time with the girl and his mood improved.

No wonder those perverts love little lolita, they really have some tricks up their sleeves.

"Uncle, if you are so good at talking, you must have deceived many girls, right?"

Annie suddenly flashed her big eyes and stared at Ye Qingyang curiously.

There was no way, the whole of America was reporting on this playboy. Before Ye Qingyang traveled through time, Tony was changing girlfriends faster than he could change clothes.

Even the twins didn't last more than a week.

"Haha, I'm not lying. I'm just too charming. When girls see me, they jump at me with all their strength. If I don't sacrifice myself to feed the tiger, I'm afraid it will chill the hearts of all American girls."

Ye Qingyang looked troubled and shrugged.


Annie suddenly realized that she was defeated by Ye Qingyang's shamelessness.

But she didn't know that Ye Qingyang was actually telling the truth.

Everyone scolds the principal, but everyone wants to be the principal. The ultimate outcome of the dragon-slaying warrior is to become an evil dragon.

It's not a long journey from Brooklyn to Annie's home, because the house is Ye Qingyang's suburban villa.

The security system is very good.

"Sir, the total is 35 dollars," the black driver said.

Ye Qingyang took out a one-hundred-dollar Franklin note and handed it to him, then stood quietly by the car.

The black driver was also a little dumbfounded. He thought someone like Ye Qingyang, who clearly looked like he was worth a lot of money, would say something.

"Don't ask for it. I'll give you the rest as a tip."

But Ye Qingyang still looked at him quietly

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Hurry up and find the money!"

Finally, under the resentful look on the black driver's face, Ye Qingyang accepted the $65, including a few steel coins.

MD, you just said that I am old and I haven’t settled the score with you yet!

Although I, Ye Qingyang, am very generous, I can’t compete with anyone else!

Black uncle


"Mr. Big Shit, thank you." Annie stood at the door of the villa and sincerely thanked Ye Qingyang.

If Ye Qingyang hadn't appeared in time, his experience tonight would have been particularly tragic.

"It's my honor." Ye Qingyang took your hand and kissed it

"But I still have to remind you, never go to such a remote place at night in the future. Not every knight will come."

"I understand, thank you uncle."

Annie stood on tiptoes and kissed Ye Qingyang's face gently with her moist lips.

"Good night."

"Good night."

Ye Qingyang watched Annie go home, but he did not go in to disturb Ethan's wife.

It is always not good to be alone with a man and a woman in the middle of the night.

Ye Qingyang put down the suitcase in his hand, and the Mark III mecha was instantly put on. Flames shot out and soared into the sky.

Annie stood in her boudoir, watching Ye Qingyang leave through the window.

Ye Qingyang left without going home because the home was no longer so warm.

"Paul, help me search for pandiantigen"

"Sir, the location has been found for you."

"Full speed ahead!"

Ten minutes later, Ye Qingyang arrived at the place where the Meow Hammer fell.

"Sir, there are energy fluctuations here, and the danger level is level one." Paul's mechanical voice sounded.

After nearly half an hour of searching, Ye Qingyang came to the side of Meow Meow Hammer.

"It is said that only those who are recognized by Mjolnir can lift Mjolnir. I don't know if I can lift it." Ye Qingyang glanced at the silver Meowth Hammer and held the handle of the hammer.


Ye Qingyang felt as if he was holding a piece of ice in his hand, and immediately knew that he was not qualified.

"Is it true that we can only wait for the war instead of trying to end the war before it starts?" Ye Qingyang remembered what Leodin said in the original novel.

"A great monarch never initiates a war; a good warrior should learn to wait."

"Fury, I thought there was something here that might interest you."

"Can you fucking stop calling me twice in one night? I need to rest too!" Cyclops, who had fallen asleep, got up very angry. Just now in his dream, he was chatting with Captain Marvel, and he was about to enter the alley. Who knew? A phone call woke me up.

I almost gave myself a heart attack.

"What if it's Thor's hammer?" Ye Qingyang held the phone further away, fearing that the Cyclops' saliva would spray him.

"Um—where are you?"

An hour later, Ye Qingyang, who was lying on the grass and flirting with Baby Annie, heard the roar of the car.

A convoy of more than a dozen Cadillacs drove over.

"Hi, I'm Agent Hill"

A beautiful woman with short hair and a high-class face came over.

"Hi, I'm—" Ye Qingyang's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hands to hold Hill's extended hand.

"Mr. Big Shit, the national hero." Hill said with a slight smile.

"That Director Fury didn't come over?"

"The director has other matters, and I am currently in full charge here." Hill's pair of lake-blue eyes looked at the Meowth Hammer behind Ye Qingyang.

"Is this the Thor's Hammer you were talking about?"

"Oh, yes, you didn't think I was still joking, did you?" Ye Qingyang looked at the beautiful woman walking by and looked up and down.

A black tights uniform perfectly showed her slender figure. With her fair and long neck, she looked like an elegant and noble white swan.

The perfect ascetic goddess!

"What's magical about it? Can it summon thunder and lightning? Or-" Hill did not touch the Meow Hammer, but turned to look at Ye Qingyang, hoping that he could give a reasonable explanation.

Ye Qingyang looked at her perfect side face, her eyelashes as long as a cattail leaf fan, her straight bridge of nose, her delicate and soft ears, and the spark in her heart that was aroused by the little nanny seemed to start to set off a prairie fire!

"You can try first to see if you can lift it."

Ye Qingyang took the opportunity to take Hill's hands and press her firmly on the handle of Thor's hammer.

Hill only felt a pair of big hands tightly wrapping the back of her hands, and behind her was Ye Qingyang's strong, heroic and tall body.

She was embarrassed to refuse, took a deep breath, and held the hammer handle firmly.


Hill clenched her jade teeth and exerted all her strength. The long-term training left no fat on her body.

Ye Qingyang could clearly feel this. The powerful body burst out with huge energy in an instant. Ye Qingyang felt that his strengthened body could hardly resist.


Hill tried his best to let go of his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand.

"It's really amazing."

Ye Qingyang looked at her beautiful face and sighed secretly

"No matter how magical it is, it's not as magical as yours. If possible, I would trade ten Thor's hammers for a moment of pleasure."