Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 95: Red romantic bar


Harry recovered and felt that his leg was not as painful as before. He rubbed his thigh and asked curiously.

"Haha, it's nothing. It's just an ordinary private company in Manhattan. People let him go because they saw that he was honest and reliable."

Peter made a casual remark and then quickly changed the subject.

"How's your bar business going? What's its name?"

"Hey, that's it. It basically covers water, electricity and workers' expenses. My place is a serious bar. There are no escorts or exclusive drinks. It only relies on some wine income. The name of the bar is Red Romance."

Aunt May came over at this time and heard the conversation between the two. She looked at Harry with approval and smiled.

"That's not bad. At least you are working for yourself and can be considered a boss. If your father knows, he will definitely be happy for you."

When Harry heard Aunt May mention his father, he suddenly felt sad. After offending a senior boss like Iron Man, his father might never be able to return to New York again.

And he himself was kicked out of Osborne Industries, and the century-old enterprise inherited by his family was destroyed in one fell swoop. It would be impossible to say that there was no resentment in his heart.

But what if you are dissatisfied? Compared with Iron Man, the difference between an ant and a giant is that someone can kill you with just a sneeze.

Therefore, Harry never thought about avenging his father. He just wanted to live his life peacefully, get married and have children, and live an ordinary life.

Shaking his head, Harry tried hard to expel Iron Man and his Stark Industries from his mind.

He looked at Peter and said

"You haven't been to my bar yet. How about tomorrow night? I'll buy you a drink."

Then he turned to look at the kitchen and realized that Mary Jane shouldn't be able to hear him. He whispered in Peter's ear.

"Mary Jane often comes to my place for a drink after get off work, and many men come to strike up a conversation. Don't you want to be a escort?"

Peter's eyes lit up, and he looked at Harry with some embarrassment.

"You know, I'm very busy at work."

Harry felt a little resentful and patted his thigh.

"Is career or woman more important? Mary Jane is a hot commodity. If you miss this village, you won't have this store!"

"What were you two whispering about? Did you say anything bad about me?"

Mary Jane came over and sat next to Peter.

This was the first time Peter was so close to Mary Jane, and he could feel the warmth radiating from Mary Jane's body. .

Especially the faint fragrance of Mary Jane stimulated Peter's sense of smell even more.

"Nothing, I'm inviting Peter to my bar for a drink. By the way, Mary Jane, don't you have a musical tomorrow night? Peter, you haven't gone to see Mary Jane's musical yet, have you?"

Harry raised his eyebrows and looked at Peter thoughtfully.

"Well, not yet. I'm sorry, Mary Jane. As your good friend, I haven't seen your performance for so long. It's really damning."

Peter's face was full of guilt, thinking that he had strongly supported Mary Jane to bravely pursue her dream, but as a supporter, he had never actually been to the scene. Wasn't this a bit of a failure

"It's okay Peter, I don't mind. After all, you are so busy at work, and I am just a small actor."

Mary Jane said generously that she didn't mind, but anyone could hear her dissatisfaction.

"That's it. Let's go to see Mary Jane's opera performance tomorrow night, and then go to the bar for a drink. The three of us old classmates haven't gotten together for a long time, so we just want to take this opportunity to relive the old days!"

Harry took Peter in his arms and whispered in his ear

"You are still not a man! Don't you dare to pursue the woman you like? Who here doesn't know that you like Mary Jane?"

"Mary Jane, can you come over and help me? I'm almost overwhelmed."

Aunt May shouted loudly.

Mary Jane smiled, stood up and passed in front of Little Spider. The fragrance was astonishing, and the delicious aroma went straight into his nose!

It almost made him, an adolescent boy, unable to control himself.

"Brother, I can only help you so far. Have you noticed the way Mary Jane looks at you?" Harry leaned on the table with lemonade and looked at Peter lazily.

"Can't you see the way she looks at you and doesn't look at you?"

Peter saw Mary Jane running around inside through the glass of the kitchen, looking like a good wife and mother, and he was extremely conflicted.

"But I don't have time to have a girlfriend now."

"Why?" Harry was going crazy.

"Why, are you a dead person? No matter how busy you are, will the President of the United States be busy? Are you so busy that you don't even have time to talk to your girlfriend? I have never seen any scientist who is a bachelor."

Peter sighed secretly in his heart, Harry, you don't understand my heart. I am sacrificing my small family for everyone!

"Harry, can we not talk about this topic? I hope that we are true friends, Harry, and we must trust each other. I will always maintain my original intention for you and Mary Jane. You are my best friends forever." friend."

Peter worked hard to organize the words.

"Then you should be sincere to us, and don't hide your feelings under polite politeness that we can't understand. If you really treat me as a friend, then don't be late tomorrow night, don't miss your appointment, and come on time, okay? ?”

Harry frowned. He really couldn't understand Peter and didn't know why he was so embarrassed when he fell to the ground.

You are not an FBI agent, so you need to do some confidential work.

Everyone had a great time at dinner. Mary Jane and Harry sincerely sent their blessings to Peter. It wasn't until about nine o'clock in the evening that the two of them got up and left.

"Peter, don't forget what I said. You must not be late tomorrow night. I have made an arrangement with Mary Jane, so don't let me down."

Harry came last and gave Peter a hard hug.

Mary Jane still returned to the old house next door. She drank a lot tonight, so she would not go back to the rental house for the time being.

"I'll try my best."

Peter patted his best friend's spine and gave an ambiguous answer.

After bidding farewell to Harry, the little spider returned to the room. Aunt May was old and weak, and had fallen asleep on the table.

He put his hands on the back of Aunt Mei's skinny hands and patted them gently.

"Aunt Mei, go to the bedroom and sleep. It's easy to catch a cold here."

Aunt Mei raised her head in an old-fashioned way, as if she had had a dream.

"Oh, Peter, they're gone, aren't they? Did they have fun?"

Peter nodded and looked at Aunt May with concern. Wrinkles covered her cheeks. Her skin had become loose and inelastic due to age, like withered vines still wrapped around the trunk of a tree.