Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 104: Pupils without highlights


Just when Tony was having a headache, a call came from the research institute.

"Mr. Stark, the experiment is about to begin. Even if you can't come, you have to deliver the weapons this time. We can't let the subjects of this experiment use the old weapons."

Tony listened to the silence of the phone call. This feeling of powerlessness was really bad. Every experiment meant the end of an innocent life, but he had no way to do anything now.

"Stark? Tony Stark? Are you dead? If you're not dead, answer me now!"

"No, I forgot to set the alarm. I'll be there now." Tony said after he came to his senses.

After hanging up the phone, Tony ran to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water to sober himself up. What he was going to do next was to play a real werewolf killing game, except that there were only a bunch of villagers without voting rights and a bunch of werewolves with far superior strength, and not a single priesthood.

The only thing he has is this undercover agent hiding among the wolves.

Tony came to the door, hesitated for a moment, and still took the weapon box at the door. Inside was the weapons used for this experiment. In addition, this box was specially made by the research institute and would not be detected by the trash can-like robots patrolling the streets.

Following the route in his memory, Tony quickly arrived at the research institute. There was a sci-fi bracelet on his right hand. As long as it was activated, the armor would be fully equipped in just a few seconds.

It's not that Tony doesn't want to use combat methods other than the armor, but the environment this time simply doesn't allow Tony to deploy the weapon base in space. Besides, to be honest, those weapons are fine for dealing with miscellaneous soldiers, but for dealing with Accelerator? It's no different from having nothing.

Tony walked past the researchers and headed towards the underground experimental field. He had a cold face all the way. These weak researchers could be killed in half an hour if Tony wanted to, but that would not solve the problem.

On the third underground floor, as soon as Tony appeared, a researcher ran to him and took the weapons box from his hand.

"You came too late. Fortunately, it did not exceed the time set by the designer of the tree diagram, otherwise you would be in big trouble."

Tony didn't listen to what the researcher in front of him was saying at all. His eyes were always on the short-haired little girl behind the researcher.

His eyes were dull and expressionless, and he showed no reaction when he felt someone was watching him, just like a very exquisite puppet.

The researcher looked at Tony's actions and turned his head. Misaka sister was standing quietly behind him without any unnecessary movements.

"What are you looking at? It's not like you haven't seen it before. By the way, I won't talk to you anymore. I have to take her to load the corresponding weapon usage memory." The researcher waved his hand, and Misaka sister followed him.

Tony turned his head in silence, and kept hypnotizing himself in his heart, I am an inhuman weapons researcher, I am an inhuman weapons researcher...

At the end of the corridor, when Misaka sister turned the corner, she deliberately glanced at Tony who had his back to her. She could feel the difference between this researcher and the other researchers. He was a bit like the specific researchers described by Misaka sister in the Misaka network before, except that those researchers have now disappeared.

Tony took a few deep breaths, calmed himself down, and walked towards the monitoring room. Many people were already standing there, all there to observe the experiment.

Although no one believed that the people here could create a weapon that could harm Accelerator, since they were asked to come, they had to give it a try.

About half an hour later, Misaka sister came to the world above ground wearing goggles. Looking at the scene that was completely different from the underground laboratory, Misaka sister was a little curious.

However, this curiosity did not make her feel rebellious, and soon Misaka sister arrived at the planned attack site, which was full of surveillance cameras to ensure that there would be no blind spots.

Accelerator was walking slowly down the street with a plastic bag in his hand. Misaka Sister took out her gun, put her finger on the trigger, and hid in the alley, waiting for Accelerator to approach.

3... 2... 1

After the countdown, Misaka sister jumped out of the alley and pulled the trigger at Accelerator.

The bullet was fired from the muzzle, and the moment it hit Accelerator, the direction of the bullet's kinetic energy changed, and the bullet returned accurately, passing through Misaka sisters' limbs.

In just a second or two, Misaka sister fell into a state of near death, fell to the ground, and blood flowed out of her body.

Tony looked at this scene, lowered his head, and took deep breaths frantically. He really, really wanted to kill that white-haired guy and all the inhumane researchers here.

"Clones are indeed clones. Can't they give me a little more reaction?"

Accelerator threw away the plastic bag that was pierced by bullets in his hand, walked to the fallen Misaka sister with a cup of coffee in his hand, and stepped on her hand.

Misaka sister had a blank expression on her face, as if it was not her who died. In fact, Misaka sister still didn't know what happened. She didn't even understand the difference between life and death. It's just that in the last moments, she still wanted to do one thing.

Misaka sister raised her head and looked at the camera. She wanted to ask the researcher who was different from the others what his name was.

"What is she looking at?" the researchers began to discuss.

Tony looked up and saw that the screen was magnifying the Misaka sisters' movements to the maximum.

He saw a glimmer of newly born light and curiosity about this world in Misaka's eyes, but as Accelerator exerted a little force, all of it disappeared.

"Damn!" Tony cursed inwardly. In his mind, Misaka sister's last look seemed to be asking him why he didn't save her.

"Okay, everyone, this experiment is over. I suggest that the range of future weapons be slightly increased. Otherwise, it will be over in a few seconds every time, which is really boring."

After hearing these words, Tony couldn't stay any longer and turned around and left.

"Tony Stark, where are you going?!"

Tony paused, "I'll check the wounds caused by the weapons and see if there's anything I can do to improve them."

"This work spirit is very good. We should learn from him."

Following the researcher's praise, Tony quietly left this cannibalistic place.

Walking on the road, Tony's steps were extremely heavy. This feeling of powerlessness was even heavier than when he was kidnapped by terrorists.

In the alley, the extra awakened Misaka sisters were here to deal with the scene. They put the corpses that looked exactly like them into bags, cleaned up the blood, and then returned to the laboratory, waiting for the next experiment to begin.

This is the fate they were created for, and they have accepted their fate without any intention of resisting.