Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 107: Strong interaction weapon


After returning home, Tony turned off the jammer. In just over an hour, one percent of the non-renewable energy in the Ark's reactor had been consumed. Unfortunately, this one percent was not very useful and did not end this ridiculous experiment as Tony had originally guessed.

At this time, Aleister also received a report from the council. After investigation, the cause of the tree diagram designer's channel blockage was temporarily unknown, but it was certain that it was man-made.

Therefore, the board of directors wants Aleister to release Academy City's surveillance authority and allow them to conduct a city-wide search. Under this level of search, no matter who did it, as long as they did it in Academy City, they will definitely not be able to escape.

After reading the report, Aleister was silent for a while, then rejected the council's proposal. These guys had bad intentions. It seemed that they wanted to do something after being puppets for so long.

Of course, this is not the key point. Even if these guys completely control the Academy City, they are not enough to be defeated by Aleister with one slap. The reason he rejected the council is actually that the main god space has aroused his interest.

This is an interesting matter. When Aleister cooperated with the world consciousness to start the demon eradication plan, the previous main god was under siege from multiple parties. The speed of acquiring and spending resources in the main god space was completely disproportionate, and he eventually died.

Therefore, he had never seen the shadow of the main god space from beginning to end. This time Tony's arrival was the first contact. As for the two sisters Anna and Anne before, they were not strong and were not in his territory, so he had no impression of them.

Although Tony Stark is not strong, he has a trait that attracted Aleister's attention. This trait is certainly not responsibility and love, Aleister has long since stopped buying into this, but it is Tony's original talent. This talent completely violates the internal rules of this world, but the strange thing is that it can coexist harmoniously with the internal rules of the world, and it is even given a higher priority.

"The Lord God Space..." Aleister was a little looking forward to it. After all, the force that could make the World Consciousness retreat was definitely not an ordinary force. Moreover, judging from the recovery speed of the World Consciousness, it was obvious that in the eyes of the other party, the Lord God Space was a much greater threat than the Demon God. Coupled with the effect of this magical talent, Aleister wanted to get in touch with this Lord God Space.

Thinking of this, Aleister suddenly had an idea, which was to add the main god space into the plan and use them as external forces to speed up the progress of eliminating the demons.

While Aleister was thinking about how to modify the plan, Tony had watched Accelerator's battle video dozens of times at home.

Tony couldn't find much information about Accelerator, most of which were released by the official Academy City. The only relatively unknown things were the actual combat videos he had in his hands.

Although there was little information, Tony could still figure out a lot.

What Anna said is true. To some extent, this Accelerator is really similar to the Space Stone.

The Space Stone transfers attacks and energy that threaten itself to another space, while Accelerator changes the vector direction of the attack to achieve a rebound effect. The two are different in nature, but their forms of expression are similar.

"Bounce back. It can bounce back if it touches the skin. It can bounce back anything." Tony muttered to himself with his mind empty. He was thinking about how to break Accelerator's invincible defense.

"Jarvis, do you have any ideas?" Tony tried to get some inspiration from Jarvis.

"Sir, I'm sorry. Based on the weapons information currently recorded in the database, I have not yet found a way to break the opponent's defense." Jarvis replied. He almost burned the server in his search for possible methods, but unfortunately he found nothing.

"There's no way with the existing weapons. It seems like we have no choice but to design an anti-Accelerator armor." Tony said, scratching his hair.

He had a feeling that he would have to work too hard from now on, and he wondered if he would become bald.

"Jarvis, start the simulation and try to test the upper limit of Accelerator's abilities." Tony said energetically.

Although his anti-series armors had never been successful in the past, Tony had a hunch that he would not fail this time.

In fact, there are ways to break Accelerator's defense, and there is more than one.

The first is to adjust the vector direction at the same time as Accelerator adjusts the vector, so that the attack can bypass the opponent's ability and cause a real attack, but the difficulty of this move is incredibly great.

Given Accelerator's supercomputer-like computing power, he would have to grasp the timing to a certain extent to achieve this, and this also requires a prerequisite, which is that he must first get close to Accelerator.

The second is to make the instantaneous intensity of the attack exceed the limit of Accelerator's ability. Everything has an upper limit. As long as this upper limit is exceeded, Accelerator's computing power limit, his ability will no longer be effective.

However, the problem this method faces is how to create such an attack. Jarvis' simulation cannot fully measure Accelerator's upper limit due to incomplete information, but he still knows something about the bottom line. Tony can forget about dreaming about weapons like his current one.

The third is to make it impossible for the launched attack to be analyzed and calculated by Accelerator. If it cannot be calculated, no matter how strong Accelerator's computing power is, it will be of little use. However, most of the existing matter cannot escape Accelerator's computing library, and generally new things will be analyzed by Accelerator in a short time.

After thinking for a long time, Tony came up with an idea.

He knew that even if all the constituent materials of something were known to Accelerator, he would not be able to successfully analyze it in a short period of time.

That is a strong interaction material.

This is a substance that only exists in concepts whether in Marvel or in the main god space. In other words, no person or organization has the technology to reach that level yet.

Perhaps the main god space can do it, but Qi Yun would never do that. It would take so much energy to deal with just one Accelerator, and he couldn't bear to do that.

Although Tony is very confident in himself, this confidence is not arrogance. Wanting to make a strong interactive force material with bare hands within seven days is obviously beyond his ability limit.

It's just that the material in this concept gave Tony a good inspiration.

Accelerator's abilities are very strong in all aspects, but there are still some weapons in this world that can break through the upper limit. Why are these weapons still ineffective during the simulation process? It is because Accelerator can divide such attacks into small segments and then bounce them back one by one.

This kind of rebound not only reduces the difficulty of rebounding the overall attack, but also allows the attack that rebounds first to offset the attack that rebounds later, thereby achieving the goal of defeating the enemy with his own strength.

Therefore, Tony set his next weapon as a strong-linked weapon. The attack of this weapon must be inseparable and can rebound if it can. At the same time, the weapon must also be extremely difficult to analyze, so as to limit Accelerator's computing power to the greatest extent.