Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 108: Linked particle weapons


After finding the direction, Tony was no longer confused. He first sold all the equipment that could not be reused. After Tony's modifications, some of these equipment were even sold at a higher price than new equipment.

However, this secondary sale also takes a lot of time. After the funds are fully collected, another two days are gone. This is also because of Aleister's secret help in the back, otherwise it may not be sold in a week.

In a little over a week, the apartment arranged for Tony by the institute has completely changed. It is a bit like the residence of Frankenstein. In order to meet the minimum conditions for the experiment, Tony even dismantled all the equipment in his personal storage space.

In this complex research environment, Tony's armor has become the best protective clothing, but the price of this protective clothing is a bit high, which is higher than the price of most equipment.

"The particle compression experiment begins. Jarvis, be prepared to cut off the energy supply at any time." Tony put down the mask of the armor and pulled the handbrake.

A thick laser shot out from the transmitter and, under the action of a series of complex black technologies accumulated by Tony, shone onto a high-energy crystal.

This high-energy crystal is not an ordinary thing. In order to make his base play its due role, Tony exchanged fifteen such crystals in the main god space. The price of one crystal is not low. After buying them, the rewards issued in advance for this mission were basically empty.

Who would have thought that in this mission, the base didn't work, but instead these things used to provide energy played a role.

Under the influence of the huge energy of the laser, the high-energy crystals began to shrink slowly. The scattered energy hit the surrounding protective shields, causing countless waves.

A few minutes later, when the estimated time of the experiment was up, Tony pulled up the handbrake.

"Sir, I'm sorry to tell you that the first experiment failed." Jarvis' real-time projection began to show this experiment.

The high-energy crystals did change under the irradiation of the laser. The distance between the special particles began to shorten, but the repulsive force between the particles began to return to normal after the laser stopped. The stable particles with internal links that Tony expected did not appear.

"Continue the experiment." Tony didn't feel frustrated at all. He was extremely calm and started the second experiment directly.

Throughout the entire experiment, Tony's talent was at a high level. With the bonus of his talent, the experiment soon took a turn for the better.

"The thirty-first experiment begins, Jarvis, record." Tony shook his head and said. Long-term high-intensity work brought endless fatigue. If Tony's body had not been strengthened many times by career upgrades, he might not be able to bear it.

The experimental equipment in front of Tony has changed again. After laser, thermal energy and other methods failed, Tony can only use other methods to conduct experiments.

The high-energy crystal is now facing not the laser emitter, but the magnetic field generator. These machines can create extremely strong magnetic fields after being powered on. It can be said to be a little black technology of Tony.

After turning on the power switch, energy is directed out of the Ark reactor, converted into electrical energy after passing through the power generation device, and enters the magnetic field generator.

In a split second, the magnetic field near the high-energy crystal changed dramatically. The particles inside the crystal began to move inward under the restraining force of the magnetic field, and soon the distance between the particles was shortened by half.

The next step is the most critical step, which is to fix the positions of these particles while continuing to shorten the distance between particles, at least to ensure that the particles will not return to their original positions under normal circumstances.

This process lasted for a long time. After about three hours, the high-energy crystal finally stabilized.

Tony looked at the heat dissipating device a little nervously. Time was running out, and if there was no progress, the problem might become more serious.

After the heat dissipation was completed, the new appearance of the high-energy crystal appeared in front of Tony.

After going through multiple processes such as evaporation and compression, the palm-sized high-energy crystal is now only the size of the little finger nail.

"Jarvis, how's the test result?" Tony asked.

"No obvious recovery has been found so far, and the preliminary link has been constructed." Jarvis's test this time was completely different from the previous thirty times.

Tony was very happy to hear this, but he still suppressed his excitement. After all, it was not the last moment yet, and this new product still needed to be tested to know whether it could be used in combat.

If the internal state is only barely maintaining the balance, then it is better not to use it to provoke Accelerator, as it will not be of any effect.

Fortunately, the performance of this thing is very impressive.

After Tony's testing, he found that the new substance was very stable, and even he couldn't separate it using the same and opposite magnetic fields.

Magnetic lines of force are generated inside the substance by coincidence. These lines are like invisible iron chains, restricting the position of each particle.

As long as one particle is displaced, all the chains will take effect at the same time, holding the particle tightly. In this way, Accelerator can separate them in one go.

"It's finally over..." Tony collapsed to the ground, and all the spirit he had maintained was completely exhausted at this moment.

"Sir, I have to remind you that this attack alone is not enough to break through the target. We lack a solid and powerful launcher." Jarvis reminded.

"Launcher?!" Tony was stunned for a moment, "Yeah, how can I launch this thing?"

"Sir, my suggestion is to use magnetic launch. As long as the strength and flexibility of the magnetic field are reached, it can not only exert the full effect of the substance during launch, but also enhance its internal self-restraint ability." Jarvis said to the exhausted Tony.

Tony is in a very bad condition now, and even his mind is a little unclear.

"Huh, what you said makes sense. I'll do it now." Tony forced himself to get up from the ground, his body swaying as if he was about to fall.

"Sir, given your current condition and the time you have left, I don't think you can make a qualified launcher." Jarvis reminded again, "You need help."

"Help? Who?" Tony blinked, propped up his fighting eyelids, and asked.

"Based on the existing data, the best helper is the third psychic, the strongest electric shock user, Misaka Mikoto." Jarvis said, imagining Misaka Mikoto in the air.

"Misaka Mikoto?"

"That is the prototype of Misaka Sister and other clones." With the support of hardware, Jarvis's intelligence has also improved a lot. "Without the other party's help, the success rate of your plan will be greatly reduced."

Tony was silent. This Misaka Mikoto still seemed like an underage little girl. He didn't want to involve her, but it seemed that there was really no way out now.

There was silence, and Tony fell asleep.