Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 111: Humanoid launcher


Seeing that Misaka Mikoto had returned to normal and was no longer impulsive, Tony sat back in his chair and opened the mask of his armor.

"I've learned some of your superpowers. Seriously, have you never studied physics? You used such a buggy ability of controlling magnetic fields in such a way." Tony complained.

Misaka Mikoto's power is really strong. It is one of the four great forces of the universe. Without electromagnetic force, the world would not exist. But Misaka Mikoto used it to flick coins? I have to say, in Tony's opinion, it is too low.

What's even more shameful is that this time, Tony still has to ask Misaka Mikoto to play something, but this time it will be very difficult.

Misaka Mikoto blinked and said in disbelief, "Are you saying that I can defeat Accelerator?"

"After a long period of training, this possibility is very high, but we don't have enough time for you to train now." Tony said as he carefully picked up the miniature high-energy crystal with tweezers.

"It's the same as if I didn't say anything. Besides, what is this?" Misaka Mikoto became a little impatient.

"Whether the plan can be successfully implemented depends mainly on this." Tony said as he placed the miniature crystal in his palm.

"Rely on this? How?" Misaka Mikoto was a little bit unconvinced. Could this little thing really solve the problem of Accelerator, the number one psychic

"The internal particle structure of this crystal has been compressed and reorganized by me. The particles have generated huge magnetic induction lines between each other. You just need to shoot it out at the fastest speed, and it will definitely exceed the upper limit of Accelerator's ability and break through his defense!" Tony explained.

"Is this true..." Misaka Mikoto took the crystal, still a little bit unconvinced. Moreover, this thing was even lighter than the coins she usually used.

"Do you have any other choice besides believing me now? And if you don't believe me, you can try." Tony said.

"Just give it a try."

Misaka Mikoto flipped the crystal up and performed the starting move of the Railgun, but the crystal did not shoot out like a coin, but fell directly to the ground.

"How... could this happen?"

"What you call a super-electromagnetic gun is just using its own electromagnetic force to make the conductor fly out quickly under the action of a huge Abe force, and using electromagnetic force to correct the flight trajectory in real time and to accelerate the conductor continuously before hitting the target.

Although the crystal in your hand is a conductor, the magnetic flux lines inside will spontaneously resist all forces and cause changes. This originally limited Accelerator's ability, but now it also limits your ability. It is impossible to shoot it out like an ordinary coin."

Listening to Tony's explanation, Misaka Mikoto nodded. As a senior student, she could still understand this ordinary junior high school knowledge.

"Then what should I do?" The more difficult the launch, the stronger Misaka Mikoto's confidence became.

"Train! Continuous training. I need you to reach the level of being able to change the direction of the electromagnetic field at will in a short period of time. The real-time changing electromagnetic force can turn the resistance of the crystal into driving force, thereby producing a more exaggerated acceleration." Tony said as he placed the computer in front of Misaka Mikoto, on which was the launch animation designed by Tony.

The launch standard in the animated image requires the launcher to have extremely strong electromagnetic control capabilities, which Misaka Mikoto cannot achieve at present, but she believes that she can meet the requirements within the remaining time.

Misaka Mikoto immediately started to manipulate electromagnetic force by imitating the animation.

"Wait! Don't practice here. I still have five remaining high-energy crystals that need to be turned into launchable weapons one by one. You should find a place to practice by yourself." Tony waved his hand at Misaka Mikoto and said.

"I understand." Misaka Mikoto grabbed the miniature crystal, turned around and walked out of Tony's house. As a person with super powers, it was easy for her to find a place to train her abilities.

After watching Misaka Mikoto leave, Tony sighed. He was fooled. However, there was still a loophole in his plan, which was how to hit Accelerator.

In order for the speed of the miniature crystal to reach a certain level, the distance between Misaka Mikoto and Accelerator must be long enough when launching. With Accelerator's reaction speed, he will definitely be able to react. Tony has not yet thought of a good way to restrict Accelerator's movement.

But now we can only take one step at a time.

That night, Misaka Mikoto walked towards her dormitory looking listless. She had used up all her electricity, and her abilities needed time to recover. Also, the long hours of practice made her a little dazed.

Following the time, Misaka Mikoto walked into the dormitory and walked back to her room step by step.

Shirai Kuroko was lying on the bed, and when she saw her elder sister finally coming back, she jumped up and said, "Elder sister, why did you come back so late?"

Misaka Mikoto forced a smile, "Something delayed me, don't worry about me."

After saying that, Misaka Mikoto walked towards the bathroom, and Shirai Kuroko became even more confused.

She could see that Misaka Mikoto was running out of power. Could it be that the ape had taken her elder sister to be used as a generator

She originally wanted to ask clearly, but after washing up, Misaka Mikoto fell directly on the bed and fell asleep. Shirai Kuroko could only keep her doubts in her heart.

Misaka Mikoto, who was pretending to be asleep, felt very heavy-hearted thinking about what happened today. After leaving Tony's house, she hacked into the Internet to verify the situation. The result was contrary to what she hoped, and everything Tony said was true.

And Misaka Mikoto also found out how those guys got her genes.

That was when she was very young, and a group of researchers took her complete genetic sequence in order to treat a disease.

But according to what Misaka Mikoto learned today, that group of guys actually had ulterior motives in the beginning. They wanted to use their own genes to carry out a mass production plan for people with special abilities. However, the cloned Misaka sisters did not have enough abilities, so the plan was terminated.

Unexpectedly, under the arrangement of the tree diagram designer, the mass production plan for people with special abilities was mixed with other things to produce the current absolute plan for the evolution of people with special abilities.

Sisters, I will definitely save you!

Misaka Mikoto thought and thought in her heart, and then she really fell asleep.

At five o'clock the next morning, Shirai Kuroko got up to go to the bathroom, only to find that Misaka Mikoto, who was supposed to be lying in bed and sleeping in, had disappeared.

My dear elder sister... Shirai Kuroko stood in front of Misaka Mikoto's bed.

Misaka Mikoto's change started after she met that uncle. Something must have happened in between. Shirai Kuroko thought about it and decided that she must find that uncle and restore Misaka Mikoto to normal!

With this thought in mind, at five in the morning, for the first time, no one was in Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko's dormitory.