Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 115: The final day is coming


On the day of the experiment, the basement of the institute was much busier than usual. The cause of the last channel blockage had not yet been investigated, but that was a lesson learned. This time they made extra preparations to ensure the normal progress of the experiment.

"Where's Tony Stark? He hasn't arrived yet?" The team leader looked around at his researchers and said with a frown after not finding Tony.

"His phone is turned off and we can't contact him, but the weapons were already in place yesterday," the researcher said.

"He only comes here once a week and is never on time. It seems like he doesn't want to do this job anymore!" The team leader slammed the table angrily.

"Don't be angry, how about I go to his house now?" said the researcher. It's not that he and Tony have a very good relationship, he is just afraid that the team leader will get too angry and end up affecting others.

"No need, let's start the experiment first." The team leader said with a gloomy face.

Tony, who was being talked about, was now on the rooftop of the Seventh School District Supermarket. He had been sitting there enjoying the wind for a long time.

The personnel for the experiment are already in place, and Accelerator cooperated by not staying at home, but wandering around outside doing something unknown. However, the experiment time has not yet arrived, so Misaka Sister has not started yet.

"Jarvis, how is the jammer at home now?" Tony asked as he looked at the bustling crowd below.

"Sir, the jammer is in top condition and ready to go."

"Due to equipment shortage, the jammers have been reduced in size by more than half, but this scaled-down version should still be able to play its due role." Tony looked up at the sky and said expressionlessly.

Jarvis didn't answer Tony's question. He knew Tony was not asking him a question. It was just an outward expression of nervousness.

On top of the tower crane at the construction site, Misaka Mikoto looked at the earth that seemed to have shrunk, wondering what she was thinking.

The miniature high-energy crystal moved up and down in her hand, just like a flying coin.

Snap, Misaka Mikoto grabbed the crystal and stood up straight. Now there were less than ten minutes left before the experiment began.

"Your Majesty, we have spotted Accelerator in the convenience store ahead." A student ran up to Shokuhou Misaki and bowed.

"I understand." Shokuhou Misaki walked to the window and looked at the gloomy sky.

He only has three hundred people under his command, and because there are too many people to control at one time, they cannot use their abilities and can only use ordinary firearms. Can such power really stop Accelerator

She didn't know either, but she knew she absolutely couldn't do nothing.

Compared to these three guys who were worried, Aleister was much calmer. But it was also true that this was just a small matter for him. After all, even if something went wrong, it would not be difficult to remedy the situation.

He didn't panic when he was being hunted by magicians from all over the world, so he won't panic now.

Five minutes before the experiment began.

Accelerator bought a lot of the same kind of coffee at the convenience store and held it in his hand. The scheduled experiment time was approaching. From that time on, Misaka sisters might launch an attack from anywhere, and he would end the attacker's life in a short time as before.

After paying, Accelerator opened a can of coffee and left the convenience store.

Unlike Tony, Misaka Mikoto and the others, Accelerator is not happy now. He has never been happy to begin with, and since the experiment began, he has been happy even less.

After all, he doesn't like killing at all. He just has mental problems, not a sociopath. How could he like killing

Don't even think about it, those are just puppets. Apart from the expected resistance, they can't even beg for mercy.

Accelerator shook his head and consoled himself in his heart that all these were necessary sacrifices to become invincible. As long as he reached level 6, no more clowns would come to trouble him and he would not have to kill people anymore.

When Accelerator was hypnotizing himself, the Misaka sisters from the previous experiment suddenly flashed through his mind. He still remembered clearly the last time she looked up. It was an action she had never done before. In the past, the Misaka sisters would simply wait for death, or at most try to fight back.

Ever since he got the video and saw the changes in Misaka sisters, Accelerator always felt heavy in his heart. Those clones seemed to be becoming more and more like humans.

In the distance, Misaka No. 10031 was lying on the roof of a small bungalow next to her, with a sniper rifle in front of her. She was waiting for the moment when she would become the prey.

During this process, Misaka No. 10031 was observing the surroundings. She was not investigating the situation nearby, but looking for someone who left a deep impression on No. 10030.

Misaka 10031 still remembers the way that person looked at the body of 10030, and also remembers the last words that person said, but it has been half a month, how come nothing seems to have happened? Did he break his promise and get fatter

Ding ding, two warning sounds came from the goggles, and the experiment time was up.

Misaka No. 10031 held his breath, his eyes fixed on the scope, ready to attack Accelerator below at any time.

Not far behind her, Tony lowered the mask of his armor, and azure flame emerged from the nozzle as the armor began its final warm-up.

Shokuhou Misaki finally discovered the figure of Misaka No. 10031 at this time. She calmly controlled her subordinates to move over there to see if she could capture Misaka No. 10031 before Accelerator discovered her and directly interrupt the experiment.

Misaka No. 10031 raised the muzzle of the gun slightly, pointed it at Accelerator's back, put his finger on the trigger, and then pressed it hard.

Bang! The bullet flew out of the gun.

The bullet flew towards Accelerator very fast, but not as fast as Misaka 10031's change of heart.

At the moment the bullet was fired, Misaka No. 10031 had an inexplicable feeling in her heart, that is, she didn't want to die anymore. She wanted to find the guy who made a promise to all the Misaka sisters, and tell him that she seemed to understand the difference between life and death!

The people in the research institute were watching the surveillance footage. When Misaka 10031 fired the first shot, the team leader still had a smile on his face. But he instantly realized a problem. Misaka 10031 was holding a rapid-fire sniper rifle, so why was there only one gunshot

"Jarvis! Turn on the jammer!" Tony said as he jumped down from a tall building, and a blue jet of flame lit up in the air.

Before the team leader had time to start thinking, he found that the images on the screen disappeared all of a sudden and the transmission channel was paralyzed again.

"Turn on the fixed headset, I want to know what happened over there, let 10031 report by voice!" the team leader shouted.
