Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 12: Memory awakening


Alice felt the changes in the world just like the Red Queen. People like them who have been reincarnated countless times are very sensitive to any changes.

However, since her reincarnation memory has not yet been restored, images keep flashing in Alice's mind. Some of these images are captured by Umbrella and some are from the future when the zombie crisis breaks out.

"Alice?" Tony looked at Alice nervously when he found that something was wrong with her. The mission was almost over, so he should stop it.

"I'm fine." Alice waved her hand while pressing her temple. "Have you finished talking to Dr. Charles? Where is the last helicopter?"

"It's near the hospital, not too far from here." Tony said a little worriedly. It seems that the process needs to be speeded up.

On the other side, after finishing the call, Dr. Charles was also captured by Ken, the head of Umbrella Raccoon City.

"Computers are always unreliable, just like people, aren't they?" Ken looked at Charles coldly and said, "Do you really think I know nothing?"

Charles looked up at Ken, and a smile suddenly appeared on his expressionless face, which seemed to say, Guess whether I know it or not. Do you think I don’t know it

Immediately afterwards, Charles was pushed out of the safe zone by the Umbrella soldiers, but in Ken's mind, Charles' smile had never disappeared. The development of things seemed to be beyond his control

"Adjust the direction of Nemesis!" Kane came into the control room and shouted, "I want these two test subjects to start testing before they arrive!"

Commands were sent from the control room and entered the chip in the tracker Matt's mind. Under the control of the chip, Matt headed towards the direction of Alice and the others.

In the car, Alice and others are confessing to the camera. If they can escape, the reporter will make these shots have a real effect.

Tony sat aside and did not participate in this activity. All the information about zombies had been edited into an audio and video document by Jarvis. As long as the mission was completed, this document would be sent to all terminals via the wireless network. This effect would be much more useful than reporters' reports.

"Warning! Special target spotted!" Jarvis reported hurriedly after finding Matt.

Tony felt nauseous as he looked at the pursuer's tangled muscles and ugly face.

"According to data analysis, the special target is the biological weapon of the Umbrella Corporation. An encrypted electronic chip connected to an external signal source was found in the target's brain." Jarvis continued.

After Matt's expected route was marked on the map, it coincided with Tony and the others' route at a point in front of the hospital.

"Jarvis, invade the target chip and try to counter-control it!" Tony gave the order.

"…The intrusion failed. Insufficient computing power to break through the other party's network defenses. Charles' account is invalid. Do you want to continue the intrusion attempt?" Jarvis brought bad news.

Tony shook his head. Changing to a new world was too troublesome. The problem of insufficient hardware had occurred many times since he came here.

"Get out of the car!" Tony suddenly shouted, "We are in trouble."

The people in the car looked at Tony, and based on the trust they had built over such a long time, the car quickly stopped by the roadside.

While Tony asked Jarvis to try to cut off Kane and the others' control information, he projected Matt's figure into the air.

Alice looked at Matt. Her mind had just calmed down for a while, but now it was in turmoil again.

"The target is the biological weapons of the Umbrella Corporation. The main attack methods are the Gatling machine guns and RPG launchers in their hands." Tony pointed at the video in front of him and said, "The opponent has a certain degree of immortality and is immune to firearms damage, including large-caliber bullets!"

When the temporary combat meeting started, Ken found that something was wrong. Alice and the others seemed to have stopped, and the signal from Matt was intermittent as if it was interfered with by something.

"Boss, we've arrived at the scheduled combat point." The staff member looked at Ken and said.

Ken looked at the two points not far from each other and hesitated for a moment. "Let the God of Vengeance take the initiative to attack, and target Alice."


Under Ken's control, it only took Matt a few minutes to reach the place where Alice and the others got off, but now there was nothing there.

"Use all nearby cameras to find Alice for me!" Ken was becoming more and more uneasy, but he just couldn't find where the problem was.

With a flickering sound, all the computer screens in the control room flickered, leaving only the computer controlling Matt still barely functioning.

Tony has ordered Jarvis to cut off all control rights of Umbrella Corporation over surveillance. Umbrella Corporation now only has one encrypted signal line to control Matt.

Before Ken issued the order to retreat, Matt's control system detected Alice's presence.

Matt then locked his target on Alice, but before Matt could launch the attack, a huge force hit Matt's head.

The hard head was hammered directly into the ground, and the physical disconnection was successful!

Having lost all means of detection, Ken finally panicked, and Charles' smile reappeared.

"Damn, what the hell did that guy do!" Ken angrily pushed away the guard and rushed towards Charles.

In Raccoon City, Tony fell from the sky and stepped Matt into the ground. He pointed his right hand at Matt's head and the laser launcher was ready.

"Wait!" Alice suddenly shouted.

"What?" Tony was stunned for a moment. A huge force burst out from Matt's body and directly flipped Tony up with his armor.

Alice touched her brain and recognized that Matt, who had been transformed into a biological weapon, was the survivor who escaped from the hive with her!

In addition, she also remembered all the plot lines. This time was the earliest time she recovered her memory among so many reincarnations.

Matt got up from the ground, picked up the Gatling machine gun, and pointed the gun at Alice. The continuity of the command was still in effect.

Alice stretched out her hand, and a huge amount of mental power penetrated her body and directly controlled Matt.

Then she clenched her right fist slightly in the air, and the Gatling machine gun was twisted into a twist under the attack of telekinesis.

Peyton and Jill, who were standing behind Alice, were about to pop their eyes out. Tony's performance was barely within their understanding. As for individual combat armor, they had seen it before and had never heard of the concept before.

What's going on with Alice? Superpowers? Why didn't you use them at first

Gulp! Tony swallowed his saliva. He was a little scared by Alice's fighting ability.

"Jarvis, go back and remind me to reinforce the stability of the armor shell." Tony said.

It's time to put the anti-Alice armor on the agenda.