Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 120: Tool man


After returning home, Tony was temporarily relieved. He thought he was safe, and he figured out some things on the way back.

Take this hidden mission for example. To be honest, this is the first time Tony has heard of a mission with difficulty level 0. However, after thinking about it carefully, he discovered that this mission also implies another meaning, which is that as long as Tony stays in Academy City, it will be difficult for him to die.

This is the true meaning of this mission with a difficulty of 0. Aleister wants Tony to stop running around. After all, he does not have the final say in this world.

After figuring it out, Tony could only accept it passively. However, Aleister did not give him any reward. A full 10 billion yen appeared in Tony's account out of thin air, and 1 billion yen would be deposited into his account every day thereafter. This time, Tony's money ability was partially restored.

After getting the money, Tony started to invest in research. After all, the money fell from the sky, so he didn't feel bad about spending it. In this way, some research projects that were not urgent or of low priority but required a lot of money could be started.

During the remaining time, Misaka Mikoto and Misaka Sister came to see Tony. According to Tony's normal behavioral logic, he would definitely study what this superpower was. However, he was not in the mood now. The runes on his body were like a time bomb, making him anxious. After all, he was safe now, but that might not be the case after he returned to the main god space.

In order to relieve his anxiety, Tony also used Aleister's banner to get a batch of equipment for developing superpowers in Academy City from the research institute. Some of these devices were very simple, such as electric shock devices that limited current, and some were particularly complex, such as hallucination generators. Anyway, in Academy City, except for those rough stones, the abilities of other people were basically stimulated by these things.

The remaining fifteen days passed in a flash, and soon the day of return arrived.

On the eve of his return, Tony emptied out the items in his personal space and piled them in the apartment here. Then he put all the experimental results and purchased specialties of the past few days into the space, and then sat in the pile of miscellaneous items waiting to return.

The qualified people began to return, and abnormal energy was detected in their bodies, and they began to peel off...

As the prompt sounded, the rune on Tony's body seemed to be grabbed by something and started to be pulled out. After a few seconds, the rune turned into a ball of light and left Tony's body.

The stripping was successful... The qualified person has reached the main god space... Settlement begins.

The runes stripped from Tony were pulled away from the main god space by Qi Yun and arrived at a world with a higher energy level that has not yet been added to the main god space.

When the return program began, Qi Yun already knew that there was a problem with the runes attached to Tony, and wanted to get rid of it directly, but the feedback from the task system made Qi Yun think that he should wait and see.

To be on the safe side, Qi Yun specially went to this newly discovered world and set aside a space specifically for this rune.

After reaching a safe location, Qi Yun pierced through the outer shell of the rune ball with a burst of energy, and the information inside filled the tiny space like an explosion.

This information is not difficult to understand, and the central idea is very clear. In short, Aleister hopes to establish a friendly and win-win cooperative relationship with the Main God Space. The two sides can cooperate on matters that are in the interests of both parties, work together, and accelerate the pace of common progress.

To simplify it further, Aleister wants to make Qiyun an ally.

Looking at this thing, Qi Yun had to admit that he was a little tempted. Win-win was something he preferred. As the chairman of Academy City and a top powerhouse in the World of Certain Scientific Railgun, Aleister could definitely bring a lot of positive influences to the Lord God Space. And the most important thing was that the World of Certain Scientific Railgun had a characteristic law that was particularly important to the Lord God Space. With that, all aspects of the Lord God Space would be greatly improved.

However, Qi Yun still felt a little apprehensive about the old fox, Aleister.

Qi Yun is well aware of his shortcomings. He was an ordinary person before he traveled through time, and he didn't encounter many intrigues after he traveled through time, so his skills in digging pits and laying mines are quite poor. But it's different for Aleister. After so many years of experience in struggle and counter-struggle, God knows how much is hidden in this man's mind.

No, as the saying goes, use an old fox to fight an old fox.

Qi Yun thought about it and smiled, he knew what to do.

In the Marvel world, Nick Fury, who was dealing with Hydra inside, suddenly sneezed a few times, and the sneezes came quite inexplicably.

After coming up with the idea, Qi Yun dispelled the restrictions on space and left this world directly. He had no intention of bringing the energy that Aleister sent with runes back to the main god space to avoid being ambushed.

With Qi Yun's departure, the energy in the Aleister rune began to become disordered, and then scattered in all directions. For a moment, a golden rain fell in this place.

Whoosh~ A man rode a flying sword to the place where the rune exploded, reached out and grabbed it, and the remaining light spots gathered in his hand.

This man had a heroic look and a handsome face, with the standard expression of an upright and pedantic scholar.

The light spot was slowly assimilated by this world and turned into ordinary spiritual energy and merged into the world.

"I don't know whether this thing from outer space is a blessing or a curse." Dugu Yuyun shook his head and put his hand back into his sleeve.

The flying sword under his feet turned flexibly and took him towards Shushan.

Dugu Yuyun returned to Mount Shu from the mortal world this time with the intention of integrating all that he had experienced in the mortal world and beginning to attain enlightenment. However, as a Taoist priest whose mission is to slay demons and eliminate evil, it is normal for him to take a look at something that is not right.


"Li Xiaoyao! It's already so late, why don't you get up!"

A loud roar was heard in a restaurant in Yuhang Town, shaking the restaurant twice, but the diners inside were not surprised at all and seemed to be used to it.

"It's over! I overslept again! The witch Rosa will definitely not let me go!" Li Xiaoyao jumped up from the bed, put on his clothes in a panic, and ran out of the room.

"I'd like to know what your reason is for getting up so late today." Aunt Li had a joking expression on her face as she spoke, and the frying pan in her hand was flipping up and down.

Li Xiaoyao swallowed his saliva and said, "Yesterday... Yesterday, I saw a golden rain. I was so fascinated by it that I slept late."

"What golden rain! I think you have been dreaming for too long! Go to the kitchen and help!" Aunt Li yelled.

Li Xiaoyao rubbed his head and ran to the kitchen. He also felt that he might have slept too long, but the rain he dreamed of last night was real.

Looking at Li Xiaoyao's back, a trace of uneasiness flashed in Aunt Li's eyes. It was the golden rain again. Li Xiaoyao's parents also said something similar on the day they left him behind to venture into the world.