Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 122: Marvel again


"This thing is pretty powerful, but it has too many restrictions," Banner sighed.

"It's quite big, but my talent has been tested and meets the requirements for upgrading. What do you think?" Tony looked at the others and asked. There was no need to talk about Banner, as his talent was definitely on the mysterious side, although he was a scientist.

"Mine won't work. Taoism is judged as mystical by this machine." Lin Zhengying shook his head and said, "Although talent can be strengthened, if the price is Taoism, I can't accept it."

"I am similar to Taoist Lin. Our talents can be enhanced, but our abilities do not allow us to use this machine." Zhao Jian said.

"It's about what I guessed." Tony was a little depressed. "If you can't use it, there won't be many people we can use here."

The Marvel world is said to be a science fiction world, but it contains too much magical elements, and most people are not willing to give up everything on the mysterious side to improve their talents. This thing is more suitable for the Umbrella side.

Several people present were also aware of this problem. After a moment of silence, Zhao Jian looked at Tony.

"Why don't we have another meeting to discuss whether we should give this thing to Umbrella for some exchange."

Tony nodded. "That's fine. Let's go through the frontline staff first to see how many are suitable. Those who can digest it themselves should not be replaced."

"Yes, this equipment must have been hard to come by. I guess your mission this time will be difficult." Banner sighed, "The title of Pioneer really has its pros and cons."

"It's okay. It is quite difficult, but there is no unachievable task in front of me." Tony said in a domineering manner.

Yes, this guy currently has the highest average score for performing tasks in the main god space, and he also has the best equipment. After the number of people has grown, there are no longer any qualified people who can get orange equipment after completing the first mission.

While the four people were discussing here, in the Marvel world, Nick almost scratched his head through. Fortunately, he had no hair, so he didn't have to worry about scratching himself bald.

Shit! They are all undercover agents. Damn it. How many people did Pierce bury

Nick put his hands on the table and cursed inwardly.

There are many Hydras in S.H.I.E.L.D., but the fact that Nick can still sit here actually proves one thing, that is, that group of guys are not powerful enough to cause any trouble.

The identities of top agents such as Melinda, Schiff, Barton, Natasha, and Coulson have been verified, and they are still ready. Moreover, SHIELD is now under the watchful eyes of Zhao Jian and other high-level members of the Trailblazer Alliance, so it is pure fantasy for Hydra to take over.

What Nick is considering now is how to keep SHIELD after eliminating all Hydra. As for whether he can still be the director, he doesn't care because he has already arranged the next director.

"Chief, someone is looking for you. His name is Qi Jie. He said he has an appointment with you." While Nick was thinking, a phone call came into his office.

In a second, Nick considered all the pros and cons, and then said, "Let him come directly to my office."

Nick still remembered the name Qi Jie very clearly. He had heard this name from Tony a long time ago, when Tony had not yet revealed his identity as a mechanic, and at that time the two men seemed to have been friends.

Nick didn't believe that Zijie was a member of Hydra. With Zijie's fighting ability, Hydra was not worthy of him being a younger brother. And judging from Zijie's reckless behavior pattern, he didn't seem like the leader of Hydra.

Since it was basically certain that the other party was not from Hydra, Nick felt that a meeting would definitely be beneficial. The other party came to him on his own initiative, perhaps seeking help. In that case, he would be able to gain a strong foothold on the list and also increase Tony's impression points, which would be beneficial to preserving S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the other hand, Qi Jie naturally came out of this world again after receiving Qi Yun's order. He contacted Nick because Nick Fury was the person Qi Yun designated to conduct preliminary negotiations with Aleister.

As an ordinary person, he was able to sit in the position of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. surrounded by undercover agents, which already shows that this guy is extremely capable. Even though his combat ability is not good, his ability is still extremely strong, which also shows that this person's scheming and tactics are quite sophisticated.

In fact, it is not impossible to directly control Nick with means similar to mind control. At most, he can just erase his memory when sending him back. However, any ability to interfere with the mind will have a certain impact on the mind of the recipient. No one knows whether this influence will play a good or bad role in the negotiation and judgment after the negotiation. Qi Yun does not want to take this risk.

"Hello, Chief Nick, right? I'm Qi Jie. I'm here to ask for your opinion on something." Qi Jie said straight to the point.

Nick was really not used to Qi Jie's straightforward way of speaking, but even though it seemed that the other party was asking something of him, the initiative was actually in the other party's hands.

"Tell me, as long as you can answer, I will definitely help."

"It's like this. Now there are two forces that are enemies of each other. Both want to crush the other to ashes, but neither can do anything about it."

Qi Jie spoke slowly. The two sides he was referring to were Aleister and the Demon God, one was the technological side, and the other was the mysterious side.

Nick nodded. This situation was easy to understand. It sounded like they were mortal enemies who could never reconcile.

"The slightly weaker party made an extremely ambitious plan to achieve its goal. At the beginning of this plan, another force caught their attention. The strength of this force is not lower than that of the two hostile parties, and may even be higher. Do you think they will ask for help from a third party?"

Nick thought for a moment, "I want to ask a few questions. First, if no help is sought, will the third party voluntarily withdraw or be lured by the second party? Second, if no help is sought, what is the chance of the weaker party winning? Finally, to what extent does the weaker party hate, and how much can it pay to achieve the goal of destroying the other party?"

Qi Yun was staying in the main god space at this time, observing Nick from Qi Jie's perspective. Listening to Nick's questions, Qi Yun spoke slowly, and then Qi Jie repeated it.

"First, the third party will take the initiative to leave, but the impact on the other two parties will not be great. At the same time, there is a chance that the second party will win over the third party, but it is not high. Second, without reinforcements, the probability of the weaker party turning the tables is not particularly high, but it is not impossible. Third, the positions of the two parties are absolutely opposite, but it is not certain how far they can go."