Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 123: Prejudgment, counter-prejudgment, counter-counter-prejudgment


After listening to Qi Jie's answer, Nick understood something.

At first, Nick thought that they were the weaker party in Qi Jie's words. After all, these days, when a friend tells a story, he is always talking about himself. But after listening for so long, Nick is basically certain that the force represented by Qi Jie is the third party in the story.

"Assuming that the hatred level of the weaker party is full, then he should ask for help from a third party. However, asking for support is only part of the problem. What is more important is to ensure that the third party does not fall into the arms of the enemy. If the hatred level is not that high, the weaker party should not take the initiative to contact the third party to prevent the possibility of the third party usurping the power. In addition, if I were the third party, I would probably not accept any party's solicitation without information advantage."

After a brief thought, Nick gave his thoughts.

Qi Yun understood the subtext of Nick's words. This man was not only analyzing the situation, but also proving his own value. The last sentence was actually saying, I already know that you are a third party.

"Why do you think a third party shouldn't intervene if it doesn't have an information advantage?" Qi Yun continued. The smarter Nick was, the happier he was.

"Because you don't know if the other person is predicting your psychology."

Nick stood up as he spoke. It seemed that this kind of test of logic made him very happy. After all, he had encountered too many people who did not play with logic and directly broke through with brute force.

"Take the third party as an example. At the first level, you receive a request for help and decide to enter the market because you think it is profitable or the other party has what you need."

"The other party may have predicted your reaction. He is on the second floor. The information you know may have been modified. When you leave, the two originally hostile parties may suddenly unite their forces."

"According to this logic, we can predict the opponent's prediction and come to the third level. We can choose to watch them fight to the death and never leave the field. We can wait until the battle reaches the end and then take advantage of the situation."

"Similarly, the opponent can also predict our prediction of his prediction. The opponent has reached the fourth level. His original intention may be that we just want to watch from the sidelines. Maybe the opponent's plan has reached the last step. After swallowing up the opponent, he can still protect himself, and we will miss the best opportunity to enter."

Nick said a lot of things in a row. "This logic can be extended to another level. Without information advantage, we cannot infer which level the other party is on, nor can we confirm which level we should stay on. In this way, we can only judge the pros and cons based on the results and make behavioral decisions."

"The worst possible outcome now is that we will be trapped by both sides. The best possible outcome is that we will cooperate with the weaker side to attack the stronger side. In addition to making possible sacrifices, we must also be prepared for the other side to turn against us in the end."

"If we don't quit now, the worst possible scenario is that one party will successfully swallow up the other and then become more ambitious, facing a stronger opponent. However, there is still an opportunity to take advantage of the situation. The best possibility is that both parties will perish together, and we can just pick up the ready-made gains. Whether from the perspective of benefits or risks, this option is better under the premise of unclear information."

Nick analyzed it carefully.

Qi Yun touched his chin. So far, what Nick said made sense, but things were not that simple.

Qi Jie was sitting on the table in boredom. The main people he was talking to were Qi Yun and Nick, and he was just a human megaphone.

"Now there are two more pieces of information. Do you think they will affect your conclusion? One is that after the third party joins the first party, Victory will have the opportunity to rapidly grow in strength. The other is that there is a more powerful fourth party standing in front of the third party. Although we haven't encountered them yet, sooner or later something will go wrong if their strength doesn't grow.

The second is that no matter which side wins, it will not have an absolute impact on the third party, which means there is no need to worry about one side being too strong. "

Looking at Qi Jie's absent-minded look, Nick understood that he should be talking to the person behind Qi Jie, and the thing in front of him was just a phone.

And after chatting for such a long time, Nick also figured out some other information, the appearance of which has already made him gain a lot.

First of all, there should be a considerable team behind Qi Jie, which means that the people in the Trail Blazers Alliance are either not at that level yet or there are other comprehensive divisions in the main God Space. In fact, Nick had already made this guess.

At present, they only know Qi Jie, who is suspected to be a senior person, so either Tony is the second person to join the main god space, which is unlikely, or the main god space itself has another very large level that is unknown to Tony and others. Today's conversation made Nick believe his speculation even more.

The person behind Qi Jie insisted on communicating through a microphone. Apart from the possibility that the other party had a special hidden illness, the most likely possibility was that the other party was restricted and could not appear here.

Nick nodded as he thought about it. He now understood why Qi Jie had to look for someone below him, because at his level he could not actively pass messages upwards, so he would not have to worry about leaks.

Looking at Nick nodding there, Qi Yun was a little confused. What was this guy thinking about

After a few seconds, under Qi Jie's gaze, Nick came back to his senses.

"With these two conditions, there are more things to consider, but the information is still not sufficient. The more information we have, the more likely it is that the decision we make will be the best one." Nick said after sitting down, "But at the moment, I still don't recommend entering the market, because even if the two parties win, it won't affect us. The question becomes whether we should take a certain risk to get a bigger return."

"I think that in that place, we need to play it safe. Sometimes taking risks can lead to great success."

Qi Yun was even more confused. He felt that Nick might have misunderstood something, about that place or that place. Never mind. In order to prevent the other party from over-thinking, he directly ordered Qi Jie to reveal his cards.

Qi Jie scratched his head, and after a snap of his fingers, a document appeared on the table.

"Well, thank you for your help. This is your reward. It contains all the undercover agents in your area, including but not limited to Hydra. This should be quite detailed."

Nick took the document and put it aside. This thing could only be used as a reference. If he believed it completely, he should resign as the director as soon as possible.

"In addition, we have another thing we would like to entrust you with. Please help us go to a place to test this disadvantaged party. Once the task is completed, we can provide you with three places to become qualified persons, which should be enough for you to keep this place." Qi Jie continued.

Nick was a little tempted. This reward was exactly what he wanted. However, out of caution, he still had to ask, "Why don't you go by yourselves?"

Qi Yun scratched his head. He couldn't say that he was afraid that he couldn't beat the old fox over there, so he made up an excuse.

"It's not very convenient for us to go, don't worry, there won't be any major danger."

Nick's eyes lit up and he wrote a sentence in the little notebook in his heart: there are restrictions on high-level qualified people entering other worlds.

After taking note, Nick stood up and said, "I'll take this task, but can I see the deposit first?"