Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 124: Aleister's confidence


"Deposit? No deposit required, pay in full." Qi Jie said as he stretched out his fist and released it above Nick's desk, and three badges fell down.

Nick touched the badge and indeed could hear the unique voice of the Lord God ringing in his mind. Then he nodded, indicating that he had accepted the task.

After Nick took on the task, he began to arrange SHIELD's personnel activities for the next few days with Ziggy's company.

At this time, the personnel activities arranged by Nick were mainly based on stability. As long as the time required for this mission could be dragged out, everything would be fine. When he returned smoothly, maybe SHIELD would not only not disappear, but would even be able to achieve better development.

An hour later, Nick crossed the world barrier and was sent to the world of Certain Scientific Railgun.

Qi Jie did not follow him in. Although it was a bit cruel, Qi Yun did have the idea of letting Nick step on Lei if he found him and throw him over.

Between Qi Jie and Nick, Qi Yun decisively chose Qi Jie, regardless of the degree of closeness.

If the bomb really explodes, Nick will have to save him if he can. If he can't, Qi Yun will try his best to make Aleister buried with Nick.

(Thank you! - Nick Fury)

Walking on the streets of Academy City, Nick kept looking around.

The current technological level of this place is much higher than that of SHIELD in terms of universality. It can serve as a good model and have a certain guiding effect on the future technological development of SHIELD.

After walking for a few minutes, Nick found that the light around him was getting dimmer and dimmer, as if night had arrived in an instant.

Nick felt a little dizzy and shook his head. After he came to his senses, he found that he had left the street and arrived at a huge space that was a little difficult to judge.

Aleister was hanging upside down in the life support device, looking at Nick Fury quietly. In his eyes, this guy was like a big light bulb, emitting fluctuations unique to the main god space all the time.

That is to say, Nico appeared in Academy City first, otherwise Aleister could not be sure whether he discovered it first or the demon or world consciousness discovered it first.

Originally, Aleister thought that even if Nick was not the person in charge of the main god space, he should have some right to speak. However, after realizing that this person was just an ordinary person, Aleister overturned his initial guess.

Nick looked up and down at the man in front of him. His face was stiff and expressionless. It seemed difficult to read any information from the other person's expression.

"Hello, you must be Mr. Aleister." Nick said, standing right in front of Aleister.

"Yes." Aleister's voice, which sounded like a man or a woman, echoed in the space, making it impossible to determine the source of the voice. "What did they ask you to tell me?"

Nick was a little speechless. He couldn't get the voice or expression right, so how could he dig deeper into the information

"I'm not here to say anything. I just wanted to talk to you." Nick quickly adjusted his attitude and said.

Aleister looked at Nick. After the conversation began, a thin film appeared on Nick's body. This film protected Nick's mind and prevented him from making any small movements.

"If there's anything you want to know, just ask," Aleister said directly.

After so many years and so many confrontations, Aleister has developed the habit of playing open tricks. Facing the demon god, conspiracies are of no use. Only by suppressing him with a mighty force can there be any effect.

Nick blinked, thinking in his mind, these suspected high-level figures all seemed to speak in an upright manner, could this be some common trait

"Well, could you please tell me what stage your plan has reached?" Nick asked.

The next second after the question was asked, a global map appeared in front of Nick with many red dots on it.

There are not many of these small dots, but they are distributed very evenly.

"The initial plan is going well." Aleister said. He had no intention of explaining to Nick the meaning of the red dot on the map because it was not meant for him at all.

"If the initial plan goes well, may I ask why we are needed?"

Conversations between smart people are always tacit. Nick knows very well that his status now is the same as Qi Jie's then. Both are tools. At most, he is a tool with the right to make suggestions.

"No matter how successful a plan is, there is still a chance of failure. I cannot accept the existence of this chance." Aleister continued.

Even though the world consciousness of the Certain Scientific Railgun world is now on the side of Aleister, Aleister knows very well that this world consciousness is an indecisive iron five.

It wants to get rid of the demon and upgrade the world, but it doesn't want the origin of the world to be harmed at all.

But there are no such beautiful things in this world. In the past, when the plan came to an end and the demon was ready to perish together with him, the world consciousness would come out to mediate, leaving Aleister in a dilemma. It took several consecutive times to create the current situation.

Qi Yun was also distressed when he saw Aleister's expression. He hated people with facial paralysis the most. These people were too good at hiding their thoughts. However, for the time being, this man was still very determined.

After thinking for a while, a sentence appeared in front of Nick's pupils.

Looking at the sentence, Nick cooperated and read it out, "There is another question. What are you going to do about the world consciousness? At present, you should be an ally with the other party."

"I can cooperate with you." Aleister said readily.

Qi Yun knocked on the table subconsciously, trying to cooperate. This Aleister wanted to be a traitor.

"Then how can you be sure that we will help you after we get out of here?" Nick asked.

Aleister said nothing, but just gave a weird smile.

But when Qi Yun looked closely, the smile seemed to have never appeared, as if it was just an illusion.

Aleister was so confident and sure that Qi Yun and the others would help him in the end. This confidence did not come from himself, but from his opponents.

The current situation is very simple. There are only three forces in the world of A Certain Scientific Railgun: the technological side, the world consciousness side, and the mysterious side.

Needless to say, Aleister was not clear about the world consciousness of other worlds, but the world consciousness of this world had a clear attitude and was very hostile to the main god space, but its indecisive nature made it not want to cause trouble.

Therefore, it is difficult for the main god space and world consciousness to become teammates.

The other remaining option is the mysterious demon god. Aleister is not talking nonsense. He himself is already a difficult person to get along with, and the demon god is even more difficult to get along with.

Every demon god is an extremely cruel being who can easily sacrifice all lives except his own in order to achieve his goals. Such people are naturally opposed to the current rulers of the main god space in terms of camp.

Therefore, Aleister was not afraid at all that the fate of the main god space would be biased towards other parties, because this world seemed to have many options, but in fact there was only one choice.