Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 125: Open world?


After thinking for a while in the main god space, Qi Yun decided to accept Aleister's request for alliance.

Now Nick's feedback is insignificant to Qi Yun.

After thinking about it, Qi Yun felt that he was a bit too petty. It was just an alliance of a derivative world. There was no need to think so much about it.

What is the biggest advantage of the main god space

The biggest advantage should be the snowball-like development speed. It really is like the saying goes, if you ignore me today, I will make you out of my reach tomorrow.

Now the snowball in the main god space has started rolling.

As long as Qi Yun is given a certain amount of time, the derivative world of A Certain Scientific Railgun is nothing at all. Moreover, in the later stages of development, Qi Yun may take the initiative to help the A Certain Scientific Railgun world upgrade in order to gain greater benefits. At the same time, it can also show the attitude of the main god space this time to most of the derivative worlds.

There is no future in going it alone, and it is always good to win over a group of people.

Poor Nick Fury, he spent a lot of time racking his brains to get information, and many of the remaining hair follicles on his head died.

In the end, I found that I seemed to be ignored, but the good thing was that Nick had already received the promised reward, so at least I didn't lose out.

In the main god space, Coulson was leading people to count the talents of all qualified people in the Pioneer Alliance who were willing to reveal.

This initial talent is a very important personal privacy, especially for some qualified people with extreme talents. Exposing this information means that they are likely to be targeted.

So even though Coulson has good relationships with all internal parties, the census progress is still not very good.

In addition to the census, another matter involving all team members is Tony's reward.

Tony, who took out the talent enhancement machine, should naturally get the corresponding reward.

Therefore, during this period, the Pioneer Alliance worked at full capacity to collect the various basic blueprints and basic skills needed for Tony.

It can be said that after having these drawings, Tony broke away from his abnormal fighting style and truly embarked on the right path of a mechanic.

"Tony, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but don't go too crazy now that the mission is over. You feel so insecure." Banner pushed open the door of the laboratory and complained to Tony.

Tony's appearance now is even more exaggerated than when he was a Certain Scientific Railgun. The hair on his head cannot be called hair, but a chicken coop.

Rubbing his sore eyes, Tony glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Why are you here? By the way, what time is it now?"

These days, Tony has been familiarizing himself with the newly acquired drawings and skills, trying to build a three-dimensional combat mode that can cope with the interior of the planet, by land, sea and air.

"It's been a week since you came back." Banner was a little helpless.

"Actually, I wouldn't want to bother with you if Pepper didn't call me."

"Calling you? Why not calling me?"

"Nonsense, you have to be able to get through. Did you give Jarvis any orders? Your phone has been busy all this time. Pepper thought you died in the lab."

"Huh? Really?"

Tony thought about it for a moment, then looked a little embarrassed.

Tony remembered that because there were too many drawings and skills obtained at one time, he ordered Jarvis to refuse to be disturbed by anyone before entering the laboratory and to stay in seclusion.

Banner was also very troubled when he saw Tony like this. This guy is still the leader, but he handed all the things over to someone else’s leader

"I am convinced by you. Are you stupid?"

"It's okay. No matter how stupid I am, I'm still smarter than 99% of the people."

"Fuck, you are so narcissistic. Also, let me remind you that Pepper seems very angry. You'd better take some time to accompany her."

"I see. Is this what you came to me for?"

"No, it's mainly because of another thing, but seeing how you look, I'm too lazy to tell you, just read the news yourself."

Tony smiled sheepishly.

He knew that he had been a little irresponsible recently, and he was not the only one who needed to retreat to conduct research.

There are many similar people in the Trail Blazers Alliance, and Banner is one of them. He has always wanted to make a gamma ray enhancement machine to see if he can replicate Hulk's miracle.

However, a lot of things in the group were put on Banner's shoulders, which made his research progress very slow.

"Bruce, why don't you go and do your own thing. My work here has come to a temporary halt. I'll take care of the rest." Tony said with a hint of compensation.

"Are you sure?" Banner raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Tony teasingly.

Tony was stunned, feeling that he was a little impulsive. However, if he didn't admit what he had just said, he would be slapping himself in the face.

"Sure, go ahead and do your work, I'll keep an eye on the group."

"Ok, I've edited some recent important matters and documents into a compressed package and will send it to Jarvis later. Please take a look." A smile appeared on Banner's face. Tony really fell into the trap.

Looking at the sorted files on his phone, Tony rolled his eyes. Banner was really driven crazy by him and started doing this kind of thing.

It's obvious that this compressed package was prepared long ago. What's the point of talking about Pepper? His real purpose is not to buy anything.

Open the compressed file, the file marked in red at the top is "Speculation and Research on the Open World Logo of the Main God Space"

Open world? What is it

After quickly browsing the documents, Tony knew why Banner was so anxious to start his own research.

Three days ago, someone in the Pioneer Alliance discovered that a dark title appeared next to the world logo when doing the Certain Scientific Railgun World mission, which was called Open World.

This sudden emergence of a new word made everyone pay attention to the world.

Because judging from the surface, that world is likely to allow all qualified people to enter freely, rather than just allowing qualified people from this world.

Of course, this is just speculation. The final situation still depends on the annotations given by the main god space after the font lights up.

Tony walked out while looking at the documents. When he reached the door, his feet stepped into two depressions.

The dent quickly spread outward, and soon a bat-shaped, balance-car-sized skateboard appeared under Tony's feet.

This is the latest short- and medium-distance transportation device launched by the Osborne Group, and it is now selling very well on the planet.

This is a limited edition specially made for Tony.

At first Tony planned to make one himself, but when he started to work, he found that Osborn's technology was really unique.

It would take too much time to create an aerial skateboard with similar flexibility and portability. In addition, the existence of patents meant that Tony could only use it himself. After considering many aspects, Tony decided to just have it custom-made.

He also couldn't understand how Osborne, a biopharmaceutical company, could have such strong accumulation of mechanical technology. It was strange.