Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 13: The moment of devastating finale


Under the influence of Alice's telekinesis, Matt could only struggle feebly, and his body's huge strength could not be fully exerted.

"Well...Alice, did he have a grudge against you before?" Jill asked in a low voice, looking at Matt's miserable appearance.

This will scare the child. Didn’t you see that the 200-pound Payton was so scared that he didn’t dare to come near.

"No, he used to be my friend, and I am also responsible for his transformation into this state." Alice said while controlling Matt to do free fall in the air, "So I have to wake him up."

Watching Matt flying up and down like he was on a roller coaster, Tony wondered if he had offended Alice during this period of time.

"Mr. Tony, the target person, Dr. Charles, is threatened..." Jarvis interrupted Tony's fantasy.

Tony looked at the surveillance camera. Ken seemed to have attributed all the errors in the experiment to Charles, and was now looking at Charles with a ferocious face.

"Alice, something happened to Charles! I'm going to help him, remember to follow me later!" Tony said to Alice.

Then the forward jets opened, and four flames spurted out from his hands and feet at the same time. With the help of the propulsion force, Tony quickly moved towards where Charles was.

"What did you do! What on earth did you do!" Ken stared at Charles, slapping his hands on the table in front of him.

"You look a little irritated. What's wrong? The computer is not reliable anymore?" Charles said sarcastically.

Ken stepped forward, grabbed Charles by the collar, and lifted him out of the wheelchair.

"I tell you! Even if I fail, you will die earlier than me!" Ken lowered his head and looked at Charles.

"Tui!" Charles spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on Ken's face.

Ken was completely overwhelmed by anger. He threw Charles to the ground with his right hand and pulled out a pistol, pointing it at Charles' head.

"I'll give you one last chance, tell me everything!" Ken said, wiping the phlegm off his face.

"You're dreaming!" Charles became very strong. His daughter had left the control of the Umbrella Corporation, so he had nothing to fear.

"I created the T virus, so I am the culprit. Now it's time for me to atone for my sins." Charles said and closed his eyes.

He never regretted creating the T virus because it was the only way to save Angel. The only thing he regretted was letting the T virus technology be obtained by the Umbrella Corporation.

"Do you really think I won't kill you?!" Ken turned on the safety and issued an ultimatum.

Boom! A loud noise erupted above Ken and the others' heads.

Bang! The bullet fired from the pistol but missed Charles.

Charles opened his eyes and found an iron man standing in front of him.

"Doctor, atonement is not that simple." Tony said, "If you die now, there is really no way to stop Umbrella's plan."

"It's you! It's you! Everything is because of you!" Ken looked at Tony and seemed to understand something, and he yelled at Tony.

None of the experiments were fully carried out. Such a result would cause Ken to be blamed by the company's upper management. If he went back like this, the best outcome would be that he would become a test subject.

So Ken had to find a way to make up for it all. In such a scene, Ken immediately fell in love with Tony's armor. If he took this thing back to the company, let alone punishing him, it would be outrageous not to promote him.

"Shoot! Kill him!" At Kane's command, flames spewed out of the muzzles of the surrounding soldiers' guns.

A clown! Tony defined Ken, who had lost his mind, as a clown.

The double-barreled Vulcan cannon rose from the shoulders of Mark's armor, and more accurate bullets were fired from it under Jarvis' control, easily tearing all the surrounding soldiers into pieces.

At the same time, a laser shot out from Tony's right palm, and the laser went straight through Kane's head.

No...I haven't climbed to the top yet...

This was the only thought in Ken's last moments when his life was instantly taken away by the laser.

Tsk, letting this guy die so easily, I feel a bit sorry for the innocent citizens of Raccoon City.

While Tony was killing people, Alice and others also broke in from the outskirts of the camp.

Jill and Payton are the two strongest police officers in Raccoon City. Their high level of mastery of firearms allows them to kill an enemy with every bullet they fire.

The situation of Alice and Matt, who has regained consciousness, is even more exaggerated. With Matt standing in front as a meat shield, Alice can use her telekinesis to carry out large-scale attacks without any defense.

The only two people who have no fighting ability, the reporter and Angel, just need to hide far away.

The sudden change of the situation caught Charles off guard, and he struggled to crawl back to his wheelchair from the ground.

Ignoring the bullets flying around him, Charles rode his electric wheelchair to the control room, which was empty.

Coming to the main control machine, Charles took out the finger of Ken that he had just cut off from his pocket.

After unlocking the computer with fingerprint, an interface popped up on the computer showing the launch status of nuclear weapons. There were ten minutes left and the nuclear bomb would be launched in another ten minutes.

Charles hammered the computer hard, feeling a little annoyed that he was still too slow.

"Stop fighting! The nuclear bomb will arrive in ten minutes!" Charles shouted outside.

Whoosh~ Tony, who heard the shout, flew past Charles, grabbed him and flew towards the helicopter.

Alice raised her hand, and the soil was lifted up by telekinesis, blocking the soldiers' view.

Then Alice reached out her hand, and six people including him flew towards the helicopter under the support of telekinesis.

After entering the helicopter, Payton rushed to the cockpit.

"Can you drive this thing?" Tony asked.

"No problem. I learned it when I was on vacation in Hawaii." Peyton sat down in the chair and began to operate it.

Alice stood behind Tony and patted his armor gently.

Tony turned around with a puzzled expression. Alice's eyes were strange, but it was obviously not admiration. Instead, it seemed like she saw hope

"Is there any task you haven't completed? I can help you." Alice was a little too gentle, which made Tony very uncomfortable.

Subconsciously glancing at the prompts in the main god space and seeing that all tasks had been completed, Tony shook his head.

Alice didn't ask any further questions and sat at the outermost edge of the cabin, looking outside, waiting for the shock wave to arrive.

She has seen the changes and felt the changes in the world. Everything is changing for the better. Nothing can make Alice happier than this.

Boom!!! The nuclear bomb exploded not far behind the helicopter, and the terrifying shock wave spread out in all directions.

Alice stretched out her hand, and her telekinesis, which was so thick that it was visible to the naked eye, formed a barrier, blocking the shock wave firmly outside.

With this layer of protection, the people in the helicopter were not affected too much. After the shock wave passed, Tony disappeared from the cabin.