Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 132: Puppet spirit


Lin Tiannan looked at the completely chaotic scene, then glanced at Lin Yueru who was supporting him, and he came to his senses from being overwhelmed by joy.

His IQ is back to its high point, and the shrewd martial arts leader is back.

In fact, there are many suspicious points about Lin Yueru, but the feeling of loss and recovery interfered with Lin Tiannan's normal thinking.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. It seemed that his daughter was deliberately targeting those people and deliberately messing up the whole situation, which seemed to be premeditated.

And as a father, based on his understanding of his daughter, he felt that this change was a bit too strange.

If it was really a kidnapper, who would be the first to rush up and start the fight? It would definitely be Lin Yueru herself.

But just when Lin Tiannan was about to let go and step forward to maintain the situation, the fake Lin Yueru grabbed him back.

When they looked at each other, Lin Tiannan saw a strange look in the eyes of the fake Lin Yueru.

The next second, the whole world changed, and it became incredibly slow.

The simple action of letting go becomes extremely difficult at this moment and it takes a long time to do it.

At the same time, Qi Yun raised his hands to face various attacks from countless martial artists.

The wind is blowing hard!

A strong wind suddenly arose, blowing down countless hidden weapons and knocking all the martial artists to the ground.

Li Xiaoyao drew out his rapier and blocked in front of Zhao Linger. The sword was full of sword energy and cut the hard bricks and stones into multiple holes.

Zhao Linger hid behind Li Xiaoyao, holding a seal in her hand, with spiritual power circulating in her body, ready to buff Li Xiaoyao at any time.


Qi Yun quickly passed through the crowd and came in front of the fake Lin Yueru, reaching out to grab her.

The fake Lin Yueru rolled over and slapped Qi Yun's chest from the lower right with her right hand, with golden light shining from her palm.

The fight between the two ended in a flash, and the next second, Qi Yun caught the guy who was causing trouble.

The strength of the fake Lin Yueru should not be underestimated. Even if Li Xiaoyao takes action, he may not be able to control her. Unfortunately, this guy encountered a blow at a higher level.

While catching Lin Yueru, several guys jumped out from the crowd around the Lin Mansion, broke through the continuous strong wind and attacked Li Xiaoyao.

A golden bowl also fell from right above Li Xiaoyao.

Shushan Ten Thousand Swords Showdown!

Countless sword qi emerged from the rapier in Li Xiaoyao's hand, shot out along the direction of the sword tip, and hit the golden bowl, making a tinkling sound.

Qi Yun slapped his hand back, and a huge force acted on the golden bowl, breaking it into pieces.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the fake Lin Yueru launched a counterattack, and a stream of air spurted out of her mouth, accompanied by a huge roar.

This is the Buddhist unique skill of Lion’s Roar!

Qi Yun took the attack head-on and didn't move at all. Only his clothes fluttering in the wind proved that the man in front of him had indeed attacked him.

What happened in these few seconds shocked most of the martial artists.

There aren't so many fools in the underworld. Now that the situation has developed to this point, if you can't figure out the problem, you'd better find a place to live in seclusion and don't cause any more trouble.

When the golden bowl was broken, the guys who jumped out of the crowd also came to Li Xiaoyao.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~

The sword light left an afterimage in the air, and the next moment, these guys all fell to the ground.

Li Xiaoyao took two deep breaths. These guys all practiced hard Qigong such as Iron Shirt and Golden Bell Cover, so it was quite difficult to chop them.

"Stop it!" Qi Yun said.

The sound was not loud but it reached everyone's ears accurately.

The scene became completely quiet. This was Qi Yun's strong control of the situation. Sometimes a big fist is so useful.

Lin Tiannan, who had escaped from the control of the fake Lin Yueru, crawled up from the ground and coughed twice, "I will listen to this young man!"

The fake Lin Yueru kept struggling in Qi Yun's hands. She used all kinds of martial arts, but to no avail.

Qi Yun was a little confused. So far, the attackers had used moves that had not yet surpassed the scope of martial arts. This was too different from the style of the golden bowl.

Moreover, relying on these martial arts skills, do these people dare to come and capture Li Xiaoyao

Don’t you know Dugu Yuyun’s temperament? With his temperament, if he knew that so many people wanted to destroy the destiny, he would definitely bury them all and throw them all into the Demon Locking Tower again.

"Who are you?" Qi Yun looked at the thing in his hand and asked.

After realizing that struggling was futile, this person decided not to waste his energy.

"That's what I want to know too." The fake Lin Yueru looked at Qi Yun, her eyes full of confusion.

Qi Yun's hard power disrupted all their arrangements.

Originally, these fooled martial artists below could at least distract Li Xiaoyao's attention, and with the help of the magic weapon, the golden bowl, even if he couldn't hit him hard in one blow, he could at least finish off the enemy. It would be enough for those people who showed up at the end to finish him off.

The existence of the fake Lin Yueru is not only a bait, but also a support.

What he is worried about is that Zhao Linger is also different from the original timeline and possesses the power of the true descendant of Nuwa. Then it will be his turn to take action.

This may be what it means to be on top of a steamroller. This is the result of offending the wrong person.

"Are you sure you want to ask back? It's okay if I don't answer, but it will be a big problem if you don't answer." Qi Yun gradually increased the strength in his hands.

The fake Lin Yueru looked fearless.

"You don't dare. Although I still can't tell which sect you belong to, you must be very tired of hiding. Let me advise you that those who stand in the way of our Buddhist sect will end up with bad consequences..."

This guy talks too much nonsense. If Qi Yun is really who he thinks he is, he might really be scared. After all, it will cause a big trouble for his own sect.

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong again.

Gray flames emerged from Qi Yun's right arm and directly covered the entire body of the fake Lin Yueru.

Qi Yun was too lazy to listen to nonsense. Since you don't want to say anything, let me see your true face first!


The intense pain caused the fake Lin Yueru to twist her body.

Qi Yun remained calm. This man's illusion was indeed very powerful, but he just didn't believe that the illusion could last even after his death!

Under the scorching flames, the fake Lin Yueru slowly turned into a man with some black stripes on his face.

The roasting continued, and half a minute later, the boss's man was only the size of a palm.

Qi Yun took a closer look and found it was a puppet

Can puppets become spirits these days? But it doesn't seem to be a problem. If a wick can become a spirit, why can't a puppet do the same


The puppet exploded violently, and powder was sprayed towards Qi Yun under the pull of an invisible force.

The powder hit Qi Yun's defensive barrier while still floating, and then disappeared into air.

If you still want to play dirty, a cautious person like Qi Yun would not take action without taking dozens of defensive measures first. You are dreaming.