Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 139: Human nature is evil at first


Qi Yun and the others were chatting when they suddenly stopped, just like the inexplicable silence in the class in high school.


Footsteps came from the door of the reception room, and Baiyue, wearing a white robe and with his hands behind his back, walked in from the door.


The moment he saw Baiyue, Li Xiaoyao drew his sword. He sensed a threat from Baiyue, a feeling that if he didn't draw his sword in advance, he would never have another chance to draw his sword.

Baiyue glanced at Li Xiaoyao indifferently, not caring too much. In his memory, he didn't know how many times he had fought with Li Xiaoyao. As long as the opponent didn't have the world consciousness to help him cheat, he could just beat him easily.

"Your Highness, Princess, long time no see." Baiyue looked at Zhao Linger and said.

Zhao Linger was a little scared, Baiyue’s eyes were too aggressive.

"Ahem." Qi Yun took a step forward and stood in front of Baiyue.

"Hello, Moon Worshiper."

Baiyue was a little surprised. He couldn't see through the person in front of him. From the perspective of his breath, the other person seemed not to exist. However, the poisonous insect in his body kept sending warnings, reminding him that this person was very dangerous.

"Hello, please sit down first. Why did you stand up when I arrived?" Baiyue spread his hands, and the chair moved out of thin air behind a few people.

Qi Yun took the lead and sat down on the chair. After meeting him, he realized that he had actually underestimated Bai Yue.

No one knows when this person became an awakener, but judging from his energy fluctuations alone, the title of the number one person in the mortal world should have been transferred from Dugu Yuyun long ago.

What's more, Qi Yun didn't believe that this old fox-like person would not hide a trick. Generally speaking, the strength displayed by these people was at most the seventh level of their full strength.

Baiyue was also surprised. First, this was the first time he saw Qi Yun after so many reincarnations. Second, after weighing his own weight, he was not sure whether he could defeat this guy.

"I heard that the Moon Worshiper has changed his career to become a teacher? That's great. Teaching and educating people has more prospects than fighting and killing. By the way, why do you suddenly want to be a teacher?" Qi Yun spoke first to break the silence.

"Man is born evil. Only education can enable people to escape from the level of animals and reach the realm of truth, goodness and beauty." Baiyue said slowly.

"Oh, it seems that Mr. Baiyue's ideas are very similar to Mr. Xunzi's."

“Not entirely. If we view humans as animals, there is actually no distinction between good and evil. They just want to survive. But humans are not animals after all, so humans are mostly evil at the beginning.” Baiyue shook his head and said after taking a sip of tea.

"Haha, it seems that Teacher Baiyue not only wants to be a teacher, but also wants to be a philosopher." Qi Yun continued.

"It's true that education can guide people to be good, but if the person teaching is smelly himself, then the guidance of education will be biased and have the opposite effect," Li Xiaoyao retorted.

He did not agree with Baiyue's views, let alone Baiyue as a person.

"Good and evil are one and the same. Everyone in the world stinks. The role of education is to suppress the stench and return to one's true nature." Baiyue didn't care about Li Xiaoyao's ridicule. In his eyes, Li Xiaoyao was just a child who had not grown up.

"Really? Then, Master Baiyue, have you washed yourself clean?" Li Xiaoyao said, staring at Baiyue.

"Haha, I understand what you mean. I did take the wrong path before. I have to admit my mistakes and stand firm even when I am beaten."

Baiyue replied that the hatred between him, Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao ultimately stemmed from the fact that many years ago, he forced the Witch King to kill Zhao Linger's mother.

"But I also want to remind you that although I won't advise people to let go of hatred, that's just easy talk, but you also have to remember that people are responsible for their own actions."

"What's more, I have done nothing wrong according to the laws of Nanzhao. I can give you one chance. If you want revenge, you must seize the opportunity."

Baiyue's words were full of arrogance. He was so confident that Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao would only bring humiliation upon themselves if they sought revenge.

"You've said so much, but hatred is acquired after all. How are you going to explain my mother's matter?" Zhao Linger asked.

Baiyue sighed, "My methods were indeed too harsh back then. All these years I thought your mother had been vindicated, but it's a pity that the dead cannot be brought back to life."

"Do you think that rehabilitation can clear your mistakes?!" Zhao Linger was furious. The more she listened, the angrier she became.

"No, so I said, I will give you a chance, but only once. This matter started with me, so it should end with me."

Baiyue’s words are easy to understand. He can take revenge. If you are given a chance, he will not take action first. He can even spare Li Xiaoyao and the others’ lives for the first time of revenge, but there will not be a second chance.

"You!" Zhao Linger was choked. During the few minutes they met, Baiyue had never concealed his aura. Zhao Linger also understood that she and her brother Xiaoyao were no match for Baiyue.

Li Xiaoyao sat aside, constantly observing Baiyue's figure, trying to find Baiyue's flaws.

Qi Yun smacked his lips. He was fine on the way here and said he would stay calm, but after meeting him he couldn't control his anger. But that was normal.

If it were him, he would have fought with Baiyue a long time ago.

"Teacher Baiyue, I came here to ask if there are any missing people in Miaojiang, such as Tang Yu, Xiaobao and Anu." Qi Yun changed the subject.

Baiyue shook her head, "No, but I know who you are looking for."

After saying this, Baiyue waved his sleeves, and the tea in front of them turned into a mirror.

A battle scene began to appear in the mirror, which was a battle between Dugu Yuyun and a monk.

"Mr. Dugu believes in destiny, but he himself is also burdened by destiny. I wanted to lend a helping hand, but the other party used some other means." Baiyue continued.

"What means?"

"He drove some people to attack the Gu Insect Research Institute, and I was forced to return to provide support. After I dealt with those three people, Mr. Dugu had disappeared." Baiyue said with a sigh.

He didn't expect Dugu Yuyun to be defeated so quickly, so quickly that he couldn't react.

"Where are those three people?" Qi Yun asked.

"They refused to speak, so they were buried underground." A cold light flashed in Baiyue's eyes.

That group of people actually dared to set their sights on the Gu Chong Academy. Don’t they know that the academy is part of all his plans

"Then do you know the other party's footsteps?"

"I don't know, but I can see that the other party is not from this world, just like you." Baiyue looked at Qi Yun and said.

Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger, who were angry, looked at Qi Yun subconsciously.

Not from this world...

Qi Yun thought about it and realized that things were just as he had guessed. Those monks were indeed from another world, but it was still unknown who they were.