Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 14: Return and settlement


After completing the task, Tony felt a black screen in front of his eyes. When he regained his vision, he found himself in a dark space. In front of him was the settlement template of the main god space.

Qi Yun wiped the sweat from his head. Fortunately, he acted quickly and built the preliminary structure of the main god space before Tony completed his mission.

Due to time, energy and number issues, there are not many buildings in the main god space now.

There are only a few main ones. One is the private space, which is initially only 100 square meters. The room is not big, but it is enough for single life.

The second is the main god’s store. The product list in this store is very rich. The energy that Qi Yun possesses is omnipotent energy, which can create everything in the multiverse as long as there is enough energy.

The third is the strengthening room, where qualified people can use the official items of the main god space to strengthen themselves and their accessories. Of course, this is also a very money-sucking place.

The fourth is the market place, which has not been fully established yet. Only when the number of qualified people increases, this part can play its role.

The qualified person has arrived at the main god space, and the task settlement has begun...

Extra:Resident Evil

World Difficulty: lv5-lv20

Obtain the source of the world: 7%

Number of completed tasks: 2

Task evaluation: S+ (Evaluation level ranges from F- to S+, based on a comprehensive assessment of task completion and task quantity.)

Comprehensive evaluation: A+ (comprehensively evaluated by the difficulty of completing the task and obtaining the source of the world.)

Rewards are starting to be distributed...

The level lock is removed, and the lv3 mechanic is upgraded to lv10 mechanic. Intelligence and agility increase by 3 (one increase for every three levels, and an additional one increase for level 10)

Gain 1 blank attribute point (S-level evaluation), 1500 main god points, and 1 merit point (A+ level score increased by 150%, rounded down.)

Tony looked at the settlement panel, scrolled to the bottom, and opened the classified data of the task.

Main Quest: Saving and Killing

Number of people saved: 2 (indirectly saved: 2.3 billion)

Kills: 43

Mission evaluation: S+ (Thanks to your help, the biochemical crisis in this world did not evolve to the final situation. You indirectly saved the lives of 2.3 billion people. Perfect grade.)

Side Quest: Find Angel

Mission Rating: S (You helped Dr. Charles find and rescue his daughter and you helped Angel protect her father. You will always gain the friendship of Dr. Charles and Angel.)

Mission completed... Additional rewards being obtained...

Charles, Angel's Friendship

Quality: Purple

Type: Badge

Durability: 100/100

Equipment Effect 1: Virus Protection, ignores the negative effects of most viruses, and reduces all virus damage by 10%

"Thank you for giving me the chance to redeem myself." - Charles

Equipment Effect 2: Tenacious Life, when facing continuous damage and negative status, the duration is shortened by 30%

"Thank you for saving my world." -Angel

Rating: 100 (Purple rating is 40-100)


Quality: Orange

Type: Primary weapon/firearm

Durability: 23/23

Equipment requirements: The user must be of the good and lawful camp

Equipment Effect 1: Enhanced Shooting. Your release skills will be fired in the form of bullets. When hitting an evil camp target, the skill's lethality will be increased by 100%. When hitting a good camp target, the skill's recovery effect will be increased by 100% (superimposed with all enhancement effects)

Equipment Effect 2: All good people's initial favorability towards you increases, and you will get a prompt when someone around you intends to attack you

Rating: 299 (Orange rating is 100-300)

"No one knows your deeds, but your achievements will last forever." - To a hero

Looking at the mission information, a satisfied smile appeared on Tony's face. 2.3 billion people. Even though he failed to save everyone, this number was already astonishing.

Moreover, what he had gained this time was amazing enough. The level increase was only one aspect. The equipment he had obtained was amazing enough at such an early stage.

One purple item and one orange item, both of which have terribly high ratings. Just putting these two items in front of the second batch of entrants would make them drool.

Moreover, the application scope of the two pieces of equipment is very wide. It is no exaggeration to say that these things can continue to be used in the later stages. They are all percentage-type skills, and the skill effects are better than each other.

With these two things, Tony doesn't have to worry about being ambushed by others.

After the mission rewards were distributed, Tony found that he had changed his position again and was now in a small space.

Throughout all his years, Tony has never lived in a house that is only 100 square meters.

The location of the qualified person is an exclusive space, which is an absolutely safe area. No one else can enter unless the qualified person agrees...

Tip: Qualified people can change the environment and rules in the exclusive space by consuming the main god points. For details, please refer to the exclusive space simulation rules...

Before the next mission begins, qualified people will receive a reminder three days later...

Tony stood there motionless. It wasn't that something went wrong, but the rapid attribute improvement made him a little unable to adapt.

The brain receives information much faster than before the level lock was unlocked, so Tony now has a gap in perception and control.

It took Tony a long time to adapt to his current body. During this period, Tony also took a look at the details of the exclusive space.

Then he was surprised to find that he was actually a poor man. Just to expand the space to the size of his own home would require nearly 100,000 points, and what he had now was just a drop in the bucket.

Facing the reality, Tony pulled the door handle and truly stepped into the main god space.

This was a place full of pure white light, and all the ground and buildings were made of a material Tony had never seen before.

If you put your hand on it, you can feel the energy surging inside the material.

But apart from the materials, this place was very different from what Tony had imagined. Here Tony felt like he was in the suburbs.

There was not a single person in the vast area, and only a few signposts proved that Tony was not in the wrong place.

After taking two steps forward, the first thing I saw was the unmanned store set up by Qi Yun. The store was not big, not even as big as a convenience store on Earth.

Standing at the door, Tony looked towards the center of the store, and a list of goods appeared in front of him.

His eyes moved up and down, and the list began to scroll.

After flipping through it for a while, Tony found something that made him very greedy.

All kinds of high-level advanced knowledge and equipment drawings for mechanics are just placed on the list, but the prices are more expensive than each other.

The cheapest one is the design drawings of the micro floating cannon inside the planet, which costs 5,000 Lord God Points. Tony's saliva is almost dripping when he sees the description of the equipment. Unfortunately, in the Lord God space, his ability to spend money is banned!