Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 143: Who is the mastermind behind this?


Qi Yun, who was busy, was stunned. He felt that his clone had dissipated and the memory of the clone returned to the original body. After quickly reading it, Qi Yun was a little speechless. This clone was pretending to be dead.

There are obviously other ways to deal with Ainava, but he insisted on projecting a Gungnir. Does he really think he is Marvel's world consciousness

The main god space has just tied the Nine Realms to the warships. The Nine Realms are not small, but they are still far behind the huge world of Marvel. The consumption of Gungnir, which bypasses the original world consciousness and acts on its behalf, increases exponentially.

However, the clone did not do nothing. At least he knew that the Fairy Sword World was invaded by an Arhat named Ainafa. This Arhat was not very serious. According to his own words, he was the eldest disciple of Tathagata. But in the short time of fighting, this guy broke many precepts.

Nowadays, there are too many monks who don't look like monks. Qi Yun has a premonition that this Ainafa will definitely cause trouble. His desires are stronger than those of ordinary people, and his abilities are stronger than most people.

“Ayia Nava...Ayia Nava...”

Qi Yun muttered the name, and his sight seemed to travel through time and space, following the name upstream and directly catching sight of Ainafa's figure.

This is the ability that Qi Yun has just unlocked. With the slow recovery of the main god space, Qi Yun's strength has never stopped increasing. This is the terrifying thing about the main god space. Before recovering to its previous highest point, the main god basically has no bottlenecks, and the growth rate is super fast.

After returning to his own world, Ainafa took out the Buddhist beads and placed them carefully on the candlestick. This time he was able to return safely thanks to the Buddhist beads.

Trapping the entire small world and blocking Qi Yun's (the clone) final attack, all these caused a great loss of energy inside the Buddhist beads. Ainafa won't be able to rely on this to cause trouble again in the short term.

Qi Yun looked at Ainafa's actions and turned his gaze to look somewhere else. Suddenly, a golden light flashed in front of Qi Yun's eyes and Sanskrit sounds rang in his ears. These Sanskrit sounds were like little insects, drilling into Qi Yun's mind.

"Buddha, has anything happened?" Guanyin Bodhisattva asked Tathagata softly.

Guanyin Bodhisattva asked this because just now, Tathagata suddenly stopped preaching, as if he was disturbed by something.

After pinching his knuckles a few times, Tathagata shook his head, said nothing, and continued his lecture.

He knew that just now, a being of the same status as him, Chao Lingshan, had cast a prying look at him, but now the great catastrophe of the Three Realms was about to come, and he did not have much time to trace the source, so he could only let it go for now.

Qi Yun withdrew his gaze, and the Buddhist chanting in his ears also stopped. He stretched out his hand to erase the traces of the search to prevent anyone from relying on the traces to find the location of the main god space.

Besides, to be honest, he never took Ainafa seriously. He was just an arrogant and ignorant arhat.

The scarce energy of the clone was enough to repel him, let alone the original body. However, the counterattack of the other world when he was peeping just now made Qi Yun alert. The level displayed by the other party seemed no lower than his own.

However, since this is just a test, we are not very sure yet.

"Sun Wukong... Ayinafa... Is this the world of the sequel to Journey to the West?"

Qi Yun muttered to himself, if you think about it this way, the one who just took action might be Tathagata, after all, he is the one who is in charge of Lingshan now. If it is Tathagata, it means that Wuji has not been born yet and the catastrophe has not yet begun.

Suddenly, Qi Yun had a flash of inspiration and remembered the coordinates given by Conan. That thing had been put aside for a long time because it had never been solved.

With the coordinates obtained, Qi Yun began to construct a multi-dimensional coordinate system with the world of the sequel to Journey to the West as the coordinate points. Finally, he discovered that the coordinate points of Conan's world in this coordinate system just happened to coincide with the coordinates sensed by Conan.

After all this time, it turns out that it is this world that is causing the trouble.

No... If this world wanted to take action against the main divine space, why didn't Tathagata, Randang and others take action when the locations of the worlds were not particularly far apart

Even if one is afraid of encountering danger in the void due to a sudden drop in strength when leaving the original world, one can send other people in a similar way to Ainafa.

The more Qi Yun thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. At that time, he was still relatively weak, and even if he tried his best, he could only fight Thanos on equal terms without the Cosmic Gems. If he put himself in the other party's position, Qi Yun felt that if it were him, after deciding to attack the main god space, he would definitely kill with one blow!

With this in mind, we should be more cautious and not rush to directly attack the opposing side of the world of the sequel to Journey to the West. The specific details will have to wait until we get in touch with them later.

After figuring this out, Qi Yun temporarily put aside the matter of Ainafa. The Third World War has already occurred in the world of Certain Scientific Railgun, and the world consciousness is frantically taking sides, immediately supporting whichever side is at a disadvantage. This is really tasteless.

Ultimately, it was still a problem of insufficient energy. If there was enough energy, would Qi Yun still be afraid of those demon gods and the world consciousness of the Certain Scientific Railgun? With Aleister as an insider, he could kill them in a matter of minutes.

Scratching his head, Qi Yun pulled out the task arrangements in the main god space. Now 80% of the high-level qualified people in the main god space were trapped in the super cannon world and could not escape for a while, and the progress of the strategy in the super cannon world was not very ideal. If there was no more powerful external force intervention, this situation would continue for a long time.

It seems that there is only one way, increase revenue and reduce expenditure!

At this point, Qi Yun was actually reluctant to link the low-level derivative world to the main god space, because the energy harvest would not be strong and it would expand the defense line of the main god space, making the probability of being attacked even greater. But now the situation is different, and there is not much room for choice.

So, Qi Yun silently modified the scheduled tasks of some qualified people. Most of these people were qualified people from the Ice and Gas World. The tasks of the Super Cannon World were basically long-term tasks. The Ice and Gas World now needed quick income. Only in this way could the world situation be stabilized.

Because of this reason, the qualified people in the Ice World are also well-known model workers in the main god space. They are more aggressive and more willing to risk their lives when completing their tasks.

Precisely because of their reckless ruthlessness, Qi Yun took special care of them and lowered their death rate a little. It would be a pity to lose such good top ten employees.