Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 16: Stan's conspiracy


"Well, you and Ajie continue to contact Tony. Based on the subsequent contacts, I will judge whether it is necessary to bring those people in." Qi Yun looked at Qi Qi and nodded.

"Yes, sir." Qiqi raised her head and said proudly.

After Qi Yun left, Qi Qi slapped Ajie and said, "Can't you be more careful when talking to adults? You seemed to be chatting with Tony Stark normally."

"I need to use my brain when chatting with outsiders, but not with you guys. It's too tiring." Ajie smiled innocently and continued.

Listening to Ajie's words, a smile appeared on Qiqi's face.

"Okay, okay, you keep practicing. I still need to observe Alice. I think it should be quite effective if we bring her in."

On the other side, Tony, who returned to the Marvel world, not only contacted Pepper, but also began to watch the video after he left with Jarvis.

After watching the entire video, Tony's face was slightly nervous. Although he had already experienced the power of the main god space, this power was more intuitive with the video.

"Jarvis, test the network with all your strength. I want to see how many people in the world have also been selected by the main god space." Tony immediately gave the order to Jarvis.

Just from the world of Resident Evil, Tony could sense the terrifying threat posed by the qualified ones.

If a qualified person were to return and draw the T virus, and then release it in this world, the consequences would definitely be extremely exaggerated.

In the absence of any defense, the Marvel world may be able to survive the crisis with its foundation far beyond that of the Resident Evil, but a lot of people will definitely die in the process.

Maybe in the future Zishu's population reduction plan can skip the Earth. After all, after a biochemical crisis, it is not certain whether half of the people will be left.

In addition, Tony is temporarily unable to confirm whether the main god space has any restrictions on similar weapons of mass destruction. After all, he does not have anything similar in his hands.

However, it never goes wrong to plan ahead.

Sharing the same concerns as him is Pierce, the head of Hydra's S.H.I.E.L.D. branch.

One of Pierce's agents was recently selected by Qi Yun to join the main god space.

After returning, the brainwashed Hydra agent reported everything very decisively.

He was subsequently punished accordingly, and all the gains from that mission were deducted. In addition, his next mission would become a penalty mission, with the difficulty increased by 200%, and the mission time was also moved forward to seven days later.

This punishment was because the agent only told Pierce about the matter.

After thinking for a long time in the office, Pierce stood up and left SHIELD directly.

Before this, Sitwell was sent out to the field by him through a small trick, and some things still cannot be done within S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pierce knew Nick Fury very well. Even though this guy was promoted by himself, Nick Fury was suspicious of everyone.

Pierce was sure that if he did something suspicious that was not in line with his identity, Nick Fury would definitely suspect him, and by then the information of the Hydra branch might not be hidden.

Arriving at a Hydra safe house, the disguised Pierce knocked on the door at a specific frequency.

After waiting for a few minutes and repeating the process again, the door finally opened.

Pierce walked in the door and Sitwell sat on the couch.

"Sitwell, how do you feel now?" Pierce asked.

Sitwell shook his head, "I still can't control the sudden surge of power very well."

The shredded quilt around him proved his words.

Pierce sat across from Sitwell.

"Tell me more specifically, how do you feel?"

"The sudden increase in the upper limit of strength brings a sense of expansion." Sitwell said slowly, "But after testing, this sense of expansion will soon disappear."

"After all, I can only squeeze a cup with my bare hands now, and I am still unable to squeeze something harder."

Pierce nodded. "Did you find any information about the next mission?"

"No." Sitwell thought for a moment, "It should be that my authority does not allow me to be involved in such matters. In the main god space, the people I meet are basically newcomers. I haven't heard of anyone who has to carry out a punishment mission like me."

"According to normal time calculation, I should be able to receive information about the punishment mission in three days."

Listening to Sitwell's words, Pierce's brain was working rapidly. So far, he has not found the second person who entered the main god space.

So no matter what, Sitwell can't die now!

"Don't worry, I will fully support you in this matter." Pierce patted Sitwell on the shoulder.

"If there is any new information, please feel free to contact me. During this period, do not mention the matter of the Lord God Space to others, in case the difficulty of the mission increases again."

"I see." Sitwell said a little hesitantly.

"What's wrong? Any other questions?" Pierce continued, looking at Sitwell.

Sitwell nodded, his face solemn.

"During this period of time, I have found some very concerning news. It seems that someone has obtained the T virus during the mission."

"What?!" Pierce frowned.

"How true is this news? Is it from our world?"

"I don't know." Sitwell shook his head.

The two fell silent together. It was true that they were Hydra and that they wanted to rule the world, but that didn't mean they wanted to completely destroy humanity.

Time passes by little by little.

During this time, what Tony and Pierce worried about did not happen.

The entire Marvel world is relatively peaceful, and the Resident Evil has not occurred in this world.

The only thing that attracted much attention was Tony’s speech at the press conference some time ago.

Tony did not directly shut down the weapons manufacturing department of Stark Industries, but instead proposed a purchase restriction order that was much stricter than before.

The purchase restriction order limits not the purchase quantity, but the purchasing identity.

After the speech, Stark Industries' stock, which had finally recovered, began to plummet again, with the decline exceeding the period when Tony was missing.

Bang! The sound of countless objects being smashed to the ground came from Stan's office.

The employees outside took detours one after another. This situation had been going on for several days. Tony's decision caused Stan to suffer great losses.

This was not the thing that made him most angry. What made him most angry was that Tony did not discuss this decision with anyone except Pepper before making it.

"I'm not as important to the company as a little girl?!" Stan growled after venting his anger for a while.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, Stan seemed to have made a decision. He pulled out a silver box from under his desk.

Staring at the box, Stan was silent for a long time, then he slammed the table hard.

Tony Stark! You made me do this!