Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 17: Poisoning and mutation


That night, Tony was alone in his home with countless materials.

He has been designing a battle armor that is highly portable, highly adaptable, and has various attack methods. After all, not every mission lasts only a few hours like the previous one.

If a long-term mission comes, and Tony has to keep wearing the armor for safety, not to mention whether he will stink, the energy supply will not be enough.

In addition, after comparing these days, Tony discovered one thing, that is, the biggest difference between the items he made and those sold in the main god space is durability.

To put it simply, durability is like a certificate of qualification issued by the main god space. Before the durability is exhausted, the equipment is reliable and meets the description.

"Alert, Mr. Stan is coming closer." After detecting Stan's figure, Jarvis woke up Tony who was immersed in materials and design drawings.

"Stan?" Tony looked up, looking a little confused. "Did I make an appointment with him today?"

"No." Jarvis replied briefly.

Tony scratched his head and straightened his clothes. Although they had no appointment, the visitor was a senior executive of the company after all. He had been his helper and elder for so many years. There was no way he could chase him away.

But what surprised Tony was that when Stan got within a certain distance of him, he felt a sharp pain in his waist.

I looked down subconsciously and it was my savior!

At the same time, he also realized the special effect of the Savior and looked up in disbelief.

Stan didn't knock on the door. He just stood outside the yard and opened the silver box in his hand.

Jarvis enlarged the image at the right time, and Tony was shocked when he saw what Stan was holding.

"Fuck!" Tony jumped up suddenly.

That thing is the T virus! Tony is sure his eyes are not blurry!

Stan gently twisted the container containing the T-virus and threw it into Tony's yard.

"Stan! Stop it!" Tony yelled, rushing towards the door.

Stan looked up at Tony's ferocious face and was shocked. At the same time, he reacted and discovered one thing, that is, recognizing this thing, it means that Tony is also a member of the main god space!

In this instant, the T virus fell to the ground and shattered directly. The blue light spread rapidly and directly covered the entire yard.

Tony rushed into the infection without any hesitation. After all, if all this was not resolved in time, there would definitely be problems later.

At the same time, the badge on Tony's body also glowed faintly.

Lines of immunity information popped up on the auxiliary combat panel.

This speed is much faster than normal T virus infection.

Stan, who was also in the vicinity of the yard, was also infected by the T virus. This area was not something he could avoid by walking.

Of course, Stan also has a countermeasure for daring to do this, which is the other tube of medicine in the box, the T virus antidote.

Watching Stan's actions, Tony's whole body of mechanical force exploded, strengthening his body as a machine.

The strengthened Tony ran through the yard like a gust of wind and grabbed Stan's hand.

Stan pushed upward with force, and his wrist loosened, and the antidote fell from his hand and was caught by Tony.

Then Tony kicked Stan to the ground.

"Give it to me! Tony! Hurry, give it to me!" Stan, who fell to the ground, immediately begged.

Tony took a look at Stan's ugly appearance and his face turned cold. He would not give him the antidote. With this thing, it would definitely be easier for scientific researchers to imitate.

"You did such a thing and you still want to live! You damn executioner!" Tony said gritting his teeth.

"No, no, no, it's not as exaggerated as the one in Raccoon City!" Stan struggled under Tony's feet.

Tony's enhanced strength is enough to crush Stan.

"The Lord God Space has limitations. It can only infect humans within the range of use once."

Tony pulled out the Savior with his hands and pointed the gun at Stan's head, "Anything else, tell me."

"The degree and speed of infection are very fast. This is a mutant virus produced at the expense of infection. I just want to kill you!" Stan's eyes were red.

He could already feel the changes in his body.

"I surrender myself, give me the antidote, I surrender myself immediately!" Stan continued to plead.

Tony stood where he was. The situation was a bit awkward. He didn't really believe what Stan said. Besides, after joining the main god space, could the prison still hold him

The embarrassing thing is that even though Tony is holding the Savior in his hand, he doesn't have the skill to attack directly, and the Savior doesn't have its own bullets, which means that this gun can't be fired now.

At the same time, in order to control Stan and hide his own weakness.

There was no way Tony could go back into the house to get his equipment, so the two of them were frozen in place.

Damn it! Definitely put a quick equip effect on the Warframe!

Seeing that Tony didn't move at all, the increasingly weak Stan became desperate.

"I get it, you just want me to die, should die with me..." Stan lay on the ground and used his only active skill.

Cold Reasoner: In your opinion, probability is the most important thing. After using it, within one minute, anything related to your body will be changed according to the original maximum probability.

Cooldown: 1/1 (per world)

After using the skill, the virus in the body multiplied at an even more exaggerated rate. At this moment, Stan's immune system not only gave up resistance, but also directly surrendered to the enemy.

After only half a minute, Stan's skin swelled up as if it had been burned by flames, and blisters appeared.

Faced with such a situation, Tony had no choice but to move.

Pulling his leg away from Stan's body, Tony nearly fell to the ground, breaking his leg in the dash.

Carefully keeping the antidote in his hand intact, Tony gritted his teeth and walked towards the room.

If Stan is still lying when he is about to die, then the antidote in his hand will be the last savior.

Gurgle, gurgle, after Tony left, Stan's body made the sound of boiling water.

Countless pustules formed and burst, and all the skin that the pus splashed onto was directly dissolved, and the exposed muscles turned black under the influence of the pus.

As time went by, after a few minutes, Stan became more than three times larger than before.

He is now as big as a van.

After Tony entered the room, Jarvis came to help immediately and treated the injuries casually with a first aid kit.

Tony, who had barely recovered, stretched out his hands, and with the help of Jarvis' armor, he was able to see Stan's changes from the surveillance monitor in the room.

No matter how you look at it, Stan doesn't look like he's changing for the better.