Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 18: Stan vs Tony/Mutated Zombies vs Mark Armor


As Tony was putting on the armor, Stan's mutation slowed down, and his vitality and magic power were completely devoured by the virus.

Due to the lack of overall energy, the transformation of the virus was not completely completed, but only partially carried out.

Under the combined influence of special skills and mutated T-virus, Stan now has a deformed body, and his giant arm, which is almost as big as his body, attracts a lot of attention.

Just placing this arm in front of most people can directly destroy the rebel's desire to resist.

In addition to the enlarged arms, the most obvious change is the black and slightly reflective shell on Stan's exterior.

"Ho ho..." A sound came out of the dead Stan's mouth, and purple liquid was rolling in his mouth. It was obvious that it was not a good thing.

After staying there for a few seconds, Stan stood up again and turned around, facing Tony's house.

Stan's last thought before his death made the mutant zombies' attack target and hatred firmly locked on Tony.

Boom! Every step that Stan's sturdy legs took made the ground shake. The stone yard couldn't stop Stan's steps at all. Before he could even exert any strength, the wall of the yard broke into pieces under the collision.

It is obvious that the mutated Stan has made a qualitative leap in strength and defense.

Then, Tony, who had put on his armor, heard the noise outside and quickly flew out of the room.

Flying into the air, Tony's armor had six gun muzzles popping out from the forearms of both hands, for a total of twelve.

Bang bang bang~, the sound of bullets being fired became continuous in the air, and the bullets like raindrops directly covered Stan's head.

Stan raised his right hand, and his huge arm was like a shield, blocking all the bullets.

After shooting continuously for a while, the barrel of the gun was overheated, but Stan had not suffered any damage. Ordinary bullets could not penetrate the armor at all.

Damn it! Tony cursed inwardly, this Stan was useless before his death, how come he is so powerful after his death.

Roar!!! Stan, who was just beaten, roared angrily.

Purple liquid spurted out of his mouth as he roared, heading straight for Tony.

After Tony dodged, the liquid fell onto the house, easily penetrating the entire house.

Tony was shocked when he saw the effect of the purple liquid. Even the surface armor of his armor might not be able to withstand this thing.

While Tony was distracted for a moment, Stan stomped hard on the ground, making a big hole, and then jumped high.

The way he jumped looked a bit like a huge deformed toad flying in the air.

This time, Stan found a good opportunity, but now in the Marvel world, it is not only Tony who controls the armor, but also Jarvis in his full power form.

The armor rushed up suddenly, and Stan's arm grabbed Tony from under him, but he caught nothing. There was only the air that was everywhere in the earth.

Under the influence of gravity, Stan pulled out a parabola and fell violently, smashing Tony's house from the ground floor to pieces.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, Tony immediately fired all the missiles in his armor.

As for the affected houses, if you have money, you can just repair them if they are damaged. Anyway, Tony's money ability is still effective here.

The two sides fought so fiercely that for a moment, this place felt a little less like New York and more like a battlefield in the Middle East.

Stan quickly put his arms in front of him with agility that was inconsistent with his bloated body, and all the missiles hit his arms without exception.

Smoke and dust rose up, and Stan waved his hand to disperse the smoke and dust. He appeared in front of Tony again, intact. The effect of the missile was just to make the house more broken into pieces.

Seeing that these two attacks were ineffective, Tony put his hands together and combined the laser launchers.

A thick laser shot out from it and hit Stan's raised arm directly.

The laser, which had always been effective, finally failed this time. Stan's arm turned a little red under this attack, but this situation continued. It was unclear whether the laser transmitter overheated first or Stan's arm was broken first.

But the next second, Stan's action saved Tony from having to think about this problem.

Stan, who had slightly accumulated strength, jumped up again, and his huge body went upstream against the current of the laser.

Tony was not in a hurry. The only thing that made him better than Stan was his flexibility.

But this time, Stan's attack was not as simple as it was at the beginning. After reaching the highest point of the parabola, several disgusting pustules popped out from his back and shot towards Tony.

The abscess became thinner and thinner as it flew in the air, and it seemed that the pus inside was about to jump out.

Mechanical force burst out! Tony injected the remaining mechanical force into the armor.

The sudden increase in speed allowed Tony to avoid the fatal blow, and only a little pus stained the armor on his calf.

The armor's defense increased significantly when it was in a state of mechanical force explosion. The pus only charred that area but did not penetrate the armor.

A few seconds later, Tony came to a safe place and faced Stan.

"Alert, multiple connection points of the armor are damaged, the flight system lines are severely damaged, and the maintenance energy consumption has increased." Jarvis' detection information was played back inside the armor.

Tony was flying in the air, and now he was in a difficult situation.

Stan below was staring at him intently, and would follow him wherever he flew.

In order to prevent innocent casualties, Tony didn't dare to increase his speed to the extreme. Who knows who Stan will target after the chain of hatred is broken.

Now, Tony could only fight with Stan in the air. He could still hold on. The wound on his leg was not so painful due to the adrenaline secreted by his body during the battle.

It’s just that the armor’s energy is not sufficient.

The battle is in full swing here, and SHIELD and the military are certainly not blind.

At Pierce's signal, Nick dispatched nearly half of the agents from the New York headquarters.

Nick Fury would still give Pierce some face at times, and cooperate with Pierce to set the first goal of the mission as elimination rather than capture.

Of course, even if Nick doesn't cooperate, it won't be of much use. After all, nine out of ten agents who go out are Hydra.

The military was even more excited. They have always been very interested in super soldiers and even created a Hulk for this purpose.

Now that a similar creature has appeared, they will definitely not just stand there and watch. Even if Ross cannot have it all to himself, he wants to have the biggest piece of the pie.

Tony's idea is very simple, anyone who wants to take advantage of the situation can do so as long as they come fast enough.

Dodging is also very energy-consuming. Stan's combat IQ is not low. When he is sure that Tony cannot leave and dare not land, he will spray some pus from time to time.

Forcing Tony to constantly expend energy to keep moving.