Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 19: Muscle to muscle


"Alert, insufficient energy, estimated flight time is less than ten minutes, please recharge in time."

After dealing with Stan for a while, Tony's armor began to sound the alarm, but the others who attracted Stan also successfully arrived at the battlefield.

An organized helicopter fleet and tank ground forces arrived near Tony's home one after another.

This lineup is completely comparable to the one used to capture the Hulk, and because the battlefield is in the suburbs, the number of troops is even greater than that time.

Boom! Boom! After discovering the target, the military opened fire without hesitation.

The civilians nearby had already fled, so this time there was no need to worry too much about whether there would be any accidental injuries.

High-explosive shells fell like rain, knocking Stan to the ground. The impact force of the shells exceeded Stan's weight, but it was no problem.

Stan, who was rolling around due to the explosion, shook his little head and thrust his right hand downward forcefully. The arm that dug deep into the ground became his pillar to maintain his body stability.

The impact force of the shells is good, but the lethality is not enough. I don't know what Stan's external shell is made of. He can only resist the shells for fun.

Ross waved his hand upon seeing this and ordered the air-to-ground forces to launch a saturation attack. He didn't believe that any monster could ignore such a thermal weapon these days. It must be because of the insufficient equivalent.

They have a lot of military expenditures, so they can fire as much as they want. They can kill people and take away the bodies and make back everything.

The continuous bombing did have an effect, and cracks soon appeared on Stan's shell.

Knowing that he couldn't just stand there and take the beating, Stan decided to take the initiative.

The strong arms were like Stan's third legs. Now Stan was moving forward like a gorilla, facing the shells.

Although Stan's sensitivity is low, it depends on who you compare him with. Compared to Cannonball, his flexibility is still acceptable.

The quick jump gave Stan a chance to catch his breath, and his shell began to repair itself quickly.

Before the repairs were complete, Stan rushed into the battlefield, his close-range attacks far exceeding the defense capabilities of ordinary tanks.

With a simple pinch, a broken tank appeared on the ground.

While the ground troops were fleeing in all directions, the air force was still full of fighting spirit, with missiles and machine guns locked onto Stan.

Stan, who was very unhappy about being bitten by the "mosquito", turned around, moved his body slightly, and pustules shot out one after another.

The scattered pus spilled on the helicopter and corroded it instantly. Helicopters fell from the sky one after another like birds without wings.

The agents who rushed over were also stunned in this situation. Wouldn't their presence just be more cannon fodder

Black Widow glanced at Hawkeye beside her and asked him why he didn't shoot arrows anymore.

Hawkeye rolled his eyes. If the arrow could break Stan's skin, he would definitely do it.

After fully charging, Tony hurried back to the battlefield, but his joining only added some pressure to Stan.

The situation was deadlocked for a moment.

Qi Yun, who was in the main god space, looked at the tragic battlefield and felt very dissatisfied.

This Stan disappointed him so much. Such a strong talent turned out to be a disposable thing

"Ajie, Ajie, stop practicing!" Qi Yun shouted twice.

Ajie stopped and the special sandbag in front of him fell down, covered with holes and fist marks.

Ajie walked to Qi Yun and touched his head, "What's the matter?"

"Do you see this monster? I've opened a portal for you. Go and kill it. Bring back the body. I'll see if I can extract any special talents from it." Qi Yun pointed at Stan and said.

Applejack leaned over and looked at Stan's muscular body. His eyes lit up. This monster was worth a fight!

Looking at Ajie's appearance, Qi Yun snapped his fingers, and a portal appeared beside him.

With his fighting spirit fully aroused, Ajie stepped into the portal without saying a word.

On the tense battlefield, a tall man suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

"Who is he?!" Ross asked the adjutant.

"I don't know. He's not one of ours, and he doesn't look like he's from SHIELD." The adjutant shook his head.

Tony in the air also spotted Ajie, "Ajie! Go! It's dangerous here!"

Hearing Tony's voice, Ajie gave Tony a thumbs up, revealing his sparkling teeth.

Tony was stunned, and Stan seemed to have found an opportunity. He jumped up and rushed over.

Before Tony could dodge, a fiery red figure flew through the air and kicked Stan down.

This attack attracted everyone's attention.

Ajie fell to the ground, with fiery red gas rising around his body.

"High energy reaction detected!" Jarvis' alarm kept sounding.

Tony swallowed, quietly moved aside, and prepared to watch the boss's performance.

Stan, who was kicked and dazed, climbed up and looked at Ajie. The hole in his back that had just been kicked healed quickly.


All the pus spurted out towards Ajie. For a moment, it was like raining above Ajie.

Ajie gathered his energy and the energy around him began to flow, forming a ball that suddenly exploded, sending all the pus flying.

"Don't do these fancy things, it's useless." Ajie said with disdain.

He struck a pose, facing Stan with his whole body, and then hooked his right hand.

Roar! Roar is Stan's best response.

Stan at full sprint gives people the feeling of heavy truck racing.

This impact made Ajie even more excited, and his eyes slowly turned red.

Full firepower!

The moment Stan rushed over, Ajie threw an uppercut and hit Stan's right arm accurately.

Crack, crack, crack, the shell shattered layer by layer, and Stan was knocked out directly.

Ajie rushed forward, moving faster than Stan was knocked away.

With a backhand grab, Ajie grabbed one of Stan's legs, then used his waist and abdomen to exert force and threw Stan to the left and right.

"Oh my God... Is this the power of a senior?" Tony was almost stunned watching from the sky.

He put himself into the role of Stan and immediately concluded that he couldn't last more than three seconds.

It seems that before the anti-Alice armor is released, the anti-Ajie armor will also be put on the agenda.

Stan, who was tossed around like a toy, became even angrier. Under the stimulation of strong emotions, the activity of the virus increased a lot.

Finally, Stan found an opportunity and stuck his arm into the ground.

After creating a two or three meter ditch, Ajie looked back in confusion.

Stan turned around and hit Ajie hard with his right arm. Ajie loosened his hand and let the guy go. It was more satisfying to fight back and forth.

Isn't a one-sided beating just hitting a sandbag? It would be better for Ajie not to come over. The sandbag at home is harder than Stan's, and it's more fun to hit him with it.