Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 20: A is a skill


After Stan escaped, he stared at Ajie with his eyes fixed. After fighting for some time, he clearly found that this person was the biggest threat to him here.

After a few seconds of stalemate, Stan was the first to lose his patience. He exerted all his strength and rushed towards Ajie.

Flip! Applejack jumped up like a big bird, skipping over Stan's attack. The whole process was light and smooth, which was quite different from his previous fighting style.

After dodging the attack, Ajie raised his right leg and swung it like a scorpion's tail, directly hitting Stan's back and kicking him out like a football.

Snake-shaped Fist, Double Dragons Rising from the Sea, Bow Palm, Ajie would repeat something every time he attacked, as if he was using a skill. This may prove the saying that all attacks of a strong man are skills.

The continuous attacks made Stan dizzy and rolled on the ground. It was the first time he felt so miserable after all the mutations.

The outer shell of his body also became pitted by the impact, and the virus's repair speed still couldn't keep up with Ajie's attack speed.

During this period, the battlefield was unexpectedly calm. Black Widow rubbed her eyes, a little bit unable to believe the current situation.

We are all super soldiers, so why is there such a big gap

Hawkeye was even more so. He silently put away his longbow. As a powerful sniper, he had deep doubts about the longbow for the first time.

It hasn't been long since two monsters appeared that are completely immune to my shooting. What have I been doing all these years

Tony in the air was slightly better than them. He was just thinking endlessly about how to design anti-Ajie armor.

A fist-and-fist fight is supposed to be the most hormone-stimulating way of fighting, but the longer Ajay and Stan fight, the more people around them begin to doubt life.

Lushan Shenglongba! Ajie shouted, and the fiery red energy turned into a dragon, knocking Stan into the air.

Crows on a plane! Applejack, who had flown with him, fell from the sky and sat heavily on Stan, pressing him directly into the ground.

Huh? Why is there no movement

Applejack blinked and stepped off of Stan, noticing that Stan showed no signs of activity.

Playing dead? Ajie was a little confused. He could feel that Stan's vitality was not completely extinguished.

The hammer hit the grinding table! Ajie raised his right hand high, then slammed it down, smashing Stan's head directly into the ground.

The highly corrosive pus dripped from Ajie's fist onto the ground bit by bit.

Hmm~ Ajie nodded with satisfaction. Now Stan was almost done for.

Qi Yun looked at Ajie's actions and covered his face with his hands. Is this person my dependent? Why do I feel a little embarrassed? Should I go back to the furnace and train him again

After completely destroying Stan's ability to resist, Ajie grabbed one of Stan's fingers and dragged him up from the ground.

Tony fell from the air, his protective mask opened, and he looked at Ajie with complicated eyes.

"Well, I believe you just want a figurine." Tony said with a sigh.

"Of course, why would I lie to you?" Ajie said cheerfully, "Don't worry, you can beat this kind of thing quickly. It's worthwhile to come out and stretch your muscles."

The corners of Tony's mouth twitched. Ajie was so confident in him that he didn't know how to respond.

After the battle, people who wanted to take advantage of the situation also came. The representative of S.H.I.E.L.D., the deputy chief of Marvel Novice Village, Coulson, and the representative of the military, General Ross, came over from the left and right.

"My friend, are you interested in joining the army?" Ross looked at Ajie in a self-righteous tone. His eyes were shining after watching a battle.

"Joining the army is such a waste of talent for you." Coulson had a smile on his face and provoked Ross casually, then looked at Ajay, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I'm Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I have to go back to eat." Ajie patted Tony, then ignored Coulson and Ross, and walked out with Stan's body.

Ross was completely ignored and felt terrible, but Coulson next to him was very calm. He was used to being rejected so many times.

"Stop!" Ross suddenly shouted, "The monster's corpse is military property. You can leave if you want, but leave it here!"

Ajie moved his ears and ignored this guy. He thought that this guy might have a problem with his brain. He was too inflated.

Ross, who was ignored again, winked at his men. Under his power, the team members reluctantly surrounded Ajie.

Ajie ignored the actions of these guys. The fighting ability of these people was not up to his standards at all. They were just a bunch of weaklings.

Seeing that Ajie didn't react, Ross felt that he had something on Ajie. He felt that this guy didn't seem to want to conflict with the military.

Ross didn't think he could monopolize Stan's body, but he definitely wanted a piece of the cake. This was the unspoken rule.

Under his continuous command, the soldiers completely blocked the way ahead of Ajie, but with the experience of the Hulk as a lesson, Ross still left a gap in the encirclement.

At the same time, Coulson stretched out his hand to stop the agents who also wanted to move forward. He stood in the distance and looked at Ajie indifferently.

Applejack didn't want to give Ross any face. He could ignore a group of ants, but if the ants blocked the road, Applejack would not go out of his way to take a detour.

"A normal blow!" Ajie weakly said, and the surging energy burst out from his fist.

It directly hammered away all the soldiers in a line, and the remaining air continued to fly forward and hit a tank in the distance, hammering it to pieces.

The soldiers were stunned when they saw the vacuum zone created by Ajie's punch.

A group of people just watched Ajie drag the corpse to the destination and then disappear into the air.

Ross was furious but helpless. Not to mention that he couldn't do anything about Ajie himself, Ross had no way to deal with the other person's ability to appear and disappear at will.

Tony watched Ajie's actions from behind without saying a word. He felt that it was not good to hurt innocent people, but firstly, he had no position to stop it, and secondly, he also hated these guys who took human lives lightly.

What they did was not very good.

After a moment of silence, Tony noticed that Ross and Coulson were looking at him.

These guys are like hyenas, they want to take a bite of everything.

Tony rolled his eyes, not bothering to pay attention to these people, and flew directly to his home which had become a ruin.

These people have their own standards in mind and would not dare to come in without permission, even if there are only ruins left here.

After all, the legal department of Stark Industries is not there for free. If they really dare to come in, Tony will beat Ross up, and the one who will apologize in the end might be this military representative who has been humiliated by countless people.