Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 21: forerunner


Ajie, who returned from the victory easily, put Stan on the ground, and then just looked at Qi Yun with a silly smile on his face.

Qi Yun covered his head and waved his hands, signaling him to go about his own business. This guy's IQ is not low.

Although the level of intelligence has nothing to do with IQ, quick reaction ability and memory ability always have an added bonus to learning and memory. With these bonuses, IQ generally cannot be too low.

Could it be that all of Ajie's bonuses were added to combat? This is a topic worth pondering.

After thinking for a while without coming up with anything, Qi Yun came to his senses, waved his hand, and Stan's body disappeared in front of him.

There is a special decomposition and extraction room inside the main god space. The power there comes from Qi Yun himself. However, in terms of accuracy and duration, the decomposition and extraction room is still stronger. Professional places do professional things.

Just after sending Stan's body away, another portal appeared in the house and little Qi Qi walked out of it.

Seeing Qi Yun, Qi Qi's expression suddenly became colorful.

He swung his legs quickly and trotted to Qi Yun's side. He bowed first and then began to speak.

"Sir, you're back. Is the plan going well over there? Is there anything you need me for?" Qi Qi looked at Qi Yun expectantly and said.

Speaking of this, Qi Yun is still a little depressed. After tasting the sweetness in the Resident Evil world, he set his sights on other derivative worlds. After all, compared with the original world and the open world, the derivative world is much easier to bully.

However, the several derivative worlds that Qi Yun visited not long ago have initially given birth to world consciousness. In addition, derivative worlds are generally relatively small, the control range of world consciousness is small, and the control power per unit area is very large. Therefore, every time Qi Yun went there, he was immediately discovered and then firmly blocked outside the world.

After many unsuccessful attempts, Qi Yun decided to stay at home and not go out. After all, if he didn't want to come up with a solution, it would be a waste of effort to go out.

In the past, when the main god space was in its heyday, when faced with this kind of situation, the only options were to break it up with violence or to send people undercover.

Ordinary qualified people are not so easy to be discovered. Once they enter the world, it is not so easy for the world to control everything. As long as enough people go, it is only a matter of time before the derivative world is occupied.

Unfortunately, Qi Yun can’t take either of these two paths now.

In terms of strength, he is not yet strong enough to violently break through the defenses of world consciousness from the outside.

As for people, even if the largest number of invitations were given, there were still less than a hundred suitable people in the entire main god space.

Losing one means less combat power. This is why Qi Yun hates Stan so much. He just wastes his talent and does nothing else.

We have already entered the main god space. Is a Stark Industries Group important

To get back to the point, apart from these two paths, Qi Yun has not yet found a suitable path.

Shaking his head and bringing his thoughts back to the present, Qi Yun looked at Qi Qi. She was the one Qi Yun trusted the most, well, although the only person she could be compared to was Ajie, a man with a head full of muscles.

"You look so happy. Did you succeed in inviting me?"

"That's right." Qi Qi nodded. "The Awakener Alice has agreed to join the main god space. As soon as she joins, the channel connecting to the Resident Evil world will be completely stabilized. This world that has not yet given birth to world consciousness will be conquered."

"Well done." Qi Yun reached out and rubbed Qi Qi's little head.

Qi Qi's eyes were dazed, and she looked like a little kitten. "And sir, I found that there are other awakened people in the Resident Evil world who are suitable to join us."

"Really? Who is it?" Qi Yun was a little curious.

"Red Queen, the artificial intelligence that looks very similar to Alice when she was a child." Qi Qi stretched out her palm.

Under Qi Qi's precise manipulation, the surging magic power formed the appearance of the Red Queen in the air.

"Well, it's good news, but you don't need to pay too much attention to it. After the world connection is stable, just send her an invitation letter directly, and you don't have to make a trip." Qi Yun stood up and said.

Qi Qi nodded her little head like pounding garlic, saying that Lord Qi Yun cared about her so much, which was great.

Then, Qi Qi turned slightly to look at Qi Yun, "Sir, are you worried about something?"

"There's nothing else. It's still the same thing. The biochemical department wants to reduce the number of tasks in order to avoid killing the goose that lays the golden eggs, but I haven't found any other suitable worlds yet." Qi Yun sighed, a little distressed.

As expected, no matter what you do, the first pot of gold is always the hardest to get. Now miners have the mineral vein but they don’t have it in their hands, which is really embarrassing.

"Sir..." Qi Qi thought for a moment, then slowly said, "Why don't we go the elite route? Ajie and I can help."

"I've thought about the elite route, but we don't have many elites." Qi Yun looked worried. "Investing energy to materialize the world core will make it difficult to snatch it from the world consciousness in the end. By then, I'm afraid we'll end up losing more than we gain."

"But, sir, we don't need to succeed in one go." Qi Qi went on to explain her thoughts.

“Before the previous Lord God started the Lord God Space, he was already a top-level warrior in his own world, with countless legendary subordinates. With that kind of combat power, he lost more than he won in the first few world battles, let alone us. We can’t afford to lose once now!”

"So, how about we change our thinking and put the world core last and send elite qualified people to act as anchors in the early stages to establish a preliminary connection."

"In the mid-term, we will send more people in to quickly occupy the important time nodes in the timeline, and finally materialize the world core when the time is right and take it down in one fell swoop! And maybe after a long period of operation, some characters in the world will become our helpers."

Listening to Qi Qi's explanation, Qi Yun touched his chin, as if this idea was the most reliable one at the moment.

"You can pick a spot to try first." Qi Yun looked at Qi Qi.

"It seems that you can't rest recently. Let's select suitable candidates for this attempt." Qi Yun said to Qi Qi decisively.

"Got it." Qi Qi responded with a smile.

Ajie, who was boxing in the distance, was a little confused when he saw Qi Yun and Qi Qi making so much noise.

Especially after Qi Qi gave Qi Yun a thumbs up behind his back, he felt even more dizzy.

However, there is a characteristic of smart people: if they can't figure it out, they might as well not think about it.

After discussing with Qi Qi, Qi Yun added a new "profession" - Pioneer - based on the qualified persons in the main god space.

According to Qi Yun's idea, this type of people should be composed of two types of people. One is those who have enough power before joining the main god space, and the other is those who grow rapidly, have great potential, and have good abilities. They can also be promoted after a certain screening.