Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 25: Like attracts like


Coming out of the hotel, Ajie felt a little depressed.

Walking on the streets of Konoha, Ajie lowered his head and looked very listless. He really wanted to fight with the guy Alice found.

However, he also knew that the priority now was the mission. Lord Qi Yun and Qi Qi were very concerned about this mission, and even if he couldn't help much, he definitely couldn't hinder them.

“Okay!” Ajie encouraged himself in his heart, and encouraged himself, “We can’t waste any more time! Ajie! Let’s go find out the fighting power of this village first! Come on!”

After encouraging himself, Ajie looked up and around him. He seemed to have lost track of where he was. Where was the army of this village

Looking at the four or five forks in the road, Ajie was very distressed, and the passers-by around him were scared away by his crazy behavior just now.

There was no other way. Without anyone to ask for directions and without a map, Ajie could only pick up a branch from the ground, hold it with his hand, and stand it upright in the middle of the intersection.

"It's decided, we'll go wherever the branch falls!" Ajie said as he let go of his hand and stared at the small branch.

The branch first fell in one direction, but a sudden gust of wind blew it off course, and it finally pointed to a road leading out of the village.

"Ha, it's God's will." Ajie laughed, picked up the branch and walked in that direction.

This choice happened as many as four or five times along the way. Ajie followed the choice of the branches all the way, and finally Ajie came to a relatively remote place.

This is a training ground in Konoha. Apart from some ninjas in training, no one else usually comes here.

Hmm... I can find the destination even if I look blindly like this. It turns out that Ajie's 10 points of luck are not just for show.

Boom, boom, boom, boom! Before he even entered the training ground, Ajie heard very rhythmic and continuous beating sounds coming from the training ground.

Ajie looked in the direction of the sound curiously, and saw a guy with sharp features gritting his teeth and punching wildly at the wooden stake, apparently venting his anger.

The continuous blows caused the bandages on his fists to bleed, but he seemed to have no sense of pain and did not stop.

Ajie stood there and watched for a long time. He did not have any detection skills, but based on his personal intuition, he felt that this person posed a great threat to him, even though the man did not seem very strong.

Tap... tap, Ajie stomped the ground twice with his right foot, making a sound to alert the people inside.

"Huh?" Kai stopped and turned to look in Ajie's direction. It was a civilian

"Did we take the wrong road? This is the training ground." Kai wiped the sweat from his forehead and spoke. He was not in a very good mood.

Ajie looked this guy up and down, but didn't see anything special about him. The only thing he felt was that this person's dressing style was a bit outrageous. Isn't he nervous wearing all green

"No, um, are you a ninja from this village?" Ajie asked slowly.

"Yes, is there anything I can help you with?" Kai asked the muscular guy in front of him.

"No, no, no, I don't need any help from others, but... do you... need a sparring partner?" Ajie walked forward slowly, flexed his muscles, and then asked.

"Ah?" Kai was a little confused. How could this stranger have an even weirder train of thought than himself

"It's so boring to hit a wooden stake alone. Come on, let's have a competition." Ajie posed and hooked his finger at Kai.

"From your looks, you must have run into some difficulty. There's a saying that goes, don't be afraid of any difficulty, face it with passion! How can you get your blood boiling by hitting a wooden stake like this? Come on, fight me!"

Kai was stunned for a moment after listening to Ajie's words, then he looked up and burst into laughter, and his laughter became louder and louder.

"Hahahaha, you're right!"

Xiao Li! I will definitely find a way to help you recover! In the name of Konoha's blue beast!

After laughing, Kai looked at Ajie and didn't feel any chakra fluctuations from him. He seemed to be just a man who loved exercising.

"Come on, I'll fight with you, but be careful, my fists are very heavy!"

Ajie raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Really?"

Whoosh, in the blink of an eye, Ajie disappeared from the spot, leaving only an afterimage at that location at such a fast speed.

How could it be possible?! He could move as fast as the teleportation technique just by using his physical body?!

Kai lowered his body slightly and looked around vigilantly, thinking that the person he met might be a master. I love challenging masters the most!

Obviously, the strength shown by Ajie made Kai even more motivated!

Boom! After teleporting, Ajie punched the ground behind Kai, and the terrifying force of his fist directly created a big hole.

"Concentrate! It will be boring if you get distracted." Ajie turned around and said softly.

"Wahaha, it seems you are not an ordinary person." Kai clenched his fists and his chakra began to circulate again, "Come on! I won't be distracted again!"

Ola Ola Ola! Ajie moved quickly around Kai, throwing punches at him as he moved.

Mudamudamuda! Kai, with full firepower, accurately captured Ajie's figure. The attack and defense of the two were simply a physical training textbook.

Boom! The two fists collided in the air, and the terrifying airflow generated directly lifted up the wooden stakes inserted in the training ground.

"Ha! That feels good!" Ajie flew backwards and landed on the ground. His body was already very hot. It had been a long time since he had such a good fight. "The warm-up is over. I'm going to get serious. If you can't hold on any longer, remember to speak up."

"Hahaha, youth doesn't allow you to say no, come on." Kai said loudly.

In the fight with Ajie just now, Kai was unable to use any physical skills. Although Ajie did seem very strong to him, the opponent was not a ninja after all, so he still had to be careful when attacking.

Boom~ A ball of fiery red flame rose from Ajie, and the flame was full of fighting spirit.

Under the influence of this arrogance, Ajie's eyes turned extremely red, as if they were filled with blood.

Feeling this momentum, Kai no longer dared to hold back. He took a stance and chakra quickly flowed through his body.

Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, the first gate, open, open!

The second door, Xiumen, open!

The third door, the door of life, open!

Kai, who opened three doors in a row, also burst out with astonishing momentum, which was like a tsunami, one wave higher than the other.

Two energy auras, one red and one blue, soared into the sky and intertwined with each other. The continuous collisions produced terrifying gales. Looking at this side from a high place was like seeing a two-color tornado.

Fortunately, this training ground is not within the main part of the village, otherwise the impact of this battle would definitely attract a large number of ninjas.