Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 28: Parasitic spores?


When Ajie's hand was placed on Xiao Li's body, the energy in Ajie's body entered Xiao Li's body along the contact point and checked him from top to bottom.

"What do you think? Is there any solution?" Kai looked at Ajie expectantly, waiting for him to give a positive answer.

Facing Kai and Xiao Li's gazes, Ajie nodded confidently, "It's not a big problem, it's just a comminuted fracture, but we need to choose a treatment plan."

"Treatment plan?" Kai said in disbelief. For an injury that the entire village couldn't cure, Ajie just came up with several plans

After putting Xiao Li back on the bed, Ajie and Kai went to the roof of the hospital together. The sun had already set halfway up the mountain.

"Kai, I've been thinking about it for a while and I have three options. You are his instructor, so you can choose one first." Ajie said, leaning against the wall with his head tilted.

"Just tell me, I will be responsible for it!" Kai patted his chest and sat aside.

"First, the Qi I cultivate is different from your chakra. It has a strong healing ability. As long as I warm and nourish Xiao Li for a period of time, he will naturally recover."

Kai didn't say anything because he knew Ajie definitely hadn't finished speaking.

"But the consequence of this method is that the chakra in Xiao Li's body may disappear completely. His injuries are closely connected to his chakra. In order to ensure the success rate, his chakra must be dispersed first."

Hearing this, Kai's two thick eyebrows squeezed together, "In other words, Li wants to refine chakra again?"

Ajie nodded, "Don't worry, this is the first method. For the second method, I have a friend who is a mechanic."


"Just think of him as someone who makes all kinds of high-end machines." Ajie's worthy person is Tony. "You can't heal Xiao Li because chakra can't perfectly repair every crack. It will be much easier with him as an aid. However, Xiao Li's hidden injury will still exist. This injury will affect his future potential."

Kai fell into deep thought. On the one hand, he would have to start over again, and on the other hand, his future achievements would be reduced.

Ajie continued talking.

"The third one is another friend of mine. She has a special virus that can bring the dead back to life. But I'm not sure if it will work on Xiao Li, and it may mutate after use."

After listening to this, Kai moved his mouth. With so many choices, he didn't know how to choose.

After thinking for a moment, Kai raised his head and said, "Let Xiao Li choose. I believe he can make the right choice."

Ajie grinned. He had guessed what Kai would say. "Don't worry. I've told them about the situation here. They'll be here soon."

"Let's talk to Li first so he can be mentally prepared." Kai said as he pulled Ajie to Xiao Li's ward.

After learning about the treatment plan, Xiao Li looked to Kai, hoping to get advice from him.

"Li! You have to be the master of your own life! Believe in yourself!" Kai held Li's hand and said loudly, "Youth is always imperfect! We must accept it!"

"Why are you making so much noise? Others don't want to rest." The nurse opened the door and glared at Kai.

Kai apologized repeatedly and embarrassedly. Although he was a jonin, he was the most powerful among the doctors and nurses in the hospital.

"I choose the first one!" After howling with Kai, Xiao Li said decisively, "I believe that as long as I work hard enough, I can get everything back!"


"Teacher Kai!"

As they were talking, the two of them hugged each other again.

Ajie stood aside with his head covered. After meeting these two people, he felt that he was quite normal.


The door opened again, and Alice and Tony stood at the doorway, "Excuse me, is Ajay here?"

"You are here. This is the patient. Please come and take a look. I need to go out for some fresh air." Ajie hurriedly pulled Tony and the other man in and then walked out.

Tony and Alice looked at each other, a little confused about what Applejack was doing.

But since they are here, they might as well check on the patients first. Maybe if they can cure them, the prerequisite for them to join the Konoha camp will be met.

"Hello, can I see the patient first?" Alice walked to Kai and said.

Kai ran to the back and brought a stool over, "You guys sit down."

Sitting on the stool, Alice lowered her head and looked at Xiao Li who was covered in bandages. "It might be a little uncomfortable later, please bear with it."

Xiao Li nodded.

Alice's surging mental power emanated from her body, and under the influence of the mental power, her hair flew in the air.

The mental power was conducting a comprehensive test inside Xiao Li's body. The more it tested, the worse Alice's expression became.

Xiao Li’s current physical condition is a bit too terrible. Even if hit by a heavy truck, he wouldn’t be in this state.

His bones and muscles were breaking from the inside, as if a huge monster had run out of his body, and Alice also discovered something a little different.

After the test, Alice looked at Tony.

Tony waved his hand and the floater was transformed into a healing scanner, a mode that he had specially installed before he came.

After scanning, Jarvis quickly output Xiao Li's film and projected it onto Tony's glasses.

This injury was much more serious than when he was held hostage by terrorists. Of course, under this comprehensive inspection, Tony also observed what Alice discovered.

"How is it?" Kai asked in a low voice.

"Well...we need to discuss something. You wait here for us." Tony said as he pulled Alice out the door.

After meeting up with Ajie, Tony found a corner.

"Ajie, I found a problem." Tony looked serious.

"What's the problem? Xiao Li still has hidden injuries?" Ajie scratched his head.

"No, his injury is not a big deal. Like you said in the channel, the three of us have ways to help him recover."

Tony shook his head and continued, "I found that Xiao Li seemed to be parasitized by a kind of plant spores. It is not clear whether this parasite is benign or malignant."

"Spores?" Ajie looked up and thought for a moment, "Isn't that his injury? My treatment method is to clear the spores at the same time, but the chakra is closely connected to the spores, so he must practice again."

"You're wrong." Alice said.

"I can feel that those spores belong to another kind of life, but the other party is in a strange state now. Xiao Li's consciousness is still the main body, but according to my examination, chakra is also produced because of the existence of spores."

"So, after that thing was removed, not only the chakra disappeared, but also Lee's ability to extract chakra."

Listening to what the two said, Ajie was quite surprised.

"Actually, do you think that spore is a bit similar to your T virus?" Tony said to Alice.

"That's right." Alice nodded, "But with the help of the Lord God Space, the T virus has been completely integrated into my gene sequence. It has truly become a part of my body. Xiao Li is a little different."

"I have a feeling that we have discovered something extraordinary." Ajie listened to their words and turned his gaze towards Xiao Li's ward.