Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 3: mechanic


Welcome to join the Lord God Space. You can choose one of the following options as a novice benefit...

After Tony joined, Qi Yun began to give him benefits. This was a rule set by the previous main god. Of course, Qi Yun could erase this rule, but in order to ensure Tony's safety, he did not plan to do so for the time being.

If you want a horse to run, you have to let it eat grass first. Qi Yun hopes that Tony can become a cow, eating grass and producing milk.

When Tony heard the word "welfare", the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. This was something he gave to others, and he never thought that one day it would be his turn.

Benefit 1, Advanced Life Recovery

Repairs the body and restores it to its optimal state, removing negative influences including toxins.

Benefit 2: Genetic physique enhancement

Repair and stimulate dormant genes in the body, and positively strengthen the user. The strengthening effect depends on the gene level and gene attributes.

Benefit 3, Elemental Affinity

Increase the user's elemental affinity and sensitivity, giving him the ability to perceive and manipulate elements. (Option for people with extraordinary intelligence)

Welfare 4, Mechanic Job Change Notes

Provides the user with an opportunity to change his job to become a mechanic. After completing the specified task, the user will be employed as a mechanic according to the evaluation. (Eligible characteristic option)

Looking at the lines of text listed in the main god space, Tony felt excited.

No wonder he was not calm. These four benefits would not be a small matter to anyone. You have to know how many wealthy people are willing to exchange their wealth for a healthy body these days. Some of them are even richer than him.

Looking at them one by one, these benefits are all very useful to him without exception.

The first one can immediately solve his life problem. He won’t have to carry a battery around with him everywhere.

The description of the second benefit reminded Tony of someone, Captain America. If he could be strengthened to that level, he was sure he could take Ethan away from here, but the shrapnel in his body might cause greater harm.

The third and fourth benefits are obviously options for the later stages. Judging from the literal meaning, the third one should be a prerequisite for becoming a wizard. Tony really appreciates the three words "extraordinary intelligence" written at the end, and he has always believed so.

However, after seeing the fourth option, Tony had no other choice in his mind. He had a hunch that this was the one he should choose! It must be the most suitable for him!

After making a decisive choice, Tony found a floating and rotating chip in his consciousness. This should be the mechanic's job change notes.

Before studying this thing, the last process of the main god space began.

The welfare selection is completed and the semi-digital auxiliary combat system is turned on.

Warning: This system is for auxiliary purposes only. If vital organs such as the heart and brain are damaged, the qualified person will still die.

The first mission will start in 24 hours, please pay attention to the time...

24 hours! Tony's eyes widened. He hadn't expected this. If he suddenly left this place, Ethan would be dead!

There was no way those damn terrorists would let go of the doctor who saved them.

"Lord God! How fast does time flow when I am on a mission?" Tony asked quickly.

The speed of time flow will be determined by the difference between the original world and the mission world.

"Request to postpone the mission!" Tony said immediately when he was sure that time would not stop during the mission.

If it weren't for Ethan, he would have died in the attack long ago, so Tony couldn't let Ethan die because of him.

Specialty qualified person privilege 1/1, whether to use it.

"Use it!" Tony saw that there was still room for easing the task, and he was suddenly glad that he was an intellectually gifted person.

The privilege has been used up. The first mission will be launched in 7 days. Please pay attention to the time...

Seven days, seven more days. Tony wiped the sweat from his head. He had to find a way to get himself and Ethan out of this place within these seven days.

On the other side, after watching Tony complete several key steps, Qi Yun withdrew his gaze. He had done his best. If Tony still couldn't survive, it would have nothing to do with him. After all, he was the main god, not a nanny.

Tony glanced at the tools and parts scattered on the table in front of him. There was no way he could accomplish it with only seven days.

It seems there is only one way, Tony thought and turned his eyes to the Mechanic's Notebook.

After receiving Tony's gaze, the chip started to spin and then exploded into small spots of light. These small spots of light flew in the air and then combined together to form text that appeared on Tony's retina.

Mechanic job transfer task

Task introduction: Mechanic is a special profession. To join, you must pass the mechanic exam. After passing the exam, you can successfully become a mechanic.

Mission information: When the individual contribution level reaches 95% or above, successfully manufacture white-level and above mechanical products.

Mission deadline: 24 hours.

Mission reward, employment as an entry-level mechanic...

Tony was relieved when he saw the job assignment. Assembling a mechanical product was no big deal. When he was a kid, he used to play by assembling things.

However, due to time constraints, the task assembly product could not be the mecha he was planning to build, so he had to switch to one that could be manufactured quickly.

Tony thought for a moment, then looked at the missile wreckage on the table, his eyes lit up, "Ethan, do me a favor, we have to make something else first."

Twelve hours later, thanks to Tony's extraordinary hands-on ability, a miniature missile appeared on the table.

The test starts, the product is determined to be a white object, score 3, do you want to submit

Only three points?! Tony couldn't believe it. Could this thing be based on a five-point system? Even if it was five points, it would just barely pass!

He thought about it and clicked on the scoring rules.

Crudely made micro missiles

Attack method: electronic chip detonation, lethality 0-100, completion rate 70%.

Evaluation: The electronic micro missiles made by novices without professional equipment are of low completion and prone to malfunction.

"If I were you, I would never use it even if I was beaten to death. It can only kill you." - Legendary Star Sea Mechanic Han Xiao

Rating: White level 3 points (Note that white level items are rated from 0 to 10)

Tony's face twitched when he saw the comments in the notebook. This was the first time in his life that he had been ridiculed in such a way regarding weapons manufacturing.

No! You absolutely cannot use this for the mission! Tony made up his mind. The mission reward was fine, but he couldn't bear the shame of being mocked by Han Xiao.

Watching Tony pause for a while and then start working again as if he was injected with chicken blood, Ethan next to him became more and more worried. He was a little suspicious whether the excessive pressure had damaged Tony's brain. Unfortunately, he was not a psychologist and could not help much!