Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 4: Job transfer successful


The 24 hours passed quickly, and during this period Tony had no rest except for normal eating.

He hasn't been so crazy for a long time. Under external pressure, Tony exerted 200% of his abilities.

Not only did they reconstruct the design of the micro-missile, they also re-polished and reassembled it. It can be said that in terms of the level of care put into this tiny micro-missile, it has far surpassed any other weapon of Stark Industries.

Seeing that the time was running out, Tony directly submitted the task.

Enhanced exquisite micro missile - modified

Attack method: electronic chip and touch detonation, lethality 100-150

Comments: Made from a modified micro-missile blueprint, beautifully crafted, but with low manufacturing efficiency.

"Nice handicraft, but when will this thing come into play?" - Legendary Star Sea Mechanic Han Xiao

Rating: White level 7 points

Seeing the rating, Tony sighed. He had no choice. This thing was already the strongest product he could make right now. After all, in such a simple place, it was quite good to have this level of product.

After the mission was submitted, the micro-missile disappeared into the air.

The job transfer task is completed, the evaluation is A, and the job transfer begins...

An invisible force descended from the void and covered Tony. Under the influence of this force, Tony vaguely saw a space fleet capable of crossing the sea of stars.

Successfully employed as a machinist, gaining entry-level mechanical affinity, fast reading, and stable assembly.

Ethan on the side looked at the situation with his jaw about to drop. The development of this matter was a little beyond his expectations. His three views were completely impacted in these few short minutes.

"Tony, this...then...never mind, are you okay?" Ethan looked around, hesitant for a long time, and asked.

"I'm fine, and I feel great now." Tony said with a smile.

"Then...what is going on?" Ethan reached out and touched the empty operating table, his words full of disbelief.

"This is an adventure, I joined..."

As soon as Tony's words left his mouth, a warning sounded in his mind.

Warning, it has been detected that a qualified person has subjectively disclosed information about the main god space. Please stop this behavior and do not say that I did not warn you.

Tony froze after hearing the voice. It would have been fine if the main divine space had directly stopped his behavior, but now there was only a warning that seemed insignificant.

This made Tony feel even more uneasy, and after thinking about it, he decided not to continue.

"Join...what?" Ethan asked, looking at Tony.

"Nothing." Tony shook his head. "Anyway, this will help us escape."

Seeing that Tony didn't want to elaborate, Ethan understood something and didn't ask any further questions.

Then the two of them worked together to put the mecha that had been placed aside back on the operating table.

After successfully changing his job, Tony had a strange feeling when looking at the mecha, as if these mechanical products seemed to come alive.

Feeling the unusual reaction, Tony ran his right hand over the back of his left hand and opened his personal information.

Name: Tony Stark

Occupation: Mechanic (entry level)

Level: Level 3 (comprehensive rating based on personal physical fitness, professional knowledge, and extraordinary abilities.)

Vitality: 71% (The attribute value is fixed and decreases from 100 to below according to the degree of injury.)

Mechanical Strength: 10 (Energy unique to mechanics.)

Strength: 4 (related to weight, attack power, etc.)

Agility: 6+1 (related to nerve reflex speed, movement speed, etc., the same as the mechanic job change.)

Intelligence: 10+1 (related to thinking speed, memory, mechanical strength, etc.)

Physical strength: 4 (related to vitality, defense, etc.)

Charisma: 7 (Appearance, social skills, etc.)

Luck: 5 (Special attribute, extremely difficult to improve.)

Note: The average five dimensions of a normal adult male are 25 points, and the average luck value is 3.

(This information is for reference only. Please use it with caution.)

Mechanical Affinity (Beginner): Increases your understanding of machinery and improves your initial control over all machinery.

Speed Reading: Improve your reading and comprehension skills when reading mechanical books.

Stable Assembly: Improves the stability of hands and feet when performing mechanical manufacturing, and provides additional stability bonus to personal manufactured items.

Black Technology Invention (initial talent): Your invention has a chance to surpass the effect of the item's own blueprint and additionally improve the item's grade.

Tony carefully read his personal information several times, and then wrote down all the information. This level of personal assessment cannot be bought with money.

What surprised Tony was that after so many years of hard work, only one skill was recognized by the main god space, and the other skills were given after the job change. It has to be said that this was a bit beyond Tony's expectations.

However, after acquiring the two skills of mechanical affinity and stable assembly, Tony obviously found that he was more adept at assembling and manufacturing mechas.

In the past, unexpected situations such as hand shaking would occur, causing progress to be set back, but this no longer happens after changing jobs.

At this rate of progress, Tony is confident that he can complete the mecha in just a few days. This way, after escaping, he should still have some time to prepare for the initial mission.

Two flowers bloom, each showing its own beauty.

Qi Yun is now also busy with Tony's initial mission.

Twenty-four hours was not only for Tony to prepare, but also for himself.

As a newly-made Lord God, he must carefully select the places where his subordinates will carry out their tasks.

After all, we can't just throw Tony into a primitive world. The best he can do is to survive, and it might be difficult to complete because there are many people there who can kill Qi Yun with a slap.

"I support you! What the hell is this world?" Qi Yun wiped the sweat off his forehead after running out of the crystal wall with the help of his special abilities.

The world we just entered was so scary. As soon as we entered, we saw bugs filling our vision and a majestic interstellar fleet.

The two sides were fighting there, and Qi Yun originally wanted to see if he could assign a task to Tony, but he found that both sides seemed to have ways to detect him.

Not long after appearing, Qi Yun noticed that a team of elite fleets and a team of special Zerg were approaching the battlefield.

Fortunately, the method of blocking perception used by the other party was ineffective against Qi Yun, otherwise it would be uncertain whether Qi Yun could escape.

What Qi Yun found strange was that even though the brains of both sides were spilling out during the fight, they seemed to be very united when facing people like him. So, he speculated that maybe this world had been ravaged by gods before