Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 41: Changed main quest


Tony was the first one to notice something was wrong in the rear. The eyes of the medical ninjas around him turned as red as Ajie's during the battle, which gave Tony a bad feeling.

Alert...Unknown factors are causing the world's difficulty to increase rapidly...The world is beginning to collapse...

The world is collapsing? Tony felt terrible when he heard the notification sound from the main god space. Who could bear the bad news that kept coming one after another

Tip...Due to the abnormal increase in the world's difficulty, high-level pioneers will enter the world in ten minutes...

Main mission changed... Mission acquired successfully... Mission to protect space-time anchor point loaded...

Protect the space-time anchor point (urgent main task)

Mission Description: Due to some reasons, the world began to collapse. The lives inside were affected by the world's collapse and began to launch indiscriminate attacks...

Mission information (urgent): Protect Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke from death within ten minutes.

After the mission was changed, Uzumaki Naruto, who was guarding Lee and Kai, and Uchiha Sasuke, who was standing aside and looking into the distance, glowed with yellow light.

At the same time, the ninjas around them began to attack indiscriminately.

"JARVIS! Deploy defensive form!"

As Tony shouted, the Sibu Xiang armor began to change its shape. The special material began to stretch and become round. Soon a miniature shelter slowly formed, protecting Naruto, Sasuke, Rock Lee, Kai and Tony in the middle.

"Uncle Tony! What's wrong with everyone?" Naruto was very panicked now. He saw many of his friends attacking each other.

"I don't know!" Tony stared outside and pulled out a long sword made up of multiple mechanical parts from his armor.

Naruto looked outside anxiously, and a figure flew through his world. It was Hinata!

Hinata, who was knocked flying, was then attacked by countless ninjutsu and was about to be destroyed.

Hinata is in danger! Naruto was about to rush out when he saw this. His personality would not allow him to just stay inside and watch his friend die.

Tony grabbed Naruto who was running past him and said, "Don't go out! It will be useless if you go out. You will just die in vain."

"Let me go!" Naruto turned his hand, took out a kunai from his ninja tool bag and cut off the clothes that Tony was holding.

Tony shook his right hand, and every connection point of the sword broke and loosened, turning it into a long whip.

Driven by its internal mechanism, the whip quickly extended forward and tied up Naruto.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Naruto shouted while struggling on the ground.

Reddish chakra emanated from Naruto's body, and the chakra formed three waving tails behind him.


Naruto used all his strength to force the whip open.

Mechanical amplification!

Just as Naruto was about to escape, the energy in Tony's body flowed into the whip, and the whip, which had received the bonus, began to tighten.

The struggle between the two caused cracks to appear on the body of the whip.

"Sasuke! Come and help! Hold Naruto. There are only a few of you who are normal. You can't let him out!" Tony shouted loudly.

Sasuke on the side looked blankly at the battlefield in the distance, where his father, mother and tribesmen were fighting a meaningless battle.

"Sasuke! Sasuke!" Tony shouted twice more.

"Huh?" Sasuke came back to his senses.

In this chaotic situation, Sasuke had completely lost the ability to think, and subconsciously followed Tony's words and joined him in restricting Naruto's actions.

But just holding Naruto is not enough. The outer defense equipment has good defense power and can withstand dozens of ordinary ninjutsu. However, there are too many crazy ninjas, and the number of ninjutsu splashed onto the shelter is almost exceeding the limit.

After taking a break, Naruto's eyes turned red when he saw Hinata die. The number of tails behind him increased to five. He walked a few steps to the middle, holding a kunai and standing in front of Gai and Rock Lee.

A few minutes later, cracks began to appear on the surface of the shelter. Tony clenched his sword tightly. Five minutes left! If he could hold on, reinforcements would arrive!

Telekinetic storm!

Alice broke away from the battle with Senju Tobirama and immediately drove away the ninjas near the shelter.

Senju Tobirama jumped out of the space with red eyes and entangled Alice again, and other high-level ninjas also began to move towards them.

Ajie also returned to the shelter in time to guard the key figures.

If you defend for too long, you will lose. Senju Tobirama found an opportunity to bypass Alice and rush straight to the shelter.

Huh~ Tony let out a breath. As the only sober adult in the shelter, he must shoulder the responsibilities that should be shouldered.

Holding a long sword, Tony stood at the front of the team, ready to fight to the death with Senju Tobirama.

Triple Rashomon!

At this critical moment, three huge iron doors fell from the sky and blocked Senju Tobirama's way.

Orochimaru reached the center of the shelter after a few jumps. Alice and Ajie adjusted their positions at the same time and faced Orochimaru head-on.

Orochimaru did not argue. Countless poisonous snakes poured out from his sleeves, clearing out other ninjas nearby and creating a safe area for Naruto and the others.

Although I don't understand why Orochimaru suddenly changed sides, this is also good news.

Ajie and Alice were really powerless against Jiraiya and countless other ninjas.

"Just a few more minutes?!" Alice shouted after repelling the coordinated attack of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Senju Tobirama.

"Two minutes! The time is almost up!" Tony replied.

Part of the shelter had been breached. Tony, Naruto, and Sasuke were each guarding a gap to protect the people inside from being disturbed.

"Orochimaru! Hold on for two minutes! Reinforcements will be here soon!" Alice shared the information with Orochimaru.

After hearing what Alice said, Orochimaru had no choice but to believe it.

He used a substitution technique to escape from the middle of the battlefield. During the entire process of escaping, Orochimaru never stopped making hand seals.

Multiple Rashomons-revised!

Countless gates fell from the sky like raindrops, forming a circle and guarding Naruto and his companions in the middle.

The flying ninjutsu hit Rashomon and quickly shattered it. Orochimaru gritted his teeth and persisted, squeezing out every bit of chakra in his body.

Time passed by bit by bit, and two minutes seemed to be stretched incomparably long at this moment.

In the last half minute, countless wounds appeared on Ajie's body, his energy was almost exhausted, and his defense was now plummeting.

Alice's condition was similar. The excessive use of her mental energy made her brain more and more painful.

She could only stand on the ground to defend herself, as Alice could no longer afford the energy required for flying.




The countdown ended, brilliant colorful light bloomed from the sky, and a portal appeared right above the shelter.

A pair of short legs stepped out of the door. It was Qi Yun's other relative, Qi Qiqi.