Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 43: Title obtained


After harvesting a new batch of leeks, Qi Yun's operation this time was considered a successful completion, and the result was much better than he had expected at the beginning.

In addition, the Naruto world has been devastated by that crazy world consciousness, and the timeline is entangled like a ball of wool.

It will take a long time to repair the world. During this period, Qi Yun must be careful when extracting energy and adhere to the concept of sustainable development.

A few minutes later, Tony and others who had completed the main task returned to the main god space and began the settlement of this task.

The qualified person has arrived at the main god space, and the task settlement has begun...

Spin-off World: Naruto

World difficulty: lv5-lv

Obtain the source of the world: 113%

Number of completed tasks: 2

Mission rating: A+

Overall rating: S

Rewards are starting to be distributed...

The main occupation lv10 mechanic is upgraded to lv13, and the intelligence and agility increase by 1

Tip: If the main occupation level exceeds lv11, the entry-level mechanic will be promoted to a professional mechanic. Please select the advanced reward...

Reward 1: Mechanical Riot, gain higher instantaneous attack at the cost of defense, and produce an explosion when durability reaches zero. The explosion damage is the mechanical level * the explosive content in the machine * the additional mechanical force

Reward 2: Mechanical reinforcement, permanently improve the defense and durability of the subordinate machinery, and make all machinery gain extended combat time. When the durability is zero, the machinery gains additional action time, which is equal to the additional investment in mechanical force/mechanical level.

Reward 3: Sea of Machinery, improves the ability to quickly produce troops, and greatly increases the qualification rate of machinery. When the manufactured machinery is attacked, the attack power is increased to 200%/150%/100% and then distributed to nearby machinery (Note: When the mechanic level reaches level 18 and 21, the skill effect is improved)

The career advancement rewards given by the main god space are very simple and clear. The first skill increases attack, the second skill increases defense, and the third skill increases the speed of troop explosion.

Although these rewards are basic, they are the basis of the Mechanic's combat power. Based on any one of the rewards, the Mechanic can take a completely different path.

In this choice of three, Tony did not think too long and decisively chose the third reward, which was in line with his expectations and plans.

After experiencing two missions, Tony basically saw clearly the path he should take in the future. The original armor was a bit outdated. After all, when it came to individual combat power at the same level, even if he wore armor, he could not compare with Ajay, Alice and others.

Tony also gave up on those anti-series armors. What were you fighting against and getting beaten up? It's better not to embarrass yourself in this matter.

After making the reward choice, Tony felt some inexplicable changes in the mechanical force in his body.

Reward selection completed... Mission rewards issued... Obtained 1 blank attribute point (S-level evaluation), 8000 main god points, 4 merit points, personal storage space permanently opened, and the pioneer title issued

Mission completed:

Main Mission: Konoha Collapse Plan (Protect the Space-Time Anchor Point)

Mission briefing: Konoha suffered a large loss of buildings, the rating dropped, suffered a large loss of personnel, the rating dropped, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke survived, the rating rose

Task evaluation: B (rewards are issued normally)

Hidden Mission: Departure

Mission briefing: Rock Lee's immediate combat power has been significantly improved, and his evaluation has risen. It is estimated that his future potential will be improved, and his evaluation will rise.

Mission rating: S+

Tip: Naruto World is under repair, and the scroll is temporarily unavailable.

Mission completed... Additional rewards being obtained...

Rock Lee's training suit

Quality: Purple

Type: Defensive equipment/Auxiliary equipment

Durability: 5/5

Equipment requirements: Main or secondary profession includes martial artist, ninja or any other profession

Equipment Effect 1: Quick comprehension. When wearing the equipment, you can learn martial arts skills and the effect of physical skills will be increased by 50% (limited to skill learning level lv30)

Equipment Effect 2: Talent of the Poor. When wearing the equipment, the main god points required to directly improve basic skills are reduced by 30%. The durability limit is reduced by 1 each time it is used. It is irreversible (the skill improvement level is limited to lv20)

Rating: 100

"This is the power of youth!" - Rock Lee

This extra reward is of little use to Tony unless he is prepared to take up a secondary career right now, but the price is that the improvement speed of the main career will be slowed down.

This price was unacceptable to Tony. He also wanted to quickly raise his level to 21, so that the combat effectiveness of the Mechanical Sea would be truly reflected.

Although it was useless, Tony still kept the equipment carefully. The price of this thing would definitely not be low if it was sold, but the current trading market in the main god space is still very immature, and it is not easy to sell it at a high price. It would be a brain-wracking decision to throw it into a recycling store.

When the number of people in the main god space increases and the qualified people of various main professions have reached a certain level, Tony can take this thing out and make a good profit.

Tony had thought about giving this thing to Ajie, but the level limit of the equipment effect made him give up this idea. Considering Ajie's explosive performance, it is unlikely that his main skill would be at level 30, and it would be a waste to use this equipment for the secondary skill.

After reading these things, Tony turned his attention to the title he had won.

He has always been curious about how qualified people are selected. If possible, Tony also wants to get two spots and bring in some reliable teammates.


Quality: Unknown

Type: Title

Title Effect 1: Pioneers will receive high-level world missions from time to time. One of every three missions must be selected for completion. Based on the difficulty of the selected mission, the Lord Space will give the Lord Points and Merit Points in advance as a reward for accepting the mission.

Title Effect 2: After completing a high-level world mission and the mission evaluation or comprehensive evaluation reaches S, you will receive a Qualified Person Medal.

Qualified Medal: After use, an intelligent creature that has not joined the main god space will be qualified to join. In this way, the joiner will perform a task that exceeds his own evaluation within three mission worlds.

"Explore the unknown, face difficulties, you are the pioneers of the world!" - Lord God Space

It's like a pillow whenever you feel sleepy. Tony looked at the title and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

The only bad thing about this thing is that you have to go through a high-level mission world, but this is not a big deal for Tony. The difficulty of the worlds of the two missions he has participated in so far has increased, so the negative impact of this thing does not exist for him at all.

In addition to these things, Tony also obtained a large number of treasure chests, all of which were obtained by defeating minions in the Naruto world.

At the beginning of the battle, Tony alone had to withstand the attacks of the Sound Ninja and the Sand Ninja.

During that time, he obtained a total of 26 white treasure chests, two blue treasure chests and one purple treasure chest.