Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 52: Saturation shooting


This factory is the important result of Tony's hard work for so long, and it is also an important part of the future route he designed for himself!

The factory consists of four main standard components. The first is the most important main control room. The main control room here stores simplified artificial intelligence. Compared with Jarvis, this artificial intelligence is quite unintelligent, but it is enough for this automated factory.

The second is an energy collection device that can receive a variety of energy including but not limited to coal, oil, natural gas, solar energy, etc. After being converted inside the device, these energies become energy reserves for the main weapons.

The third is the assembly line arsenal. After the main control room issues an order, the factory will automatically produce lightweight weapons according to the order. The biggest feature of these weapons is that they are unmanned. In addition to weapons, the factory can also produce some specific parts.

The fourth is the maintenance station, which can repair most machines as long as all parts are complete, even including the various armors on Tony.

After bringing this thing into the mission world, as long as Tony is given some time to choose a place to set up a base factory, he can truly be called an army of one man!

"Secondary instructions have been received. Do you want to start operating according to the instructions?" After Coulson pressed the button, the main control room prompted Tony.

Tony looked up at the screen and recalled that the password code inside the command was the button he gave out.

"The order has been approved, start operation!" Tony ordered.

The moment the order was given, the assembly line factory roared, and one micro fighter after another was produced from the assembly line.

With all the parts available, the factory can assemble more than a thousand micro-fighters in ten minutes.

However, these fighters have undergone significant castration in all aspects, and only the weapon system, propulsion system and navigation system have been enhanced by Tony.

Simply put, they are fragile cannon fodder that can be attacked remotely.

Five minutes later, a preliminary flight squadron took off from the base and flew towards New Mexico.

"Well... the construction speed is not bad, and the failure rate is within an acceptable range. Now the problem is miniaturization." Tony touched his chin and looked at the entire base from the window.

In his vision, the entire base should be able to be developed slowly from the main control room, and the main control room should at least be small enough to fit into the personal storage space, otherwise everything would be in vain.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Tony tried for so long, the main control room was still too large in comparison to fit anything in.

On the other side, after Coulson pressed the button, there was no feedback, which made him a little confused.

This thing is broken? Coulson tapped the buttons, confused.

"No matter what, fighters, follow me!" Coulson waved his hand. They had to fulfill their duties. Even if the opponent was an invincible existence, they must never lose the courage to draw their swords!

A few minutes later, Coulson and his men slowly approached the Destroyer.

The Destroyer's hatred is now locked on Sif and the Three Warriors. It seems that Loki is planning to get rid of these rebels first and then slowly kill Thor.

"Sir, please set the attack target." The button suddenly made a sound, which scared Coulson.

He hurriedly picked up the button, and a red laser shot out from the center of the button.

"Please aim the laser at the target unit and then press the right attack button." The voice continued to explain.

Coulson followed the tutorial and aimed the button at the Destroyer, and the laser successfully shone onto the Destroyer's shell.

"No attack target detected, please reset."

The Destroyer's hull could not be locked by the laser, and Tony's built-in scanning equipment was completely ineffective in front of Asgard's special armor.

"Reset?! How to reset it?" Coulson anxiously swept the Destroyer with the laser.

Wait! Coulson suddenly realized that if he couldn't lock onto the Destroyer, he could try to lock onto something else.

After his mind was opened, Coulson shook his right hand and swung the laser's target to the land below the Destroyer.

"The target has been determined. The countdown for the saturation strike is 26 seconds..."

With only a dozen seconds left in the countdown, Coulson could already hear a buzzing sound coming from the sky.

It was like a swarm of locusts flying all over the sky during an insect plague, except that this time the "locusts" were more sci-fi and more lethal.

After the target entered the attack range, long and thin energy rays shot out from the bottom of the micro fighter.

The target point of the attack is the feet of the Destroyer, and the micro-fighter attacks from top to bottom, so the Destroyer is right in the path of the ray.

The simultaneous attacks of hundreds of fighter planes formed a rain curtain on the battlefield.

Coulson opened his mouth and looked at the reinforcements he called from the sky. This was really a bit exaggerated. Even SHIELD's space carrier could not withstand such an attack.

Under Loki's control, the Destroyer subconsciously made defensive moves, but when the attacks landed, Loki realized that he had overestimated these attacks.

The effect of these rays hitting the Destroyer is like that of humans using pistols to attack monsters in the Ultraman world, completely useless.

Perhaps the only effect was to block the Destroyer's sight, delay some time, and give Schiff and others some time to catch their breath.

The fighter planes' attacks never stopped, even when the launchers overheated, the attacks continued.

The Destroyer's visor opened and a thick beam of light spurted out.

As the Destroyer's head turned and swept an arc in the sky, the micro fighter was like a mosquito hitting an electric mosquito swatter, and it would be scrapped as soon as it touched it.

Soon the sky became much clearer, with only a small number of fighter planes that had managed to escape still weakly launching attacks.

"Let me go. This matter started with me and should end with me!" After Thor witnessed that most of the reinforcements were wiped out, he patted Schiff's shoulder and said.

"But!" Schiff wanted to say something.

Thor looked at her and smiled. "Alright, don't worry about that. He came here for me, and there are probably still many things that Asgard hasn't dealt with yet. So as long as his goal is achieved, he shouldn't cause trouble here again."

Before he died, Thor's IQ seemed to suddenly go up, and at this moment, he really seemed to be a king.

A so-called king is not one who cannot declare war on foreign enemies, but one who can evaluate the war and try his best to win every battle!

If you are not strong enough to cope with the war, you cannot act rashly. This is the real reason why Odin is disappointed with Thor. Not having brains is not a problem. The problem is that you have no brains when you have no strength.