Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 56: Those who carry firewood for the public should not be allowed to die in the wind and snow


Brother Lu searched further forward. The more he searched, the more uncertain he became, because the city didn't look like a place where anyone lived.

"Hello." At this moment, Qi Yun suddenly spoke from behind him.

Brother Lu was startled and turned around subconsciously taking a defensive stance.

Then he saw Qi Yun’s thin clothes at first glance.

"Why are you wearing so little? Are your clothes broken? We have spare ones. Let me get you one." Brother Lu spoke very quickly.

This is also the habit of people in this world. The cold weather makes them try to minimize all movements and behaviors that may cause loss of heat.

"No need to go through so much trouble." Qi Yun was very satisfied with this man's first reaction, and he pointed lightly with his finger.

The yellow barrier around him began to spread, including Nie Lu.

Suddenly, a warm feeling enveloped Nie Lu's whole body, and the temperature rose sharply, making Nie Lu stunned.

"This...what is this!" Nie Lu asked cautiously, his curious eyes following the expanding barrier.

"Oh, just a simple heat preservation spell." Qi Yun explained.

"Magic?! Are you a magician?!" Nie Lu was even more surprised. After living in this apocalypse for so long, this was the first time he saw someone with special abilities.

"You can think so." Qi Yun nodded, "Also, you don't have to look for survivors. I have checked since I came to this city, and there are no other living people here."

"Then, those graves..." Nie Lu still held on to a glimmer of hope, hoping that the survivors had left here before Qi Yun arrived.

"I dug those graves." Qi Yun explained, "It's not my style to leave them exposed in the wilderness."

"Is that so..." Nie Lu was sad for a few seconds, then he recovered. He had seen too much death and sacrifice, and these were not enough to shake his mind.

"Well, I'm sorry, but could you give me this spell?" Nie Lu continued.

If this spell could be popularized, their survival pressure would be much less than it is now.

"No." Qi Yun shook his head, then looked at Nie Lu's disappointed expression and continued, "But I can give you a chance, a chance to learn."

"Really?!" Nie Lu's expression suddenly changed from disappointment to joy.

"That's right." Qi Yun took out a gold-embossed post, "If you want to change the status quo, or even change the world, open it."

Nie Lu took the note, took a look at it, looked up and was about to say something, but found that Qi Yun had disappeared, leaving only one sentence.

"My spell will continue to last on you for ten hours. I think this time is enough for you to make a decision."

Qi Yun's reward to Nie Lu for taking the time to maintain this spell for him was because a person who carries firewood for everyone should not be allowed to die in the wind and snow.

Nie Lu stretched out his hand and carefully tested it, and found that it was indeed warm around him.

Then, based on the melting state of the snow on the ground, Nie Lu discovered that the duration of this spell was a hemisphere with a radius of fifty meters, centered on himself.

This range is already astonishingly large. You have to know that if coal is used to maintain a habitable temperature in this range, the consumption will be extremely large.

After making sure that he was not dreaming, Nie Lu carefully placed the copy of the calligraphy in the place closest to him, and then used his clothes to tie a few knots on the ground where it was stored, to ensure that the copy of the calligraphy would not be lost before his death.

After doing all this, Nie Lu turned around and went to look for his teammates.

"Everyone! Put down what you are doing and gather here!" Nie Lu shouted from a high place.

After hearing his words, everyone acted according to his instructions without any hesitation.

"Captain, what happened?" a team member said as he passed the barrier of warmth and cold.

The man was stunned for a moment, then took a step back, then took a step forward, entering and exiting the intersection of the barrier.

"This! What's going on!" the team members shouted in surprise.

"Don't be anxious, come here first, I will explain it after everyone is here." Nie Lu waved at him and said.

Ten minutes later, all the team members were within fifty meters of Nie Lu, and Nie Lu told them everything that had just happened.

"You mean, you met a magician? He promised to give you a chance to learn magic?!" As the team member spoke, the expression on his face became very strange.

"Honestly, this is so fantastical. If it weren't for the magic around you, I might think your brain is frozen." said another person.

"If only this spell could last forever," sighed a man pulling a sled.

"There will be a chance." Nie Lu's expression was profound. "As long as we learn this spell and then promote it, we will definitely be able to return to the original warm world!"

"Captain, please open the copybook quickly before it expires!" the team member said anxiously.

"No." Nie Lu shook his head. "I have never been a good student since I was young. If I can't learn this spell because of my low IQ, I will waste the best opportunity.

So we have to hurry back to the base now and let the leader be the smartest one in the entire base!"

"No problem! With this temperature, I'm confident that I can get back in five hours!" said the team member very confidently.

The warm environment caused some of the snow under their feet to melt and condense into a relatively solid roadside. Although this road was a bit slippery, it was still much faster than walking in snow that was deeper than their thighs.

"Well, it's decided. Everyone put away the supplies we have collected. We are ready to go home!" Nie Lu gave orders.

With the effect of Qi Yun's spell, walking on the vast ice field was easier than everyone imagined.

The freezing cold wind was completely blocked out, and the spells could also detect some places that could not be stepped on. The melted water was their best spy.

It can be said that since the end of the world, Nie Lu and his companions have never had such an easy journey again.

Under such circumstances, everyone's morale was boosted and they moved at an astonishingly fast speed, completing more than half of the journey in just three hours.

The sky gradually darkened, and Nie Lu breathed a sigh of relief after observing the warm red light in the distance.

The ice field is more dangerous at night than in the morning. Many carnivorous animals are active at night, which is why they basically hunt at night.

Under normal circumstances, it is dangerous. Anyway, there are dangers at any time when living in this world.

It’s no longer possible now. They have a hope, a hope that can change the world.

If this hope was shattered by some wild beasts, Nie Lu would never forgive himself even if he died!